Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUSc

He is rightly outraged. When the SCOTUS starts down this path of providing preferential treatment to laws it likes it becomes just another political hack branch of government open to corruption.

Yep. The Rule of Law is definitely on life support right now. But it's not over. 2016 needs to be the focus. SCOBamaCare belongs entirely to the Dems. As more and more people see that they are paying more for less care, the blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs: The Democrat Party and its Big Pharma and Big Insurance cronies. And that slimy weasel Jonathan Gruber.

When they couldn't get a single GOP vote for this Obamacare turd it was a huge victory for the right. Now we rub their noses in it every chance we get, for years. The SCOTUS also saved the GOP congress from an awkward situation. Dem's just can't win lately.
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Roberts just rationalized that once the people are government dependent the Constitution doesn't rule. America is gone.
"We can rest assured from this ruling that the SCOTUS will be droppin' trow and comin' FULLY OUT in for the destruction of the meaning of Marriage and at that point, the US Government will have no further kinship with principles that define America or the individuals who adhere to such, OKA: Americans."

The above makes absolutely no sense.
"Wrong. He was only given the nomination because he stole delegates from Hillary Clinton. The empty suit remains a fraud."

That makes absolutely no sense. Obama beat Clinton for the nomination. End of story.

Bendog just bent Freewill over and his way with her. End of story.
Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare”…

Scalia seems to be pretty good at closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.

What's that supposed to mean? Scalia is among a tiny minority on the court... what else is he supposed to do?
One of my favorite quotes from Gen. George S. Patton:

"Show me a 'good loser', and I'll show you a loser."

I see no point in cheering such people and calling their pronouncements "awesome".
Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare”…

Scalia seems to be pretty good at closing the barn door after the horses have escaped.

What's that supposed to mean? Scalia is among a tiny minority on the court... what else is he supposed to do?
One of my favorite quotes from Gen. George S. Patton:

"Show me a 'good loser', and I'll show you a loser."

I see no point in cheering such people and calling their pronouncements "awesome".

Can't say I disagree with that.
Roberts just rationalized that once the people are government dependent the Constitution doesn't rule. America is gone.
Roberts is a lost cause...

My guess is that they've got high def glossy photos of Robert's engaged in some extreme degeneracy... That he hasn't simply gone on national television to confess, thus stripping the enemy of the means to blackmail him, tells us that he's a person of no discernible character and, as a result he is now reasonably recognized as: FULLY compromised.

Now that he's bent over twice for the obama cult, tells us who has whatever it is; meaning we know who is blackmailing him.

And sense the institution which is designed to expose this crap is ALSO fully compromised... I'd say we're in some really deep shit.

So... not much to do now but sit back and wait for it to happen... what ever 'it' is.

All we can know for certain, is that 'it' ain't good and it's coming soon.
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I fail to see how this is "awesome" in any way. At the end of the day this is just another crushing defeat for the American people.

Scallia's words do absolutely nothing to return lost freedoms to Americans.

If conservative politicians aren't smart enough to put forth a UNIFIED plan for the upcoming election but rather resort to tearing each other apart to further themselves then we deserve to be ruled over by the democrats

I was just reading this: kind of crazy but:
Silver lining: SCOTUS just spared us from another excruciating episode of GOP failure theater
posted at 11:21 am on June 25, 2015 by Allahpundit

Before we get to the substance, can we pause for a moment to acknowledge that the big A totally called this three days ago on Twitter?

That was an easy call if you were willing to assume the most cynical motives for each justice. The four liberals would vote like good lockstep liberals, as they always do. The three conservatives would vote like lockstep conservatives as they usually do. Kennedy, the centrist, would naturally be more reluctant to torpedo the law after two years of implementation and millions of enrollments than he was in 2012, when it was still on the launch pad.

And Roberts, having staked his judicial legacy on his decisive vote in the mandate case three years ago, wasn’t about to pull an Emily Litella now and undo the new health-care regime that he enabled. In fact, if either Roberts or Kennedy persuaded the other on this, I’d bet it was the former who persuaded the latter.

Another 5-4 decision would have only underscored the 5-4 frailty of ObamaCare after the mandate decision in 2012. A 6-3 decision signals that the law’s here to stay. “Why not provide some certainty by voting with us,” Roberts could have said to Kennedy, “if the subsidies are going to be upheld anyway?” Maybe that’s what cinched Kennedy. ObamaCare is here to stay. Might as well get onboard.

all of it with comments here:
Silver lining SCOTUS just spared us from another excruciating episode of GOP failure theater Hot Air

Or maybe, just maybe they figured, well, we have two options. We can construe 4 words to undue the entire purpose of what everyone agrees was the purpose of the damn thing in the first place, OR we can construe the 4 words, that everyone agrees were a drafting error, in the way congress intended the law to be construed.

Was it really a drafting error? Do you have a proof of that? The words were in there and they were plain as day. It is obvious as to why they were put in there, it was an attempt to force states to set up exchanges. When Only 16 did it was ought oh time. Of course the writers of the bill wanted subsidizes available to everyone but that is NOT what they wrote in the bill because they were playing games, in my opinion.

The SCOTUS should have ruled in favor and kicked it back to Congress who would have immediately fast tracked a bill correcting the stupid wording. That is how it is suppose to work.

First of all there's rules 1 and 4 of statutory construction.

Statutes should be internally consistent. A particular section of the statute should not be inconsistent with the rest of the statute

The legislature is presumed to act intentionally and purposely when it includes language in one section but omits it in another.

Statutory Construction Wex Legal Dictionary Encyclopedia LII Legal Information Institute

Everyone agrees that the purpose of the state and federal exchanges were to regulate what insurance contracts covered and increase the number of them.

