AWFUL! Angry Leftists Are Now Doxing Contributors to the #GoFundTheWall Campaign

OK, "doxing", I get it now.

GoFundMe is a PUBLIC site.

Case closed.
" defines the term as: ‘To publish the private personal information of (another person) or reveal the identity of (an online poster) without the consent of that individual: The professor was doxed by a bitter student who failed her class.’"

Read more: What is doxing and is it illegal? How people dox and how to avoid it | Metro News

No, case not closed. Try again and this time learn a little bit about what you are claiming. Or appear like a goof. It's all on you.
THIS is the perfect example why we need these people doing this dispatched!....It will soon come down to this, as the black shirted. Masked ANTIFA & BLM take up their mobs of violence.....We have to be prepared for this NAZI onslaught!

Leftists are now doxing people who have contributed to the #GoFundTheWall campaign using their real names.

The crowdfunding campaign to fund a wall at the southern border of the US has raised over nine million dollars in three days. Over 150,000 people have contributed to the cause.
I have a t-shirt that says PROUD CONTRIBUTOR #GoFundTheWall

I want people to know that I'm doing my part in making America great again.

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