[B]Bring Back Trump{/B}

Laugh yourself sillier that you already are. Durham is investigating the origins of the FBI's Trump-Russia probe, and Hillary is up to her wrinkled flabby neck in it.

Or hasn't anyone told you that yet? I sincerely look forward to the day she swings by her flabby neck from the gallows, kicking and gasping for her last breath, until she finally expires, a stream of urine flowing down her leg, dripping onto the gallows floor.

That will be pretty cool. :04:
Sure. You go with that BooBoo. let me know how it turns out.
Sorry, but I told the truth. Nancy Pelosi went after President Trump twice as the most important woman in the world she professed herself to anyone who would listen her first week of "service" to George Soros[ I mean, of course, the Deep State omeurta cabal that swore allegiance to Obama his last day to impeach Trump as he insisted.

The first impeachment of Donald Trump occurred when Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives of the 116th United States

Second impeachment of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, was impeached for the second time on January 13, 2021, one week before his term expired

The only trouble the former Secretary of State Clinton has - was brought upon her by herself with nobody else's help.
So then you're good with The Trumpybear being brought back to the Capitol to testify before Congress about his illegal use of boxes to to steal classified data, an other matters? Or no?
Laugh yourself sillier that you already are. Durham is investigating the origins of the FBI's Trump-Russia probe, and Hillary is up to her wrinkled flabby neck in it.

Or hasn't anyone told you that yet? I sincerely look forward to the day she swings by her flabby neck from the gallows, kicking and gasping for her last breath, until she finally expires, a stream of urine flowing down her leg, dripping onto the gallows floor.

That will be pretty cool. :04:
So without Trump, some think Biden will miraculously agree to a one-world government. But sanctions! Sanctions! Sanctions!

Right now, our military is still waiting to be told to go home or go to Germany. Germany? Wasn't Germany cooperating with the Russians just 2 days ago? Maybe I misunderstood the media. I guess we have to wait on Biden's mood telling him to do whatever his deep staters, who gave Russia OUR uranium, and who gave Russia OUR oil-rich Aleutian islands. Putin has made it clear that he will use all he got to get those kids in the Orphanage funerals if he's still around next week, beating up on Ukraine that suffered the loss of 60 million people in WWII at the very hands of the Russian KGB. What the heck was Putin thinking? That Russians would rally him on to destroy orphanages, not to mention the 15 motherless children in that target in the Ukraine, and he's just salivating to throw the next salvo in.

Biden is saying right now he is going to .... insert Judge Kujande Jackson (Spelling?)

What about the orphans in Kiev? I guess making history is more important than little bitty babies being killed in their cribs by Putin. Some family man.
Earlier today, I saw President Biden open what sounded like a discussion on Kiev's woe, but two sentences later he began talking about our newest member elect for the Supreme Court. I don't mind, but I was hoping he would complete what his plans were for the Ukraine people's assistance. Hello? He was done after a photo op of the court's pick was shown. The WH gets curiouser and curiouser. If we had the real winner Donald Trump there, I think those 15 little orphans would still be alive and well. How much longer will this frightening administration that is being run by everyone but "President" Biden. Putin doesn't have a clue why everyone in the world are sickened by his interloper's invasion of the Ukraine. I hope the freedom fighters of the Ukraine fight back and kick Putin's butt. Putin has pissed off the barracudas in his own country, not to mention family people who'd give their right arm to welcome an orphan into their childless home. I hope for the best of the Ukrainean people. They did not deserve this heinous assault on their sovereignity. I hope that word , "sovereignity" becomes more poignant to the Democrats who wanted an open border. Can anyone here know how many Russian spies found it so easy to get in our country undetected in order to give Putin's one world ambitions eliminate Americans? Do tell.

Maybe you realize now Trump wouldn't tolerate Putin's heinous orphanage bombing in Keiv. I still want Trump back immediately. You can kick me to hell in back, but I AM right about the stolen presidency, not to mention wrongful elections in the House and the Senate being filled with Democrat interlopers.
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Earlier today, I saw President Biden open what sounded like a discussion on Kiev's woe, but two sentences later he began talking about our newest member elect for the Supreme Court. I don't mind, but I was hoping he would complete what his plans were for the Ukraine people's assistance. Hello? He was done after a photo op of the court's pick was shown. The WH gets curiouser and curiouser. If we had the real winner Donald Trump there, I think those 15 little orphans would still be alive and well. How much longer will this frightening administration that is being run by everyone but "President" Biden. Putin doesn't have a clue why everyone in the world are sickened by his interloper's invasion of the Ukraine. I hope the freedom fighters of the Ukraine fight back and kick Putin's butt. Putin has pissed off the barracudas in his own country, not to mention family people who'd give their right arm to welcome an orphan into their childless home. I hope for the best of the Ukrainean people. They did not deserve this heinous assault on their sovereignity. I hope that word , "sovereignity" becomes more poignant to the Democrats who wanted an open border. Can anyone here know how many Russian spies found it so easy to get in our country undetected in order to give Putin's one world ambitions eliminate Americans? Do tell.

