Award Winning Journalist says the Left Started “Fake News” as “Propaganda Campaign”

Donald Trump won the election. Is that real or fake news?

Sharyl Attkisson is certifiably stupid.

The media darling of the left is certifiably stupid!

Hitting the sauce a little early today?

She's anti-vaccination nut. And she's been the darling of the right for some time now.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to a prime example of an ASTRO TURFER. His name.......give or NYCAREBEAR, along with probably a few other names on here. He is a subversive, a far leftist, and was one of those BRILLIANT leftists who said it was over, forget about it, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, Hilly is YOUR next President.

Why would you listen to ANYTHING Carebear has to say? His links are traced either to the far left or the MSM; and after WikiLeaks, we know that the MSM is far left, lol. He, and his fellow ASTROTURFERS, are to be LAUGHED at from here forward until they reacquire enough power in government to again become a threat. They are FLACCID. (limp dick to you Carebear) They can't do anything, so why pay attention to a bunch of snowflakes who will melt in the morning sun!

And so, let Carebear, Winger, Jake the snake, Lacooter, and the rest of these ASTRO TURFERS post to each other, ignore them, then laugh at them. YOU now control the narrative, so answer to nothing they make up. And, when Trump takes office, start demanding a CONGRESSIONAL PANEL into Benghazi, and other things that have been highly suspect. Trump won't have to do anything to them, because the panel will prosecute them, lol. That will keep them busy enough to stop their propaganda, and really, that is what it is all about. They lie soooooooooo much, they have Americans questioning their own sanity. Time to PROSECUTE THE LEFTISTS if a case exists!
Donald Trump won the election. Is that real or fake news?

Sharyl Attkisson is certifiably stupid.

The media darling of the left is certifiably stupid!

Hitting the sauce a little early today?

She's anti-vaccination nut. And she's been the darling of the right for some time now.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to a prime example of an ASTRO TURFER. His name.......give or NYCAREBEAR, along with probably a few other names on here. He is a subversive, a far leftist, and was one of those BRILLIANT leftists who said it was over, forget about it, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars, Hilly is YOUR next President.

Why would you listen to ANYTHING Carebear has to say? His links are traced either to the far left or the MSM; and after WikiLeaks, we know that the MSM is far left, lol. He, and his fellow ASTROTURFERS, are to be LAUGHED at from here forward until they reacquire enough power in government to again become a threat. They are FLACCID. (limp dick to you Carebear) They can't do anything, so why pay attention to a bunch of snowflakes who will melt in the morning sun!

And so, let Carebear, Winger, Jake the snake, Lacooter, and the rest of these ASTRO TURFERS post to each other, ignore them, then laugh at them. YOU now control the narrative, so answer to nothing they make up. And, when Trump takes office, start demanding a CONGRESSIONAL PANEL into Benghazi, and other things that have been highly suspect. Trump won't have to do anything to them, because the panel will prosecute them, lol. That will keep them busy enough to stop their propaganda, and really, that is what it is all about. They lie soooooooooo much, they have Americans questioning their own sanity. Time to PROSECUTE THE LEFTISTS if a case exists!

And oh, by the way.....we conservatives are NOT talking about prosecuting Obama, or Bill, or probably even Hillary. Nah, that is to partisan-)

Ya know, Hitler was never prosecuted. On the other hand, all of his minions were, and all their whining about they "were told to do it" didn't save them, now did it. All the lying, propaganda, over zealous attacks on their own citizens came back to haunt all of them. So for Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Rahm, Joshy Pooh Ernest, that brilliant Obamacare clown, (you know who I am talking about, the American people are stupid) yes......all of you; let us make your lives MISERABLE, just as miserable as you made Americas.

And all of that-------->Barry or Miserable Michelle told us to do it, isn't going to fly. Let us see what not only retribution is like, but who wants to hire you when wherever YOU go (just like the IRS looked into conservative groups) gets investigated-)
The people who have made a fortune selling fake news to the RWNJs are worried. Without fake news, they have nothing.
We don't consume your fake news..l

I Know. You only consume fake news from Fox and Alex Jones, and other RWNJs.

So, because the views that FOX presents are not in line with your perverted Liberal views, it means it's fake news? That must mean that, to you, everything they say on MSNBC is gospel?

You've probably never watched a minute of FOX and are relying on what you read on The Daily Kos for you opinion.
Can licensing of "journalists" be far behind?

Hey, a hair dresser can do far less damage than a lying "journalist" and those hair folks have to be licensed.......

And then?

Registration of all pens, notebooks, recording devices. But no license requirement immediately - gotta save a little something for the future!
The false narrative that Trump called all Mexicans rapists and murderers is fake news.

Hillary should cite that example when she is trying to explain to her donors why they flushed $1.2 billion down the toilet.

They were hoping for political favors from POTUS...didn't work out, did it?
Can licensing of "journalists" be far behind?

Hey, a hair dresser can do far less damage than a lying "journalist" and those hair folks have to be licensed.......

And then?

Registration of all pens, notebooks, recording devices. But no license requirement immediately - gotta save a little something for the future!

Liberals should be all for it. They love government control of everything.
Of course they did....they always lie!

Award winning journalist Sharyl Attkissonhas come out and said that the recent brouhaha over “fake news” is nothing more than a “propaganda campaign” in order to censor free speech and freedom of the press by the Obama administration and the likes of Hillary Clinton.

Appearing on Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” Attkisson said, “Before about September 13, if you searched the news you won’t find many or any mentions of fake news. But as soon as there was, in my view, a propaganda campaign to put this on the plate of the American public, the news media and politicians including President Obama went hog wild with the term and it started making headlines every day.”

“It wasn’t a new invention,” she added.


Here is the Second Youtube Link in the Story "Astroturf and manipulation of media messages | Sharyl Attkisson | TEDxUniversityofNevada

I watch Sharyl's show religiously, it is so good....and truthful!
The people who have made a fortune selling fake news to the RWNJs are worried. Without fake news, they have nothing.
We don't consume your fake news..l

I Know. You only consume fake news from Fox and Alex Jones, and other RWNJs.

So, because the views that FOX presents are not in line with your perverted Liberal views, it means it's fake news? That must mean that, to you, everything they say on MSNBC is gospel?

You've probably never watched a minute of FOX and are relying on what you read on The Daily Kos for you opinion.

That's actually what they mean by "fake news." In their eyes, it's any news that disputes leftwing idiocies.
Can licensing of "journalists" be far behind?

Hey, a hair dresser can do far less damage than a lying "journalist" and those hair folks have to be licensed.......

And then?

Registration of all pens, notebooks, recording devices. But no license requirement immediately - gotta save a little something for the future!

Wait until these douche bags discover that news outlets that lie about Trump will not be invited back to White House press briefings, if he ever has any.

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