Average Americans are hurting. According to the left they were left behind in favor of the rich!

Black Friday shoppers spend record $7.4 billion in second largest online sales day ever

Oops, how did this happen!?

Second biggest online shopping day in US history.
/——/ Black Friday had spread world wide even though only the US celebrates Thanksgiving. I was amazed when I saw this in the paper this morning.
Black Friday in Europe: 11 Countries, 1 Interactive Dashboard | Criteo

Not surprised with as big as Christmas is worldwide.

I was totally shocked my first year in Japan, they do up Christmas far more than I ever expected.
Black Friday shoppers spend record $7.4 billion in second largest online sales day ever
Second biggest online shopping day in US history.

Oops, how did this happen!?

Easy...more and more debt...consumer debt is through the roof...

Living off of debt...

More shoppers plan to take out loan to finance the holidays

With 165 million people expected to shop over this five-day weekend and spend more than last year, borrowing is also on the rise.

While using credit cards is a popular go-to options around Christmas, holiday loans also are gaining traction.

Which is indicative of consumer confidence; the ability to repay that debt.

Which is always the highest right before the fall.

Reminds me of a co-worker of my wife. They were short at the hospital and all the nurses were getting nice amounts OT. This lady and her husband bought a new car with the payments in a range they could afford while she was getting OT. Then when the OT ended this lady was all pissed off and blaming the hospital for taking away the OT.

But sadly our populous is just like our Govt...spending more money during the boom instead of saving it.

Savings would help, but spending helps the economy.

In light of the Democrats trying their hardest to destroy the economy, so it seems, most people are ignoring them which is a good thing. Times are good, and looking even better in the future, so having a little extra this Christmas isn't going to kill anybody.

A friend of mine stopped over last night. We don't see each other as often as we like. He got laid off last January which I didn't know. He took a month or so vacation on unemployment, and found a job the day he started looking again.

According to him, with several raises, he's already making more money than the last place he worked. He stated it's a more laid back place and nobody breathing down his neck. Like many Americans who switched jobs, he traded up. It's even much closer to his house which saves a few bucks on gasoline as well.

Far more than just Christmas....when the next recession hits the debt bubble will make the housing bubble look like a holiday.

View attachment 292517

It must be a doozy too. Been hearing about it for three years now.
Which is indicative of consumer confidence; the ability to repay that debt.

Which is always the highest right before the fall.

Reminds me of a co-worker of my wife. They were short at the hospital and all the nurses were getting nice amounts OT. This lady and her husband bought a new car with the payments in a range they could afford while she was getting OT. Then when the OT ended this lady was all pissed off and blaming the hospital for taking away the OT.

But sadly our populous is just like our Govt...spending more money during the boom instead of saving it.

Savings would help, but spending helps the economy.

In light of the Democrats trying their hardest to destroy the economy, so it seems, most people are ignoring them which is a good thing. Times are good, and looking even better in the future, so having a little extra this Christmas isn't going to kill anybody.

A friend of mine stopped over last night. We don't see each other as often as we like. He got laid off last January which I didn't know. He took a month or so vacation on unemployment, and found a job the day he started looking again.

According to him, with several raises, he's already making more money than the last place he worked. He stated it's a more laid back place and nobody breathing down his neck. Like many Americans who switched jobs, he traded up. It's even much closer to his house which saves a few bucks on gasoline as well.

Far more than just Christmas....when the next recession hits the debt bubble will make the housing bubble look like a holiday.

View attachment 292517

Not to worry. We're not going to have a Democrat President for some time.

And...the last two recessions started under Repubs.

I know that. GW fault was that he let the Democrats run all over him. The recession was precipitated by the Dodd-Frank Bill which cause the housing mortgage crisis. Then 9/11 hit.

If we'd had a Trump running this country back there, there would have been no recession.
Easy...more and more debt...consumer debt is through the roof...

Living off of debt...

More shoppers plan to take out loan to finance the holidays

With 165 million people expected to shop over this five-day weekend and spend more than last year, borrowing is also on the rise.

While using credit cards is a popular go-to options around Christmas, holiday loans also are gaining traction.

Which is indicative of consumer confidence; the ability to repay that debt.

Which is always the highest right before the fall.

Reminds me of a co-worker of my wife. They were short at the hospital and all the nurses were getting nice amounts OT. This lady and her husband bought a new car with the payments in a range they could afford while she was getting OT. Then when the OT ended this lady was all pissed off and blaming the hospital for taking away the OT.

But sadly our populous is just like our Govt...spending more money during the boom instead of saving it.

Savings would help, but spending helps the economy.

In light of the Democrats trying their hardest to destroy the economy, so it seems, most people are ignoring them which is a good thing. Times are good, and looking even better in the future, so having a little extra this Christmas isn't going to kill anybody.

A friend of mine stopped over last night. We don't see each other as often as we like. He got laid off last January which I didn't know. He took a month or so vacation on unemployment, and found a job the day he started looking again.