Maybe you realize now Trump wouldn't tolerate Putin's heinous orphanage bombing in Keiv. I still want Trump back immediately. You can kick me to hell in back, but I AM right about the stolen presidency, not to mention wrongful elections in the House and the Senate being filled with Democrat interlopers.
Trump wouldn't tolerate Putin? You haven't heard about trump praising Putin's actions in the last couple of days?
Trump wouldn't tolerate Putin? You haven't heard about trump praising Putin's actions in the last couple of days?
Considering your devotion to the deep state that is destroying this country, I'm sure your narrative is a far cry from the truth. It's hard to let go, isn't it by simply fudging a little bit on narratives. No, I haven't heard from President Trump, except I'm certain the Russian hit on the orphanage that killed 15 little children did not go well with him. Putin is controllable if somebody puts him in his place before he goes on a wild killing spree of people Russia already punished in WWII by the KGB murdering a million farmers and a huge toll on the countries that freed themselves of Stalin who was even more Ruthless than Putin has been so far.

When and if President Trump is restored, he will make America strong again. He already has a map. Biden's still on the punish the oil industry for voting for Trump mode. So are you.
Let's cut to the chase--the election was stolen to put a puppet into the WH who has forgotten everything put before him before he can read it off a prompter by way of Deep State Secrecy Society funded by George Soros v. Human Decency.

So come on, Senate, House, fire the phoney DNC witches of the fake impeachment fame, melt down the gold pens, Kick ass the DNC stolen election and the lying leftist press, and put President Trump back this very minute. We have to stop Putin from destroying Europe starting with a country that owes Russia absolutely nothing since Russia wiped out 20-60 million Ukrainians while nobody was paying attention during and shortly after WWII.

Agree or not and why?


Your link has nothing to do with your OP, ya dumbfuck. Your OP is about bringing Trump back into the White House while your link is to a story about how Fox News is trying to bring back Trump supporters to watch their network.

Donald Trump has stolen nothing. He returned his private notes back to the National Archives before he left office and the Democrats know it.

Hmmm... whom to believe .... ? A nut like you? Or the National Archives?

Tough call.
For the same reason he stayed away from the lying, sneaking fake charges that Madams Clinton the dossier writer, Pelosi the only threatening hate-filled House Speaker this nation has had the misery of listening to for about six years now, not to forget Waters the stalker leader who set in motion stalkings of White House staff, the President, the President's family members, and knowledgable Cabinet Secretaries who knew too much about the crimes of the Democrat party with their multiple secret meetings for the last 6 years in order to rid themselves of those who defend the Constitution of the United States of America, who happen to be Republicans.

But you said he has nothing to hide?


Yeah, that's why he fought his way all the way up to the Supreme Court to prevent his documents from being turned over to the 1/6 committee.
Haven't you had enough of lying for four years as your part in covering Nancy Pelosi's sorry heiney for lying for 4 years to damage the Executive Branch?
Why should President Trump invite more lies and misrepresentations than any President of the United States has ever had dumped him. I'm giving him a get out of jail free card because of the hatred your party had by planning his false witness/impeachment by truly a truly evil cartel orchestrated by Mob Moll Pelosi.
Considering your devotion to the deep state that is destroying this country, I'm sure your narrative is a far cry from the truth. It's hard to let go, isn't it by simply fudging a little bit on narratives. No, I haven't heard from President Trump, except I'm certain the Russian hit on the orphanage that killed 15 little children did not go well with him. Putin is controllable if somebody puts him in his place before he goes on a wild killing spree of people Russia already punished in WWII by the KGB murdering a million farmers and a huge toll on the countries that freed themselves of Stalin who was even more Ruthless than Putin has been so far.

When and if President Trump is restored, he will make America strong again. He already has a map. Biden's still on the punish the oil industry for voting for Trump mode. So are you.
I'm guessing you haven't heard what that orange pig has had to say. Start at about 7:45 or 7:50

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