Bachelor Host Chris Harrison Steps aside after defending Racism

And yet none of the facts I presented penetrate your tiny brain....

I ignore all your facts. I lived through Nixon's years. The guy was pretty openly racist. The fact that he signed a few laws the Democratic Congress that eventually forced him to resign really don't mean anything.

Nixon was a racist.

He employed a racist strategy to appeal to white people. It should be pointed out the last time a Democrat got the majority of the White vote was LBJ in 1964.

All of the actual evidence of what he actually did while in office shows you don't know what you are talking about.....
All of the actual evidence of what he actually did while in office shows you don't know what you are talking about.....

Uh, the evidence was that he ran on racist themes and was caught on tape saying racist things in the White House.
And herein lies the problem with leftist idiots.

We're talking about "The Bachelor" and they want to talk about Nixon.

Their idiocy shines with the light of a thousand suns...

Naw, man, it shows the problem with you guys... you went from being the Party of Lincoln to the Party of John Wilkes Booth.

Moron....John Wilkes Booth supported the democrat party, you idiot.
All of the actual evidence of what he actually did while in office shows you don't know what you are talking about.....

Uh, the evidence was that he ran on racist themes and was caught on tape saying racist things in the White House.

And the actual evidence I posted shows he did not run on racist themes and whatever he may have been in private, he was a Civil Rights leader in office.......
Always bitching about "racism" is just nothing more than a symptom that these Libtard pukes are sicko in the mind.

Now the idiot producers of the stupid show are going to find a bunch of pretty white girls to connect with some Negro piece of shit to prove that they are aren't racist.

The brainwashing that Hollywood does to the Useful Idiots is one of the reasons this country is so fucked up nowadays.
All of the actual evidence of what he actually did while in office shows you don't know what you are talking about.....

Uh, the evidence was that he ran on racist themes and was caught on tape saying racist things in the White House.

From post #107

Nixon had an excellent record on civil rights. He supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He was an avid champion of the desegregation of public schools. The progressive columnist Tom Wicker wrote in the New York Times, “There’s no doubt about it — the Nixon administration accomplished more in 1970 to desegregate Southern school systems than had been done in the 16 previous years or probably since.

There’s no doubt either that it was Richard Nixon personally who conceived and led the administration’s desegregation effort.”

Upon his taking office in 1969, Nixon also put into effect America’s first affirmative action program. Dubbed the Philadelphia Plan, it imposed racial goals and timetables on the building trade unions, first in Philadelphia and then elsewhere. Now, would a man seeking to build an electoral base of Deep South white supremacists actually promote the first program to legally discriminate in favor of blacks? This is absurd.

Nixon barely campaigned in the Deep South. His strategy, as outlined by Kevin Phillips in his classic work, “The Emerging Republican Majority,” was to target the Sunbelt, the vast swath of territory stretching from Florida to Nixon’s native California. This included what Phillips terms the Outer or Peripheral South.

Nixon recognized the South was changing. It was becoming more industrialized, with many northerners moving to the Sunbelt. Nixon’s focus, Phillips writes, was on the non-racist, upwardly-mobile, largely urban voters of the Outer or Peripheral South. Nixon won these voters, and he lost the Deep South, which went to Democratic segregationist George Wallace.

And how many racist Dixiecrats did Nixon win for the GOP? Turns out, virtually none.

Among the racist Dixiecrats, Strom Thurmond of South Carolina was the sole senator to defect to the Republicans — and he did this long before Nixon’s time. Only one Dixiecrat congressman, Albert Watson of South Carolina, switched to the GOP.

The rest, more than 200 Dixiecrat senators, congressmen, governors and high elected officials, all stayed in the Democratic Party.

The progressive notion of a Dixiecrat switch is a myth. Yet it is myth that continues to be promoted, using dubious case examples. Though the late Sens. Jesse Helms of North Carolina and John Tower of Texas and former Mississippi Sen. Trent Lott all switched from the Democratic Party to the GOP, none of these men was a Dixiecrat.

The South, as a whole, became Republican during the 1980s and 1990s. This had nothing to do with Nixon; it was because of Ronald Reagan and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.”

The conservative appeal to patriotism, anti-communism, free markets, pro-life and Christianity had far more to do with the South’s movement into the GOP camp than anything related to race.

Yet the myth of Nixon’s Southern Strategy endures — not because it’s true, but because it conveniently serves to exculpate the crimes of the Democratic Party. Somehow the party that promoted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow and racial terrorism gets to wipe its slate clean by pretending that, with Nixon’s connivance, the Republicans stole all their racists. It’s time we recognize this excuse for what it is: one more Democratic big lie.
Moron....John Wilkes Booth supported the democrat party, you idiot.

And now he's embraced by Republicans. Seriously, there are a couple of Republicans here who use him as a screen name or a Avi.

From post #107

Nixon was a racist. Deal with it.

he day after the United Nations voted to recognize the People’s Republic of China, then–California Governor Ronald Reagan phoned President Richard Nixon at the White House and vented his frustration at the delegates who had sided against the United States. “Last night, I tell you, to watch that thing on television as I did,” Reagan said. “Yeah,” Nixon interjected. Reagan forged ahead with his complaint: “To see those, those monkeys from those African countries—damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!” Nixon gave a huge laugh.

