Autoipsy VINDICATES Officer Wilson of Fergusun MO, Brown shot onlyh in FRONT

It must have been like trying to shoot a rampaging rhino when a 6'4" feral negro's coming right at you. The cop is lucky it only took him 6 shots, he probably didn't have too many bullets left.

There is not one damned reason for you racist bullshit to enter this discussion.

Unless of course you are a libtard plant, shitting things up for conservatives with your hypocrisy.

"Feral negro" is an apt description.
I think the "eye witnesses" were trying to say that he was shot in the back as he ran. I may be wrong on that detail but I think that's what I read.

That is now discounted, but it appears he may have been facing the officer...............arms in the air, surrender posture. With his back toward the officer, the officer might have felt he had a weapon, arms in the air, facing him, no such question. appears....
....may have....
....might have....


That is the equivalent of using the word "alleged"....Until its an absolute fact, then none of us know what happened with a certiantiy. Except that the left will not accept any evidence that the real victim here is the residence of Ferguson by outside criminals making a mockery of the citizens.
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It must have been like trying to shoot a rampaging rhino when a 6'4" feral negro's coming right at you. The cop is lucky it only took him 6 shots, he probably didn't have too many bullets left.

There is not one damned reason for you racist bullshit to enter this discussion.

Unless of course you are a libtard plant, shitting things up for conservatives with your hypocrisy.

"Feral negro" is an apt description.

I should have said a feral negro on drugs!!! :eek:
It must have been like trying to shoot a rampaging rhino when a 6'4" feral negro's coming right at you. The cop is lucky it only took him 6 shots, he probably didn't have too many bullets left.

There is not one damned reason for you racist bullshit to enter this discussion.

Unless of course you are a libtard plant, shitting things up for conservatives with your hypocrisy.

"Feral negro" is an apt description.

The man was not feral and him being a black is irrelevant, and using negroe in this PC day and time is stupid. The phrase is not an apt description.

Comments like that from BillyP drive more people away than they convince.
There is not one damned reason for you racist bullshit to enter this discussion.

Unless of course you are a libtard plant, shitting things up for conservatives with your hypocrisy.

"Feral negro" is an apt description.

I should have said a feral negro on drugs!!! :eek:

Yeah, cant leave that racial stereotype out.

People like you are why the libtards think law abiding citizens are nothing but racists.

You confirm every ass hole stereotype.

Why don't you go burn a cross and fuck a cow?
Ok, I await the full autopsy report, four shots to one arm, and two in the head raise questions. Again, the lighting in the area comes into play.

I think the evidence is clear enough, but people like you who have doubts and sympathies for the deadman are fully entitled to question the process and make sure the dead mans family gets the process they need to feel satisfied that the cop was not in the wrong or excessive.

But that doesn't give anyone a right to loot and trash a whole town, actions whipped up by reckless race baiting shake down liars.

The looters are spitting on Brown's dead body(.)

The looters are the liberals burden, just like the rightwing racists like BillyP are the crosses to bear of the right.

You cant stop morons from agreeing with you for the wrong reasons.
Wait a second, four shots to the front of the arm indicates he was facing the officer, with his arm UP. If his arm was, the shots would be on the top of his arm.

Raise your arms. The backs face forward.
"Feral negro" is an apt description.

I should have said a feral negro on drugs!!! :eek:

Yeah, cant leave that racial stereotype out.

People like you are why the libtards think law abiding citizens are nothing but racists.

You confirm every ass hole stereotype.

Why don't you go burn a cross and fuck a cow?


1. existing in a natural state, as animals or plants; not domesticated or cultivated; wild.
2. having reverted to the wild state, as from domestication:
a pack of feral dogs roaming the woods.
3.of or characteristic of wild animals; ferocious; brutal.

Dude fits all 3. Looters are def number 2. :thanks:
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There is not one damned reason for you racist bullshit to enter this discussion.

Unless of course you are a libtard plant, shitting things up for conservatives with your hypocrisy.

"Feral negro" is an apt description.

The man was not feral and him being a black is irrelevant, and using negroe in this PC day and time is stupid. The phrase is not an apt description.

Comments like that from BillyP drive more people away than they convince.

Looters, rioters, robbers, carjackers and common thieves are all "feral". Why do you support criminal behavior?

"Negro" is a valid choice for "race" on the u.s. latest census and has been used on govt. documents for two hundred of years.

"Negro" is a correct anthropological term for people of the negroid race.

Then there's the "United Negro College Fund", of ciurse.

Apparently the govt and the UNCF aren't "PC"..LMAO...your anti white agenda is leaking through.
Wait a second, four shots to the front of the arm indicates he was facing the officer, with his arm UP. If his arm was, the shots would be on the top of his arm.

Raise your arms. The backs face forward.

yep, he was not raising his arms to surrender. A lot of people are lying to condemn the cop for various reasons.
I should have said a feral negro on drugs!!! :eek:

Yeah, cant leave that racial stereotype out.

People like you are why the libtards think law abiding citizens are nothing but racists.

You confirm every ass hole stereotype.

Why don't you go burn a cross and fuck a cow?


1. existing in a natural state, as animals or plants; not domesticated or cultivated; wild.
2. having reverted to the wild state, as from domestication:
a pack of feral dogs roaming the woods.
3.of or characteristic of wild animals; ferocious; brutal.

