AZ Police Officer Acted "Within Policy" Assaulting 15-Year Old Girl...

"Sources tell us Larrison has at least 3 experts within the department who watched the video and agree he acted within policy."

Police brutality in Arizona - YouTube

If you watch the video, as she turned around, she appeared to be reaching in her bra area....cops have a split second to it a gun or wonder he slammed her...and if you look, when he was cuffing her, she was still resisting.
"Sources tell us Larrison has at least 3 experts within the department who watched the video and agree he acted within policy."

Police brutality in Arizona - YouTube
It appears that the cop may have had prior information on or prior experiences with this woman before, so immediately he took action against her it seems because he had known this woman as a trouble maker, in which by the video it seems as if this perp is street savvy and a bully also, so she may have just got what she had coming to her, who knows really ? Who knows what these officers go through on a daily basis, and who tries them on a daily basis? He may have took it easy on this woman before, and it may have caused him some serious pain and suffering when took it easy on her before, so this time maybe he wasn't playing any longer. He may have known this was the only way to deal with this woman, in order to keep her from spitting on him or kicking him and such ? Who knows really?

What about the victim she was assaulting, does anyone care about her ?

Replace woman with child in your post.
Huh ?
"Sources tell us Larrison has at least 3 experts within the department who watched the video and agree he acted within policy."

Police brutality in Arizona - YouTube
It appears that the cop may have had prior information on or prior experiences with this woman before, so immediately he took action against her it seems because he had known this woman as a trouble maker, in which by the video it seems as if this perp is street savvy and a bully also, so she may have just got what she had coming to her, who knows really ? Who knows what these officers go through on a daily basis, and who tries them on a daily basis? He may have took it easy on this woman before, and it may have caused him some serious pain and suffering when took it easy on her before, so this time maybe he wasn't playing any longer. He may have known this was the only way to deal with this woman, in order to keep her from spitting on him or kicking him and such ? Who knows really?

What about the victim she was assaulting, does anyone care about her ?

Replace woman with child in your post.
How old was this woman ? Is that what you mean by child ?
It appears that the cop may have had prior information on or prior experiences with this woman before, so immediately he took action against her it seems because he had known this woman as a trouble maker, in which by the video it seems as if this perp is street savvy and a bully also, so she may have just got what she had coming to her, who knows really ? Who knows what these officers go through on a daily basis, and who tries them on a daily basis? He may have took it easy on this woman before, and it may have caused him some serious pain and suffering when took it easy on her before, so this time maybe he wasn't playing any longer. He may have known this was the only way to deal with this woman, in order to keep her from spitting on him or kicking him and such ? Who knows really?

What about the victim she was assaulting, does anyone care about her ?

Replace woman with child in your post.
How old was this woman ? Is that what you mean by child ?

She was 15 years old. If an older man had sex with her, everyone would be screaming that he is a monster for sexually abusing a child.

But if a cop wants to slam her against a wall so hard it knocks her out, that's okay.
It appears that the cop may have had prior information on or prior experiences with this woman before, so immediately he took action against her it seems because he had known this woman as a trouble maker, in which by the video it seems as if this perp is street savvy and a bully also, so she may have just got what she had coming to her, who knows really ? Who knows what these officers go through on a daily basis, and who tries them on a daily basis? He may have took it easy on this woman before, and it may have caused him some serious pain and suffering when took it easy on her before, so this time maybe he wasn't playing any longer. He may have known this was the only way to deal with this woman, in order to keep her from spitting on him or kicking him and such ? Who knows really?

What about the victim she was assaulting, does anyone care about her ?

Replace woman with child in your post.

Physically, she is as big, as tall and thick, as most women, and she is drunk as well. I've been around kids like this, big and brutish, and they are dangerous physically. I've not been around them when they are drunk, which makes them even more dangerous.

Doesn't matter. There is actually a very good reason they don't let teenagers play professional football in the NFL, despite the fact that some of them are just as big and strong as the men who play. Couple that with the fact that girls are no weaker then men and you have no reason for an adult male to cold cock and adolescent female.
I've watched this video several times now. I certainly don't endorse police brutality, but I don't think this qualifies at all. ~She was trying to flee the scene. I believe, based on the video, she ignored the policeman telling her to stop. He didn't bash her head against the wall; he pushed her so she would fall down, and then tackled her to keep her down. It looks like her head may have hit the wall, but he did not purposely bang it against the wall. It also doesn't look like it hit the wall hard enough to concuss her. Had she not been trying to flee the scene, he would not have had to do anything violent with her at all. She is the violent one: she is the one who was in a street fight, and based on the part of the video where they were fighting, she was the agressor, at least during the part of the video that shows the fight.