According to Naftali's report, Nixon believed in a "hierarchy of races" with white people at the top and people of African and Latin American descent towards the bottom.

In previously released recordings, Nixon revealed his opinions on Africans and African Americans to Harvard professor Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who had briefly served in his administration, and discussed theories by Richard Herrnstein and Arthur Jensen, which linked IQ to race. (These theories remain controversial today and Herrnstein's co-authored book 'The Bell Curve" been argued about and called "junk science" and "racist" by others in the scientific community.)

Moron....John Wilkes Booth supported the democrat party, you idiot.

And now he's embraced by Republicans. Seriously, there are a couple of Republicans here who use him as a screen name or a Avi.

From post #107

Nixon was a racist. Deal with it.

he day after the United Nations voted to recognize the People’s Republic of China, then–California Governor Ronald Reagan phoned President Richard Nixon at the White House and vented his frustration at the delegates who had sided against the United States. “Last night, I tell you, to watch that thing on television as I did,” Reagan said. “Yeah,” Nixon interjected. Reagan forged ahead with his complaint: “To see those, those monkeys from those African countries—damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!” Nixon gave a huge laugh.

According to Naftali's report, Nixon believed in a "hierarchy of races" with white people at the top and people of African and Latin American descent towards the bottom.

In previously released recordings, Nixon revealed his opinions on Africans and African Americans to Harvard professor Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who had briefly served in his administration, and discussed theories by Richard Herrnstein and Arthur Jensen, which linked IQ to race. (These theories remain controversial today and Herrnstein's co-authored book 'The Bell Curve" been argued about and called "junk science" and "racist" by others in the scientific community.)

Again.....since your tiny brain doesn't work right.....

From post #107

Nixon had an excellent record on civil rights. He supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He was an avid champion of the desegregation of public schools. The progressive columnist Tom Wicker wrote in the New York Times, “There’s no doubt about it — the Nixon administration accomplished more in 1970 to desegregate Southern school systems than had been done in the 16 previous years or probably since.

There’s no doubt either that it was Richard Nixon personally who conceived and led the administration’s desegregation effort.”

Upon his taking office in 1969, Nixon also put into effect America’s first affirmative action program. Dubbed the Philadelphia Plan, it imposed racial goals and timetables on the building trade unions, first in Philadelphia and then elsewhere. Now, would a man seeking to build an electoral base of Deep South white supremacists actually promote the first program to legally discriminate in favor of blacks? This is absurd.
Nixon barely campaigned in the Deep South. His strategy, as outlined by Kevin Phillips in his classic work, “The Emerging Republican Majority,” was to target the Sunbelt, the vast swath of territory stretching from Florida to Nixon’s native California. This included what Phillips terms the Outer or Peripheral South.

Nixon recognized the South was changing. It was becoming more industrialized, with many northerners moving to the Sunbelt. Nixon’s focus, Phillips writes, was on the non-racist, upwardly-mobile, largely urban voters of the Outer or Peripheral South. Nixon won these voters, and he lost the Deep South, which went to Democratic segregationist George Wallace.
And how many racist Dixiecrats did Nixon win for the GOP? Turns out, virtually none.

Among the racist Dixiecrats, Strom Thurmond of South Carolina was the sole senator to defect to the Republicans — and he did this long before Nixon’s time. Only one Dixiecrat congressman, Albert Watson of South Carolina, switched to the GOP.

The rest, more than 200 Dixiecrat senators, congressmen, governors and high elected officials, all stayed in the Democratic Party.

The progressive notion of a Dixiecrat switch is a myth. Yet it is myth that continues to be promoted, using dubious case examples. Though the late Sens. Jesse Helms of North Carolina and John Tower of Texas and former Mississippi Sen. Trent Lott all switched from the Democratic Party to the GOP, none of these men was a Dixiecrat.

The South, as a whole, became Republican during the 1980s and 1990s. This had nothing to do with Nixon; it was because of Ronald Reagan and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America.”

The conservative appeal to patriotism, anti-communism, free markets, pro-life and Christianity had far more to do with the South’s movement into the GOP camp than anything related to race.
Yet the myth of Nixon’s Southern Strategy endures — not because it’s true, but because it conveniently serves to exculpate the crimes of the Democratic Party. Somehow the party that promoted slavery, segregation, Jim Crow and racial terrorism gets to wipe its slate clean by pretending that, with Nixon’s connivance, the Republicans stole all their racists. It’s time we recognize this excuse for what it is: one more Democratic big lie.
Moron....John Wilkes Booth supported the democrat party, you idiot.

And now he's embraced by Republicans. Seriously, there are a couple of Republicans here who use him as a screen name or a Avi.

From post #107

Nixon was a racist. Deal with it.

he day after the United Nations voted to recognize the People’s Republic of China, then–California Governor Ronald Reagan phoned President Richard Nixon at the White House and vented his frustration at the delegates who had sided against the United States. “Last night, I tell you, to watch that thing on television as I did,” Reagan said. “Yeah,” Nixon interjected. Reagan forged ahead with his complaint: “To see those, those monkeys from those African countries—damn them, they’re still uncomfortable wearing shoes!” Nixon gave a huge laugh.