Dude fits all 3. Looters are def number 2. :thanks:

You just disproved your own claims and you are too fucking stupid to realize it.

blow off, shit for brains.
I think the "eye witnesses" were trying to say that he was shot in the back as he ran. I may be wrong on that detail but I think that's what I read.

That is now discounted, but it appears he may have been facing the officer...............arms in the air, surrender posture. With his back toward the officer, the officer might have felt he had a weapon, arms in the air, facing him, no such question.

It's still possible Wilson might have shot at Brown as he was running away ~ just didn't hit him.
Ya that would explain how the white unicorn caught a bullet who was grazing on a lawn nearby.
I'm sure the FBI can count the number of rounds fired by counting the shell casings at the scene and any unfired rounds in the gun. Wilson's gun could only hold so many rounds. Do the fucking math pal.
I bet you a million bucks who still believe 'T-Boner' was just a little baby-boy minding his own business. LOL
'Big Mike' it turns out was nothing but a fucking simian bully.

Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.

One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family’s request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said.

Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front.,,,

The bullets did not appear to have been shot from very close range because no gunpowder was present on his body. However, that determination could change if it turns out that there is gunshot residue on Mr. Brown’s clothing, to which Dr. Baden did not have access.

Seems we have another St Skittles.

Two shots in the head vidicates the officer? HOW? It sounds more like he was just shooting randomly, on(e) report states he hit part of a house.

Wow, that sort of shoots down the up close and personal claim (no pun intended).

If Brown was physically attacking Wilson, why would he shoot him three times in his arm?
Seems like he would have a clear shot at his torso.

Sorry, but the O/P is fulfilling his racist fantasies.
Ok, I await the full autopsy report, four shots to one arm, and two in the head raise questions. Again, the lighting in the area comes into play.

I think the evidence is clear enough, but people like you who have doubts and sympathies for the deadman are fully entitled to question the process and make sure the dead mans family gets the process they need to feel satisfied that the cop was not in the wrong or excessive.

But that doesn't give anyone a right to loot and trash a whole town, actions whipped up by reckless race baiting shake down liars.

The looters are spitting on Brown's dead body(.)
They would shit on 'Big Mikes' dead body if it meant they could loot another business......and the whole world knows it. And people wonder why 'young Black men' are so despised world wide.
Wait a second, four shots to the front of the arm indicates he was facing the officer, with his arm UP. If his arm was, the shots would be on the top of his arm.

Raise your arms. The backs face forward.

yep, he was not raising his arms to surrender. A lot of people are lying to condemn the cop for various reasons.

I do not think we can safely say that. The one gal "showed" raising his arms, Johnson in one of his accounts says Brown "started" raising his arms - so half raised, Wilson takes a few shots. It's also possible Wilson was shooting at him while he was running, he just missed.

I would like for this to be over, and I personally do not want to believe Wilson did the above. But the truth is that forensic report does not exactly disprove the witness statements >.<
Shots to the body and then the head are actually a taught method called the El Presidente. 2 to the body, 1 to the head being the typical manner. But for a police officer it was more likely he was shooting center-mass as he was trained to and firing multiple times 4 hits to the arm suggest aiming for the body, 2 the head likely the result of recoil and adrenaline bringing the barrel higher and higher.

I imagine that as the kid was running toward the cop, he was shooting center mass and the hits to the arms were actually misses. As the kid got closer the shots to the head were more available. Not to mention that the two to the head were the last two shots.

I have refrained from voicing my opinion on this until the investigation brought out the truth. I had always stayed that IF it was true that the kid was shot in the back, then even not knowing the facts I couldn't imagine a scenario where the cop could justify that. Now that we know he wasn't shot in the back, it's looking a lot like it's the kids fault all the way. I'd like to hear more facts though.
Raise your arms. The backs face forward.

yep, he was not raising his arms to surrender. A lot of people are lying to condemn the cop for various reasons.

I do not think we can safely say that. The one gal "showed" raising his arms, Johnson in one of his accounts says Brown "started" raising his arms - so half raised, Wilson takes a few shots. It's also possible Wilson was shooting at him while he was running, he just missed.

I would like for this to be over, and I personally do not want to believe Wilson did the above. But the truth is that forensic report does not exactly disprove the witness statements >.<

Oh, God, with that much spin I have to ask you if you are a defense attorney, roflmao

Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.

One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family’s request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said.

Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front.,,,

The bullets did not appear to have been shot from very close range because no gunpowder was present on his body. However, that determination could change if it turns out that there is gunshot residue on Mr. Brown’s clothing, to which Dr. Baden did not have access.

Seems we have another St Skittles.

Two shots in the head vidicates the officer? HOW? It sounds more like he was just shooting randomly, on report states he hit part of a house.

It could be the arm shots were to stop him. When that didn't work they became head shots.
Raise your arms. The backs face forward.

yep, he was not raising his arms to surrender. A lot of people are lying to condemn the cop for various reasons.

I do not think we can safely say that. The one gal "showed" raising his arms, Johnson in one of his accounts says Brown "started" raising his arms - so half raised, Wilson takes a few shots. It's also possible Wilson was shooting at him while he was running, he just missed.

I would like for this to be over, and I personally do not want to believe Wilson did the above. But the truth is that forensic report does not exactly disprove the witness statements >.<
I would say that it puts to rest, 90% of the claims by those who think the cop is a racist and that Brown is just another victim of white on black crime.

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