I've seen enough of these teenagers who are aggressive and violent to know they are frightening and scary; I would not want to have to deal with one who was out of control. I expect the cop has seen far more of this type of behavior from people, both male and female, of that age than I have. They are not nice kids; they are capable of great violence. They are often bigger than the previous generations: this girl, at 15, is nearly as big as the male cop. He is within his rights to do what he did to stop someone fleeing the scene of a violent altercation.

She was totally immobile on the ground for several seconds after he slammed her head in the wall. I'm pretty sure she was knocked out. She wasn't trying to flee him. She stopped and turned to look at him when he called out.

Bullshit. This is absolutely not in the video. Absolutely does not exist. When she was on the ground, he did not slam her head into the wall. Absolutely not. She was clearly not knocked out. She was indeed trying to flee him. It is clear in the video he was calling out to her as he followed her and she ignored him. At the point she turned her head around, it was probably to see how close he was. She didn't look like she was either stopping or surrendering.

She also does not at all appeared to be knocked out.

This is not a case of police brutality.

I didn't say he slammed her head into the wall after she was on the ground. Show me where I said that.

She does not at all appear to be knocked out? Are you fucking kidding me? I just watched it again. She was like a rag doll laying there.
"Sources tell us Larrison has at least 3 experts within the department who watched the video and agree he acted within policy."

Police brutality in Arizona - YouTube

If you watch the video, as she turned around, she appeared to be reaching in her bra area....cops have a split second to it a gun or wonder he slammed her...and if you look, when he was cuffing her, she was still resisting.

That might make sense if he hadn't been running up on her before she turned around.

Now, can someone please explain something to me.

Why the fuck are so many women attempting to justify as grown man hitting a girl? Did I wake up in an alternate realty where men hitting women is acceptable?
It appears that the cop may have had prior information on or prior experiences with this woman before, so immediately he took action against her it seems because he had known this woman as a trouble maker, in which by the video it seems as if this perp is street savvy and a bully also, so she may have just got what she had coming to her, who knows really ? Who knows what these officers go through on a daily basis, and who tries them on a daily basis? He may have took it easy on this woman before, and it may have caused him some serious pain and suffering when took it easy on her before, so this time maybe he wasn't playing any longer. He may have known this was the only way to deal with this woman, in order to keep her from spitting on him or kicking him and such ? Who knows really?

What about the victim she was assaulting, does anyone care about her ?

Replace woman with child in your post.
Huh ?

The "woman" in the video is a 15 year old girl.
She was totally immobile on the ground for several seconds after he slammed her head in the wall. I'm pretty sure she was knocked out. She wasn't trying to flee him. She stopped and turned to look at him when he called out.

Bullshit. This is absolutely not in the video. Absolutely does not exist. When she was on the ground, he did not slam her head into the wall. Absolutely not. She was clearly not knocked out. She was indeed trying to flee him. It is clear in the video he was calling out to her as he followed her and she ignored him. At the point she turned her head around, it was probably to see how close he was. She didn't look like she was either stopping or surrendering.

She also does not at all appeared to be knocked out.

This is not a case of police brutality.

I didn't say he slammed her head into the wall after she was on the ground. Show me where I said that.

She does not at all appear to be knocked out? Are you fucking kidding me? I just watched it again. She was like a rag doll laying there.

If that had been an NFL game they would have taken her out of the game and insisted she see a doctor, yet she was uninjured because the police say she was.
I'm not sure what video everyone else watched, but I just re-examined this one. I didn't even see this figure move from the frame of the camera, though I infer that she did. Nevertheless, she is not even at the scene when the cops arrive. So, they did not see the event. They could only have listened to the people there, meaning she was at most a suspect. Yet, Sgt. Testosterone pursues her and slams her to the ground hard enough that, to me, she is certainly dazed if not unconscious.
That is not good police work. The police are public servants. Any person is innocent until proven guilt, not alleged to be guilty. Punishment is not the job of a police officer. Courtesy and respect is what is demanded, not contempt for rights and physical well-being.
If that had been my sister at the time my dad was a cop, he and the cop in the video would have definitely had a 'discussion', away from which this character would not have walked without assistance!
"Sources tell us Larrison has at least 3 experts within the department who watched the video and agree he acted within policy."

Police brutality in Arizona - YouTube

If you watch the video, as she turned around, she appeared to be reaching in her bra area....cops have a split second to it a gun or wonder he slammed her...and if you look, when he was cuffing her, she was still resisting.

