Awkward moment after ruling on Affirmative Action

Obviously all lives to not matter, at least not equally, or else we would not spend so much on the ability of our military and police to kill.
And the Billionaire backing him.
It's good to have friends, billionaire friends are even better. ;)

If memory serves The Halfrican took full advantage of his billionaire friends while in office and by the looks of things that "friendship" paid-off well afterwards (especially if you subscribe to the "shadow POTUS" school of thought) so I'd not be too quick to judgment....But you do you. 😐

It's good to have friends, billionaire friends are even better. ;)

If memory serves The Halfrican took full advantage of his billionaire friends while in office and by the looks of things that "friendship" paid-off well afterwards (especially if you subscribe to the "shadow POTUS" school of thought) so I'd not be too quick to judgment....But you do you. 😐

Best justice money can buy? :cool:
If you don't like it tough shit. He thinks like a white man, sorry you hate that fact.
Wow, That’s a racist thing to say. It’s shocking to see you so proudly promoting such racism.

You should change your name to MoonCrow
Clarence Thomas was not an affirmative action appointment to replace Thurgood Marshall?

Thomas admits he got into Yale on Affirmative Action
But he wasn't appointed to the court as a 'token' black as was Jackson.
Yeah, just ask the DOJ.
No need. The Supremes are basically above the law, by their own decision. It looks like they are above ethics rules of all other parts of government. What court would enforce them?
No need. The Supremes are basically above the law, by their own decision. It looks like they are above ethics rules of all other parts of government. What court would enforce them?


Careful or you will have to move yourself to the Badlands. ;)
Once SCOTUS struck down Affirmative Action, I can only imagine how Justice K. Brown felt. I mean, Joe Biden used Affirmative Action selecting her stating he was going to find him a Black woman for the job.

Does anyone think she understood the fact that the court she now sits on just ruled her appointment as illegitimate? I realize she does not know what a woman is, so does this mean she will not be smart enough to figure this out?


At least those that did earn the right to sit on SCOTUS understand that skin color means nothing, its all about ones character and ability.

I'm assuming she's smart enough to be able to define what a woman is.
I'm also assuming that when she said she didn't know that she was lying.
Committing perjury in front of congress is grounds for impeachment.
Listen my children, and you shall hear-----of the pubescent ride of rosie the seer
It was circa 1960 when AFFIRMATIVE action was sorta in gestation.
We all......uhm those who considered it----thought it a TEMPORARY PATCH --
until things evened out...................?????? I think that-----"temporary" is up
He sure as hell was
He was a replacement for Marshall
I won't argue that point. I think Jackson was nominated to placate the black community and to add a black liberal to counter Thomas's
'black' conservatism.

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