According to Naftali's report, Nixon believed in a "hierarchy of races" with white people at the top and people of African and Latin American descent towards the bottom.

In previously released recordings, Nixon revealed his opinions on Africans and African Americans to Harvard professor Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who had briefly served in his administration, and discussed theories by Richard Herrnstein and Arthur Jensen, which linked IQ to race. (These theories remain controversial today and Herrnstein's co-authored book 'The Bell Curve" been argued about and called "junk science" and "racist" by others in the scientific community.)

obama is a racist....a current democrat party President.......also, LBJ was a racist who opposed Civil Rights and the anti-lynching laws....

You dumb ass.
Again.....since your tiny brain doesn't work right.....

From post #107

Nixon had an excellent record on civil rights.

Sure... that's why we had race riots when he was in charge, because he was doing a bang up job on them Civil Rights.

Sorry, man, signing a piece of legislation because you are trying to stave off impeachment or a riot isn't something to be proud of.

obama is a racist....a current democrat party President.......also, LBJ was a racist who opposed Civil Rights and the anti-lynching laws....

LBJ gave us the modern civil rights movement.

Nixon used the Southern Strategy and White Greivance politics to get elected.

And Republicans have been addicted to racism ever since.
obama is a racist....a current democrat party President.......also, LBJ was a racist who opposed Civil Rights and the anti-lynching laws....

LBJ gave us the modern civil rights movement.

Nixon used the Southern Strategy and White Greivance politics to get elected.

And Republicans have been addicted to racism ever since.

LBJ was likely a member of the actual moron.....

And as my posts have shown, there was no Southern Strategy, and Nixon was an actual Civil Rights hero....
Again.....since your tiny brain doesn't work right.....

From post #107

Nixon had an excellent record on civil rights.

Sure... that's why we had race riots when he was in charge, because he was doing a bang up job on them Civil Rights.

Sorry, man, signing a piece of legislation because you are trying to stave off impeachment or a riot isn't something to be proud of.

We didn't have race riots...we had left wingers burning cities in the 1960s.....
And herein lies the problem with leftist idiots.

We're talking about "The Bachelor" and they want to talk about Nixon.

Their idiocy shines with the light of a thousand suns...

Naw, man, it shows the problem with you guys... you went from being the Party of Lincoln to the Party of John Wilkes Booth.

You're completely divorced from anything remotely resembling intelligence...
We didn't have race riots...we had left wingers burning cities in the 1960s.....

Naw, buddy, they were race riots... The government was so terrified of the black panthers Republicans actually supported Gun Control.

LBJ was likely a member of the actual moron.....

Sure.. you heard that on Hate Radio, didn't you?

And pools are more deadly than guns.

And whatever other crazy you are selling.

Idiot....more children die in pools than die by gun violence..........we need to ban all bodies of water over 3 inches....

350 children under the age of five drown in pools each year nationwide.

Accidental death by gun 0-14?


When I first heard about this incident and the resulting repercussions (and without having seen the photos or knowing the details regarding what was actually said) I felt that it was possibly an overreaction. I say this because believe it or not there are a lot of white people who are just absolutely clueless, particularly if they are young and/or grew up without ever encountering any black people, when it comes to knowledge or understanding of the racial origins and animosity towards black upon which our nation was founded, and why things that may seem innocuous to them have a different impact on people of African descent.

In many cases I've found that their behavior and comments comes from a place of ignorance more so than malice and I wouldn't be surprised at all if the thought that someone might find their actions offensive never crossed their minds, they probably just wanted to dress up and have fun. And for the record I don't think Chris Harrison did anything to deserve being pulled from the show.

On the other hand though I just read that Rachael Lindsey, the franchise's first African American Bachlorette had to shut down her Intagram account because of all of the hateful and threatening comments she's been receiving from the Bachelor's fan base. Now that is malicious on it's face and I'm a little surprised she responded by shutting down her account sinceI she's an attorney. I guess I just expected her to take action to deal with them, although I certainly understand her not wanting to have to see that kind of harassment on a continuing basis.
Then win a lot of money when you win your wrongful termination suit. Not racist you stupid fuck. Check your fucking stupidity.

Uh, guy, did you forget you Repukes instituted "At Will" employment and "Right to Work" in most of the country.

Your employer can fire you for any reason at any time. Unless you are the victim of some serious misconduct like sexual harassment, you don't have a case.

Companies fire people for things they say on Social Media all the time. They have whole departments that look into social media to see what their employees are doing. And they are on pretty solid legal ground for doing so.
No legal basis for firing. Wrongful termination. Keep flailing away. And check your fucking stupidity.
An employer doesn't need a "legal" basis to fire you if the terms of your employment are "at will". Their reason can be a good reason, a bad reason, a made up reason or no reason at all. It just can't be an unlawful reason (your boss tried to quid pro quo you for sexual favors in exchange for you keeping your job, you refused and then were fired in retaliation, just as one example)

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