According to him, with several raises, he's already making more money than the last place he worked. He stated it's a more laid back place and nobody breathing down his neck. Like many Americans who switched jobs, he traded up. It's even much closer to his house which saves a few bucks on gasoline as well.

Far more than just Christmas....when the next recession hits the debt bubble will make the housing bubble look like a holiday.

View attachment 292517

It must be a doozy too. Been hearing about it for three years now.

You remind me of the folks in NOLA before Katrina
Black Friday shoppers spend record $7.4 billion in second largest online sales day ever

Oops, how did this happen!?

Second biggest online shopping day in US history.
Again you prove nothing. Gramps. Yelling and screaming, and shottin
' Yer Gun at the Sky. Looney.
Simple facts shouldn't hurt you so much. Very odd
Thought you put me on Ignore?
And simple facts are readily available on the Interwebs, gramps.
Which is indicative of consumer confidence; the ability to repay that debt.

Which is always the highest right before the fall.

Reminds me of a co-worker of my wife. They were short at the hospital and all the nurses were getting nice amounts OT. This lady and her husband bought a new car with the payments in a range they could afford while she was getting OT. Then when the OT ended this lady was all pissed off and blaming the hospital for taking away the OT.

But sadly our populous is just like our Govt...spending more money during the boom instead of saving it.

Savings would help, but spending helps the economy.

In light of the Democrats trying their hardest to destroy the economy, so it seems, most people are ignoring them which is a good thing. Times are good, and looking even better in the future, so having a little extra this Christmas isn't going to kill anybody.

A friend of mine stopped over last night. We don't see each other as often as we like. He got laid off last January which I didn't know. He took a month or so vacation on unemployment, and found a job the day he started looking again.

According to him, with several raises, he's already making more money than the last place he worked. He stated it's a more laid back place and nobody breathing down his neck. Like many Americans who switched jobs, he traded up. It's even much closer to his house which saves a few bucks on gasoline as well.

Far more than just Christmas....when the next recession hits the debt bubble will make the housing bubble look like a holiday.

View attachment 292517

It must be a doozy too. Been hearing about it for three years now.

You remind me of the folks in NOLA before Katrina

Fortunately, most of us aren't as dependent on and trusting of the government as those poor fuckers were. That's what you get when you mistakenly believe Uncle Sam is going to save you.
Paul Krugman: Trump will bring global recession
The economic fallout of a Donald Trump presidency will probably be severe and widespread enough to plunge the world into recession, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman warned in a New York Times opinion piece published early Wednesday.

Calling Trump the "mother of all adverse effects," the Nobel Prize-winning economist predicted that the GOP nominee's administration could quickly undo the progress that the markets around the world have made in the eight years since the financial crisis.

The Liberals messiah, Paul Krugman published something similar that night in the New York Times.

Which is always the highest right before the fall.

Reminds me of a co-worker of my wife. They were short at the hospital and all the nurses were getting nice amounts OT. This lady and her husband bought a new car with the payments in a range they could afford while she was getting OT. Then when the OT ended this lady was all pissed off and blaming the hospital for taking away the OT.

But sadly our populous is just like our Govt...spending more money during the boom instead of saving it.

Savings would help, but spending helps the economy.

In light of the Democrats trying their hardest to destroy the economy, so it seems, most people are ignoring them which is a good thing. Times are good, and looking even better in the future, so having a little extra this Christmas isn't going to kill anybody.

A friend of mine stopped over last night. We don't see each other as often as we like. He got laid off last January which I didn't know. He took a month or so vacation on unemployment, and found a job the day he started looking again.

According to him, with several raises, he's already making more money than the last place he worked. He stated it's a more laid back place and nobody breathing down his neck. Like many Americans who switched jobs, he traded up. It's even much closer to his house which saves a few bucks on gasoline as well.

Far more than just Christmas....when the next recession hits the debt bubble will make the housing bubble look like a holiday.

View attachment 292517

It must be a doozy too. Been hearing about it for three years now.

You remind me of the folks in NOLA before Katrina

Fortunately, most of us aren't as dependent on and trusting of the government as those poor fuckers were. That's what you get when you mistakenly believe Uncle Sam is going to save you.

Which is indicative of consumer confidence; the ability to repay that debt.

Which is always the highest right before the fall.

Reminds me of a co-worker of my wife. They were short at the hospital and all the nurses were getting nice amounts OT. This lady and her husband bought a new car with the payments in a range they could afford while she was getting OT. Then when the OT ended this lady was all pissed off and blaming the hospital for taking away the OT.

But sadly our populous is just like our Govt...spending more money during the boom instead of saving it.

Savings would help, but spending helps the economy.

In light of the Democrats trying their hardest to destroy the economy, so it seems, most people are ignoring them which is a good thing. Times are good, and looking even better in the future, so having a little extra this Christmas isn't going to kill anybody.

A friend of mine stopped over last night. We don't see each other as often as we like. He got laid off last January which I didn't know. He took a month or so vacation on unemployment, and found a job the day he started looking again.

