[B]Bring Back Trump{/B}

The people organizing the testimony deal are 100% Trump haters, just like those who framed President Trump with two false impeachments from Hillary Clinton's campaign badboys who published her salacious story and her behaviors with Russian collusion with President Trump's name where her name should have been since the lies were based on exactly what Hillary did but was not charged with on account of a compromised Democrat House Speaker..
Just to be clear, I can rob a bank, but not be tried in court for it if the prosecutor doesn't like me? Is that how it works?
Donald Trump has stolen nothing. He returned his private notes back to the National Archives before he left office and the Democrats know it.

A likely story. What else is that criminal hiding? I sure hope the FBI is investigating this serious breach of National Security.

I can hear the chants starting now!
Then where did those 15 boxes of secret papers found in January 2022 at trump's home come from?
You've been fooled soundly by your own lying party mafiosies, sweet puppy. It's okay. They're quite the smooth operators with executing lies and false, criminal-sounding scenarios that are not what they said they were. They were back in the national archives before Biden was inaugurated. They may not want you to know that to carry on their little creatively twisted narrative. You're aware the Democrats have some of the best actors and make-believe writers furnishing them with narratives? And Soros has funded all the lies and attacks the entire nation has watched on the tele for six years now.
Then why is Trump fighting so hard to hide things?
For the same reason he stayed away from the lying, sneaking fake charges that Madams Clinton the dossier writer, Pelosi the only threatening hate-filled House Speaker this nation has had the misery of listening to for about six years now, not to forget Waters the stalker leader who set in motion stalkings of White House staff, the President, the President's family members, and knowledgable Cabinet Secretaries who knew too much about the crimes of the Democrat party with their multiple secret meetings for the last 6 years in order to rid themselves of those who defend the Constitution of the United States of America, who happen to be Republicans.
I support bringing the Trumpybear back to the Capitol to testify under oath.

PPV only.

Sure. As long as he's testifying against Hillary. That post-menopausal ratbag criminal needs to be tried, convicted, and then hung by the neck until dead.

I'd pay extra on my cable bill to watch that.
A likely story. What else is that criminal hiding? I sure hope the FBI is investigating this serious breach of National Security.

I can hear the chants starting now!
You claimed "What else is that criminal hiding?" Twenty Trump-hating Democrat lawyers who composed the Meuller investigation said they could find no criminal activity by President Trump after almost a year and a half of trying to prove the Steel Dossier was true. It wasn't, and later on our side found evidence that the Russian collusion as the dossier suggested was not done by President Trump. It was Hillary Clinton that fudged on the no paying foreign spies to damage a President of the United States not to mention those running for office. Hillary is playing a dangerous game when she announces she is running for President, because nobody who obeys the constitutional law will have to account for their actions in the future. She is banking on that to keep herself out of jail. She should have been put in jail for lawyering her way out of culpability of the criminal taking of many senior citizens nest egg as she profited enough to tuck away millions in the bank to buy her way back into politics after the Whitewater scandal was long forgotten by everyone except those who lost their life's savings to the Clintons. And me. Just because.
Sure. As long as he's testifying against Hillary. That post-menopausal ratbag criminal needs to be tried, convicted, and then hung by the neck until dead.

I'd pay extra on my cable bill to watch that.
Sorry Sparky, The Honorable Sec. Clinton has already been grilled by Congress, for hours on end.
If Hillary was so "innocent", we wouldn't be having that pesky Durham probe right now.

Did you think that was just going to suddenly go away?
The Durham investigation isn’t about Hilary, or did you loons miss that message?

You've been fooled soundly by your own lying party mafiosies, sweet puppy. It's okay. They're quite the smooth operators with executing lies and false, criminal-sounding scenarios that are not what they said they were. They were back in the national archives before Biden was inaugurated. They may not want you to know that to carry on their little creatively twisted narrative. You're aware the Democrats have some of the best actors and make-believe writers furnishing them with narratives? And Soros has funded all the lies and attacks the entire nation has watched on the tele for six years now.
You might want to read this article published Feb 9, 2022. I guess fox just forgot to mention this, but all the legitimate networks reported it when it happened.

PALM BEACH, Florida - The National Archives last month obtained 15 boxes of presidential records that were being stored at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club.

Keeping the boxes of records at Mar-a-Lago violated the Presidential Records Act, which requires the government keep all forms of documents and communications related to a president's or vice president's official duties.

"As required by the Presidential Records Act the records should have been transferred to NARA from the White House at the end of the Trump Administration in January 2021,” the National Archives and Records Administration said in a statement on Monday.
Fine let him come on in an testify about his illegal use of boxes to steal Classified Information.......but not limited too.....lol

You know that will never happen as he has everything to hide.
Wait! So time-traveling Nancy impeached him the 2nd time, before he incited the insurrection she actually impeached for?

That chick really is scary!

Sorry, but I told the truth. Nancy Pelosi went after President Trump twice as the most important woman in the world she professed herself to anyone who would listen her first week of "service" to George Soros[ I mean, of course, the Deep State omeurta cabal that swore allegiance to Obama his last day to impeach Trump as he insisted.

The first impeachment of Donald Trump occurred when Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives of the 116th United States

Second impeachment of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, was impeached for the second time on January 13, 2021, one week before his term expired
Her troubles are only beginning...

View attachment 605223
The only trouble the former Secretary of State Clinton has - was brought upon her by herself with nobody else's help.
The Durham investigation isn’t about Hilary, or did you loons miss that message?

View attachment 605224

Laugh yourself sillier that you already are. Durham is investigating the origins of the FBI's Trump-Russia probe, and Hillary is up to her wrinkled flabby neck in it.

Or hasn't anyone told you that yet? I sincerely look forward to the day she swings by her flabby neck from the gallows, kicking and gasping for her last breath, until she finally expires, a stream of urine flowing down her leg, dripping onto the gallows floor.

That will be pretty cool. :04:
Laugh yourself sillier that you already are. Durham is investigating the origins of the FBI's Trump-Russia probe, and Hillary is up to her wrinkled flabby neck in it.

Or hasn't anyone told you that yet? I sincerely look forward to the day she swings by her flabby neck from the gallows, kicking and gasping for her last breath, until she finally expires, a stream of urine flowing down her leg, dripping onto the gallows floor.

That will be pretty cool. :04:
What did Durham say about Clinton….?

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