Obviously, not the video I saw. Where can I find it?
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A girl they witness assaulting someone else ignores commands, walks away with her back turnend and her hands active where he can't see them.

He did fine.

I don't give a shit if she was walking away. Yes, she did wrong, but that cop had no reason to slam her to the ground like that. If she had hit her head on that wall, or landed wrong, she could have been seriously injured.
There are other ways of restraining a person rather than shoving them like he did.
She assaulted someone, or was clearly involved in something where there was an assault. Then she tried to leave the area. She ignored the police telling her to stop, so he tackled her. That's what you are supposed to do. The fact she is 13 doesn't mean anything; she is nearly as big as he is.

I don't see anything wrong with what he did. He didn't beat her. He didn't shoot her. He didn't kick her. It is clear she tried to leave the scene. It doesn't matter if she left before or after the police showed up; she was involved in a street fight where someone was injured, and she needs to be questioned. I think it is clear she heard the police telling her to stop and looked around to see how close he was. I think it is clear she was trying to get away, and that is why he tackled her. He didn't do anything wrong.

At 13, she is a child, and she walking away before that cop showed up. She was no longer a threat. There is no reason at all to tackle a child like that.
Bullshit. This is absolutely not in the video. Absolutely does not exist. When she was on the ground, he did not slam her head into the wall. Absolutely not. She was clearly not knocked out. She was indeed trying to flee him. It is clear in the video he was calling out to her as he followed her and she ignored him. At the point she turned her head around, it was probably to see how close he was. She didn't look like she was either stopping or surrendering.

She also does not at all appeared to be knocked out.

This is not a case of police brutality.

Watch the video again.

The girl is being held in what appears to be a headlock by the other woman. The girl is clearly trying to get away. If you are being held in a headlock like that, chances are, you are not the guilty party. The video tells me that this girl was a victim of assault.

The cop clams her to the ground - she DOES turn around, but never has a chance to stop before the cop is upon her.
From 1.16 to 1.24 she is lying quite still on the ground, giving me the impression that she took a pretty nasty knock to the head.

Apparently you see her resisting arrest. Obviously you need to watch the video again, more carefully this time.
Bullshit. This is absolutely not in the video. Absolutely does not exist. When she was on the ground, he did not slam her head into the wall. Absolutely not. She was clearly not knocked out. She was indeed trying to flee him. It is clear in the video he was calling out to her as he followed her and she ignored him. At the point she turned her head around, it was probably to see how close he was. She didn't look like she was either stopping or surrendering.

She also does not at all appeared to be knocked out.

This is not a case of police brutality.

Watch the video again.

The girl is being held in what appears to be a headlock by the other woman. The girl is clearly trying to get away. If you are being held in a headlock like that, chances are, you are not the guilty party. The video tells me that this girl was a victim of assault.

The cop clams her to the ground - she DOES turn around, but never has a chance to stop before the cop is upon her.
From 1.16 to 1.24 she is lying quite still on the ground, giving me the impression that she took a pretty nasty knock to the head.

Apparently you see her resisting arrest. Obviously you need to watch the video again, more carefully this time.

Your posts are hilarious. YOU need to look at the video again, and use some critical thinking skills. In the video, the girl is the agressor, not the other way around, that is clear; the other person is trying to get away from her. The other person, if you've read the whole thread, is her mother. The girl was drunk (she's 15 btw), assaulted a teacher and was in the process of assaulting her mother. She was walking away, leaving the scene. When the policeman followed her, he was clearly calling out to her to stop and she ignored him. His job is to apprehend her, not to let her walk away. It is common practice for him to throw the suspect to the ground when the suspect is fleeing the scene. If she got hurt, it's her own fault for trying to flee when the cop told her to stop. She doesn't have a chance to stop? She had a chance when he was calling out to her to stop and she ignored him. What if she breaks into a run? Is he supposed to chase her down through the city streets? Like on TV? You think real life is like television and movies? What a joke. Watch the video again; read the whole thread. Read the news reports. Do your homework this time instead of jumping to conclusions. And don't try to single me out for your BS. That's just petty. You are patently transparent over and over again.
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I also wonder at all those who sympathize with such a degree of violence that was not necessary. There are so many things he did not know. Was she even at the scene? If she was, was she aggressor or aggressee? Did she hear him call to her? She could have a hearing deficiency. The police must allow for all possibilities of innocence, not make conclusions of guilt. Certainly, they can be mistaken, but approving that as 'policy' doesn't go with the concept of Anglo-Saxon Common Law nor the 'letter and spirit' of the constitution.

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