According to him, with several raises, he's already making more money than the last place he worked. He stated it's a more laid back place and nobody breathing down his neck. Like many Americans who switched jobs, he traded up. It's even much closer to his house which saves a few bucks on gasoline as well.

Far more than just Christmas....when the next recession hits the debt bubble will make the housing bubble look like a holiday.

View attachment 292517

It must be a doozy too. Been hearing about it for three years now.

You remind me of the folks in NOLA before Katrina

Something would have to go terribly wrong for that to happen, and there is nothing in the works that have such an indication. The tech bubble was somewhat easy to see, the housing bubble very easy to see, but this economy isn't built on a bubble of any sorts.
Which is always the highest right before the fall.

Reminds me of a co-worker of my wife. They were short at the hospital and all the nurses were getting nice amounts OT. This lady and her husband bought a new car with the payments in a range they could afford while she was getting OT. Then when the OT ended this lady was all pissed off and blaming the hospital for taking away the OT.

But sadly our populous is just like our Govt...spending more money during the boom instead of saving it.

Savings would help, but spending helps the economy.

In light of the Democrats trying their hardest to destroy the economy, so it seems, most people are ignoring them which is a good thing. Times are good, and looking even better in the future, so having a little extra this Christmas isn't going to kill anybody.

A friend of mine stopped over last night. We don't see each other as often as we like. He got laid off last January which I didn't know. He took a month or so vacation on unemployment, and found a job the day he started looking again.

According to him, with several raises, he's already making more money than the last place he worked. He stated it's a more laid back place and nobody breathing down his neck. Like many Americans who switched jobs, he traded up. It's even much closer to his house which saves a few bucks on gasoline as well.

Far more than just Christmas....when the next recession hits the debt bubble will make the housing bubble look like a holiday.

View attachment 292517

Not to worry. We're not going to have a Democrat President for some time.

And...the last two recessions started under Repubs.

I know that. GW fault was that he let the Democrats run all over him. The recession was precipitated by the Dodd-Frank Bill which cause the housing mortgage crisis. Then 9/11 hit.

If we'd had a Trump running this country back there, there would have been no recession.

All depends on what the Democrats would have done. I mean think of what greater things would be happening today if they didn't constantly keep throwing barrels at Trump as he moved us forward. Even when the House was Republican led, we had the Anti Trumpers and the leftist judges who ignored law and went to support the Democrats in Congress.
Savings would help, but spending helps the economy.

In light of the Democrats trying their hardest to destroy the economy, so it seems, most people are ignoring them which is a good thing. Times are good, and looking even better in the future, so having a little extra this Christmas isn't going to kill anybody.

A friend of mine stopped over last night. We don't see each other as often as we like. He got laid off last January which I didn't know. He took a month or so vacation on unemployment, and found a job the day he started looking again.

According to him, with several raises, he's already making more money than the last place he worked. He stated it's a more laid back place and nobody breathing down his neck. Like many Americans who switched jobs, he traded up. It's even much closer to his house which saves a few bucks on gasoline as well.

Far more than just Christmas....when the next recession hits the debt bubble will make the housing bubble look like a holiday.

View attachment 292517

It must be a doozy too. Been hearing about it for three years now.

You remind me of the folks in NOLA before Katrina

Fortunately, most of us aren't as dependent on and trusting of the government as those poor fuckers were. That's what you get when you mistakenly believe Uncle Sam is going to save you.


Maybe you should try to be a little more succinct in trying to get your point across. I'm not a mind reader and my sarcasm meter hasn't been calibrated lately.
Savings would help, but spending helps the economy.

In light of the Democrats trying their hardest to destroy the economy, so it seems, most people are ignoring them which is a good thing. Times are good, and looking even better in the future, so having a little extra this Christmas isn't going to kill anybody.

A friend of mine stopped over last night. We don't see each other as often as we like. He got laid off last January which I didn't know. He took a month or so vacation on unemployment, and found a job the day he started looking again.

According to him, with several raises, he's already making more money than the last place he worked. He stated it's a more laid back place and nobody breathing down his neck. Like many Americans who switched jobs, he traded up. It's even much closer to his house which saves a few bucks on gasoline as well.

Far more than just Christmas....when the next recession hits the debt bubble will make the housing bubble look like a holiday.

View attachment 292517

Not to worry. We're not going to have a Democrat President for some time.

And...the last two recessions started under Repubs.

I know that. GW fault was that he let the Democrats run all over him. The recession was precipitated by the Dodd-Frank Bill which cause the housing mortgage crisis. Then 9/11 hit.

If we'd had a Trump running this country back there, there would have been no recession.

All depends on what the Democrats would have done. I mean think of what greater things would be happening today if they didn't constantly keep throwing barrels at Trump as he moved us forward. Even when the House was Republican led, we had the Anti Trumpers and the leftist judges who ignored law and went to support the Democrats in Congress.

It's simply amazing how much President Trump has accomplished, in spite of the Democrat's petty and childish obstructionist little tantrums.

It just shows how little they really care about this country.

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