Bachelor Host Chris Harrison Steps aside after defending Racism

Harrison had apologized on Wednesday after speaking out on behalf of Rachael Kirkconnell, a contestant who was reportedly photographed at an antebellum plantation-themed fraternity formal in 2018.
In Saturday's post, Harrison wrote that he was "deeply remorseful" for the pain and damage his "ignorance" had brought to his "friends, colleagues and strangers alike."

"To the Black community, to the BIPOC community: I am so sorry. My words were harmful. I am listening, and I truly apologize for my ignorance and any pain it caused you," Harrison wrote.
"I want to give my heartfelt thanks to the people from these communities who I've had enlightening conversations with over the past few days, and I am so grateful to those who have reached out to help me on my path to anti-racism."
Kirkconnell, in an Instagram post Thursday night, wrote that "her ignorance was racist" and that she "didn't recognize how offensive and racist my actions were, but that doesn't excuse them."
She apologized to the communities and individuals her actions harmed and offended, and wrote that she is "ashamed about my lack of education."

Comment: No doubt we will hear the mewling from the usual suspects about "Cancel Culture" and Political Correctness... but man, this guy was tone deaf, wasn't he?

The discussion we won't have. Why something as absolutely as tacky as the Bachelor is on the air to start with.
And Northam is still Governor.....

Life goes on
Hey buddy you didn’t address my point. Lady Antebellum....never offensive until you pussy woke Crowd became easily offended. Your conflation is false. If you compare Nazis and Antebellum again you will look even dumber than you usually do. So if you’re not going to address my points don’t respond. You’re wasting time. Got it? Fat ass.

I addressed your point just fine. Did I need to use smaller words?
No you did not. Again when did the group Lady Antebellum become “offensive”? A group called Lady Third Reich would always be offensive. So your conflation is false. Should we bring in a mod to oversee this so that you don’t pussy out?
I love Lady Antebellum but the push back they received may have been fallout from a legal battle over her use of the AKA "Lady A". Apparently there is a singer in the Seattle area who performs under the name of Lady A long before Lady Antebellum came along and there was a lawsuit over copyright infringement of the original artist's name.
Former Lady Antebellum will continue going by Lady A after apologizing to singer with the same name
Hey buddy you didn’t address my point. Lady Antebellum....never offensive until you pussy woke Crowd became easily offended. Your conflation is false. If you compare Nazis and Antebellum again you will look even dumber than you usually do. So if you’re not going to address my points don’t respond. You’re wasting time. Got it? Fat ass.

I addressed your point just fine. Did I need to use smaller words?
No you did not. Again when did the group Lady Antebellum become “offensive”? A group called Lady Third Reich would always be offensive. So your conflation is false. Should we bring in a mod to oversee this so that you don’t pussy out?
I love Lady Antebellum but the push back they received may have been fallout from a legal battle over her use of the AKA "Lady A". Apparently there is a singer in the Seattle area who performs under the name of Lady A long before Lady Antebellum came along and there was a lawsuit over copyright infringement of the original artist's name.
Former Lady Antebellum will continue going by Lady A after apologizing to singer with the same name
Why change the name at all?

Harrison had apologized on Wednesday after speaking out on behalf of Rachael Kirkconnell, a contestant who was reportedly photographed at an antebellum plantation-themed fraternity formal in 2018.
In Saturday's post, Harrison wrote that he was "deeply remorseful" for the pain and damage his "ignorance" had brought to his "friends, colleagues and strangers alike."

"To the Black community, to the BIPOC community: I am so sorry. My words were harmful. I am listening, and I truly apologize for my ignorance and any pain it caused you," Harrison wrote.
"I want to give my heartfelt thanks to the people from these communities who I've had enlightening conversations with over the past few days, and I am so grateful to those who have reached out to help me on my path to anti-racism."
Kirkconnell, in an Instagram post Thursday night, wrote that "her ignorance was racist" and that she "didn't recognize how offensive and racist my actions were, but that doesn't excuse them."
She apologized to the communities and individuals her actions harmed and offended, and wrote that she is "ashamed about my lack of education."

Comment: No doubt we will hear the mewling from the usual suspects about "Cancel Culture" and Political Correctness... but man, this guy was tone deaf, wasn't he?

The discussion we won't have. Why something as absolutely as tacky as the Bachelor is on the air to start with.
Okay I will bite.... you seem to have a lack of understanding in exactly what the cancel culture is.
Cancel culture does not call out or admonish someone for an insensitive comment or act. They don't accuse or ask questions. They don't apply proportional discipline for said comment.
What they DO do is pick and choose what is wrong and what is right. An insensitive to outright racist comment against one set of people is not only ok... but encouraged. But same comment said about a different group - look the fuck out!!
And then finally what the cancel culture really does....
SITUATION - Person says [enter fucked up comment, that offends chosen group] - - - CAREER OVERRRRRRR!!!!!!

And that is the problem, not whether someone said something wrong, but the waay out of proportional shunning of someone who may have only had a moment of stupidity (that offends chosen set of people)
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And Northam is still Governor.....

Life goes on

Well, they never even established if he was in that picture, or if he was the guy in the hood or the guy in blackface. He says he doesn't remember that picture, but if he did it, he's sorry.

That seems sincere enough.
Is it true?

It's not fantasy if true.

(I suspect that it is. Accidental gun deaths are so fucking rare that insurance is not even close to necessary.)

Actually, we have 800 accidental gun deaths a year on top of 23,000 suicides with guns.

That's kind of bad, but insurance usually doesn't pay out on either.

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