Awkward moment after ruling on Affirmative Action

Hardly, if it quacks like a duck, or walks like a duck, it's a duck.

Bullshit. It's absolutely racist.One of the problem here is lefties running all about quacking words they don't know the meaning of.

White males are dangerous and toxic and a danger to our very democracy!

And all blacks that don't carry your water are white too.

Y'all have to discredit them, or some silly leftists may well see some reason in what they have to say.

Bullshit. It's absolutely racist.One of the problem here is lefties running all about quacking words they don't know the meaning of.

White males are dangerous and toxic and a danger to our very democracy!

And all blacks that don't carry your water are white too.

Y'all have to discredit them, or some silly leftists may well see some reason in what they have to say.

Who is this leftist you claim to know?
What is awkward is that Clarence Thomas cannot see the irony of denying same sex marriage rights while he maintains a mixed race marriage.
I'm just trying to use your pot head logic is all, which is really my fault for even trying to do such an absurd thing in the first place.
If you idiots could get over the fact that I smoke weed you might have a semi-intelligent conversation, yet that is a goal you can never meet. You, people, are bastards and baseness and can barely spell much less use sentences that contain more than three-syllable words to express your pre-programmed responses the echo chamber din imbedded in yous.
Your straw man is showing.
Far from it

The Supreme Court in Loving v Virginia unilaterally understood the unconstitutionality of banning mixed race marriage

Conservatives in Thomas’s court can not understand why people of the same sex would want to marry

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