So, to rule the subsidies were not available on the federal exchange would be to read congress acted irrationally in writing the law so as to reach a result opposite to the law's intent. No one, not even the plaintiffs, could make that argument. So, it was a drafting error, and the four words cannot have been anything but that.

And, that it was a drafting error was ... a fact.

Obamacare s Survival Threatened by a Drafting Error Wonk Wire

I think Obamacare is a bad law. But the gnashing of teeth over this decision (or Roberts vote on the mandate) are hysteria. The RW wants the scotus to be activist and repeal a legally enacted, though misguided, law.

It was not a drafting error, the author disagrees with you and since you will not admit it the rest of what you post is questionable.
Roberts just rationalized that once the people are government dependent the Constitution doesn't rule. America is gone.
Roberts is a lost cause...

My guess is that they've got high def glossy photos of Robert's engaged in some extreme degeneracy... That he hasn't simply gone on national television to confess, thus stripping the enemy of the means to blackmail him, tells us that he's a person of no discernible character. And is FULLY compromised.

Now that he's bent over twice for the obama cult, tells us who has whatever it is; meaning we know who is blackmailing him.

And sense the institution which is designed to expose this crap is ALSO fully compromised... I'd say we're in some really deep shit.

So... not much to do now but sit back and wait for it to happen... what ever 'it' is.

All we can know for certain, is that 'it' ain't good and it's coming soon.

I now officially hate George W. Bush.
Key's I think Roberts is just determined to not allow the SCOTUS to be setup as the fall guy for Obamacare. Dem's would LOVE to be able to point the finger at the SCOTUS and blame them for Obamacare's failure. They lying scum Dem's and their lying scum pals in the MSM would spin this as, Obamacare was awesome until the SCOTUS and GOP screwed it up. While the SCOTUS decision is disturbing Dem's still own 100% of this turd. It also saved the GOP congress from having to pass some kind of fix which they would have and get their hands dirty on Obamacare.
Roberts just rationalized that once the people are government dependent the Constitution doesn't rule. America is gone.
Roberts is a lost cause...

My guess is that they've got high def glossy photos of Robert's engaged in some extreme degeneracy... That he hasn't simply gone on national television to confess, thus stripping the enemy of the means to blackmail him, tells us that he's a person of no discernible character. And is FULLY compromised.

Now that he's bent over twice for the obama cult, tells us who has whatever it is; meaning we know who is blackmailing him.

And sense the institution which is designed to expose this crap is ALSO fully compromised... I'd say we're in some really deep shit.

So... not much to do now but sit back and wait for it to happen... what ever 'it' is.

All we can know for certain, is that 'it' ain't good and it's coming soon.

I now officially hate George W. Bush.

George Bush made the biggest mistake of his life appointing this guy.
He is rightly outraged. When the SCOTUS starts down this path of providing preferential treatment to laws it likes it becomes just another political hack branch of government open to corruption.

Yep. The Rule of Law is definitely on life support right now. But it's not over. 2016 needs to be the focus. SCOBamaCare belongs entirely to the Dems. As more and more people see that they are paying more for less care, the blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs: The Democrat Party and its Big Pharma and Big Insurance cronies. And that slimy weasel Jonathan Gruber.

When they couldn't get a single GOP vote for this Obamacare turd it was a huge victory for the right. Now we rub their noses in it every chance we get, for years. The SCOTUS also saved the GOP congress from an awkward situation. Dem's just can't win lately.

Indeed. If SCOTUS had voided the subsidies, then the GOP led Congress would have had to scramble to put in place temporary funding. It's VERY GOOD that that didn't come to pass.
Indeed. If SCOTUS had voided the subsidies, then the GOP led Congress would have had to scramble to put in place temporary funding. It's VERY GOOD that that didn't come to pass.
Indeed. The Dems would have massacred the Pubs next year on the issue, because the moon bats on the far right would not have let Congress put in a stop gap. Now the Pubs can campaign on a replace and reform plan.
Democrats created a colossal glittering magnificent mess. Now the democrats want republicans to come in and clean it up. Once again democrats prove that they're the party of low information immature spoiled dependent children.
So I guess it wouldn't have been tyranny by 'unelected judges' if the Court had ruled the other way?

lol, retards.




He is rightly outraged. When the SCOTUS starts down this path of providing preferential treatment to laws it likes it becomes just another political hack branch of government open to corruption.

Yep. The Rule of Law is definitely on life support right now. But it's not over. 2016 needs to be the focus. SCOBamaCare belongs entirely to the Dems. As more and more people see that they are paying more for less care, the blame needs to be placed squarely where it belongs: The Democrat Party and its Big Pharma and Big Insurance cronies. And that slimy weasel Jonathan Gruber.

When they couldn't get a single GOP vote for this Obamacare turd it was a huge victory for the right. Now we rub their noses in it every chance we get, for years. The SCOTUS also saved the GOP congress from an awkward situation. Dem's just can't win lately.

Indeed. If SCOTUS had voided the subsidies, then the GOP led Congress would have had to scramble to put in place temporary funding. It's VERY GOOD that that didn't come to pass.

^^^ nailed it!
we the people just got a big FU from the Supremes. We now have a dictator (Obama) and HIS posse of bunch of black robe tyrants.


Awesome! Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent, “We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare”…


Scalia +1,000,000

1. “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’”

2. “Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved.”

3. “Today’s interpretation is not merely unnatural; it is unheard of.”

4. “And the cases will publish forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to uphold and assist its favorites.”

all of it here:
Awesome Justice Scalia Goes Nuclear In Obamacare Dissent We Should Start Calling This Law SCOTUScare Weasel Zippers

Sadly....the fools who support obamacare don't care about the law....they want what they want and they don't care what get's destroyed if they get what they want.......and you had better not fucking get in their way........

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