Axelrod goes after biden


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
There are a lot of good people though mistaken who thought it was time to get out of Afghanistan.

Trump had a plan to do it in an orderly fashion that would have enabled all those who supported us to get out.

Biden in his hard headed ignorance decided to do it his way....utter chaos and catastrophe.

Biden must be held accountable.

Honestly. . I never cared for Rumsfeld.

But? It seems that Rumsfeld at least didn't want to hate on, and give America and her allies the horrid reputation, and a look that Biden always seemed to hanker to. . . as a means, to possibly please his handlers. . . . :dunno:

At the founding, the elites were separated into Federalists, those who thought the concept of a strong central government is best, and anti-Federalists, those who thought local control of affairs is best. . . and without Anti-Federalists, the Bill of Rights would not be in the Constitution, that was the guarantee for the people.

And in the modern era, politicians can be separated into Globalists, and anti-globalists.

To me, the quintessential Globalist has got be to Biden. The quintessential anti-globalist would be your run of the mill Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan.

So, I ran across this, it is from the writings of Rumsfeld on the Globalist allegiance, and anti-American attitudes of Biden. I have not done the research to back up the claims of it. . . but it is probably correct I imagine. The transcription contains spelling errors, so I imagine they were typing it from the source.

You want to know why the pull out of Afghanistan looked eerily similar to the pull out of Vietnam? Because it was purposely engineered to look that way in order to embarrass America. . .


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After we chased al Qaeda out of the country we should have packed up and come home...the Taliban was not our enemy....we could have still hunted down the terrorists and killed them.....but we decided to try and change a nation and the thinking of the people in that nation instead...that was stupid....

How dare we....we want to try and make the Taliban more like us but they see us confusing the sexes and drugging ourselves to death with opioids and they don't want any part of that and I can't say I blame them.....look around...can any of you begin to form a convincing argument for why the Taliban should be more like us?....
There are a lot of good people though mistaken who thought it was time to get out of Afghanistan.

Trump had a plan to do it in an orderly fashion that would have enabled all those who supported us to get out.

Biden in his hard headed ignorance decided to do it his way....utter chaos and catastrophe.

Biden must be held accountable.

Trump had no plan.

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