Baby Bust

Fertility rates are falling across the board, people are waiting later and later (if ever) to start families, and are having fewer (if any) children when they do. Meanwhile, the death-mongers continue their abortion fetish.

How will (near) future governments and citizens address the many consequences of a declining population? It can't be put off forever.
That is why we need LEGAL immigration to this country.

No, that is never a solution. That's just a replacement strategy.

There is no “solution,” just delay and mitigation.

Absent an influx, once populations start to fall they pick up speed relatively quickly, and it’s very hard to reverse.

We know how babys are made. But we have a generation that would rather play on their iPhone than raise children.
Fertility rates are falling across the board, people are waiting later and later (if ever) to start families, and are having fewer (if any) children when they do. Meanwhile, the death-mongers continue their abortion fetish.

How will (near) future governments and citizens address the many consequences of a declining population? It can't be put off forever.
That is why we need LEGAL immigration to this country.

No, that is never a solution. That's just a replacement strategy.

There is no “solution,” just delay and mitigation.

Absent an influx, once populations start to fall they pick up speed relatively quickly, and it’s very hard to reverse.

We know how babys are made. But we have a generation that would rather play on their iPhone than raise children.

Then we have to prepare for the consequences.
Fertility rates are falling across the board, people are waiting later and later (if ever) to start families, and are having fewer (if any) children when they do. Meanwhile, the death-mongers continue their abortion fetish.

How will (near) future governments and citizens address the many consequences of a declining population? It can't be put off forever.
That is why we need LEGAL immigration to this country.

No, that is never a solution. That's just a replacement strategy.

There is no “solution,” just delay and mitigation.

Absent an influx, once populations start to fall they pick up speed relatively quickly, and it’s very hard to reverse.

We know how babys are made. But we have a generation that would rather play on their iPhone than raise children.

Then we have to prepare for the consequences.

The consequence is that third world influx will overwhelm the established culture and America will be no more. We are well past the tipping point on that already. All the calls for socialism are to appeal to ignorant third world migrants who want something for nothing.
Fertility rates are falling across the board, people are waiting later and later (if ever) to start families, and are having fewer (if any) children when they do. Meanwhile, the death-mongers continue their abortion fetish.

How will (near) future governments and citizens address the many consequences of a declining population? It can't be put off forever.
That is why we need LEGAL immigration to this country.

No, that is never a solution. That's just a replacement strategy.

There is no “solution,” just delay and mitigation.

Absent an influx, once populations start to fall they pick up speed relatively quickly, and it’s very hard to reverse.

We know how babys are made. But we have a generation that would rather play on their iPhone than raise children.

Obviously, transgendered robots are our future.
That is why we need LEGAL immigration to this country.

No, that is never a solution. That's just a replacement strategy.

There is no “solution,” just delay and mitigation.

Absent an influx, once populations start to fall they pick up speed relatively quickly, and it’s very hard to reverse.

We know how babys are made. But we have a generation that would rather play on their iPhone than raise children.

Then we have to prepare for the consequences.

The consequence is that third world influx will overwhelm the established culture and America will be no more. We are well past the tipping point on that already. All the calls for socialism are to appeal to ignorant third world migrants who want something for nothing.

That kind of pessimistic, weakass nonsense is un-American.
Mexicans out in Gilroy Ca. Up to ESanJose Ca. All have many kids, money seems no object? Double strollers with 5 walking behind the Senorita is normal. No Senior in sight.
Yeah, have the same thing here in Hillsburrito. Little Mexican women pushing their anchor babies in strollers up and down the sidewalks. The senors are out working.

Do in -tact, nuclear families and US citizens frighten you?
...As a person who doesn't pay one penny in FICA taxes on my unearned income, I don't think it's fair. People like me should be paying FICA taxes on every penny we make.
You have the right - as do we all - to share your wealth without gov't intervention.

I agree, if she wants to pay more, there is a line on her IRS return that allows her to pay what she thinks is her fair share. I wonder if anyone really does.

I prefer giving my money to charities that I want to give to.

I can't pay FICA taxes. The law won't allow it. The tax is only imposed on earned income as in wages and salaries. There is no line in the tax form for me or anyone to pay into or more into the social security fund.

I guess you and the person you're replying to don't understand the difference between FICA and FIT taxes. FICA is social security. FIT is federal income taxes. They are two very different taxes.

Yes a person can pay more into federal income taxes. No one can pay above the cap on FICA and no one can pay a penny in FICA if they don't earn income as in wages or salaries. FICA taxes aren't and can't be imposed on unearned income. It's the law.

Please learn about what you're talking about before you post. That way a person like me can't have fun making a total fool of you pointing out honest facts all intelligent people know.

Yes a person can pay more into federal income taxes. No one can pay above the cap on FICA and no one can pay a penny in FICA if they don't earn income as in wages or salaries. FICA taxes aren't and can't be imposed on unearned income. It's the law.

This kind of post makes me angry. You can donate all you want to the Fed tax program and it all goes into the General Fund. When they waste all your FICA and cant pay it? Will they just print more of it?

"Unearned income" uhhhh...? At one point most people earned money and paid taxes on that income. The rest (post Tax dollars) was "ours" to keep. If I am smart enough to save it (and the pot grows bigger) so be it. If i don't waste on cars and Coke should I pay more tax later on my savings?

There is also a cap gains tax for some kinds of investments/gains. Death tax, property tax etc. gets bigger as you accumulate. Is that "unearned"?
Mexicans out in Gilroy Ca. Up to ESanJose Ca. All have many kids, money seems no object? Double strollers with 5 walking behind the Senorita is normal. No Senior in sight.
Yeah, have the same thing here in Hillsburrito. Little Mexican women pushing their anchor babies in strollers up and down the sidewalks. The senors are out working.

Do in -tact, nuclear families and US citizens frighten you?
No. Family is everything.

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