Bachmann leaves Congress to prepare for 'End Times'


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Bachmann: American Jews 'Sold Out Israel' To Help Obama; Bible Predicts US Will Turn Against Israel In End Times


One scary lady.

more left-wing nutjob self-delusions

why do people spend so much time on people they dismiss as crazy?

you are simply too stupid to be cognizant of how that makes you look
Where does it say she left to prepare for the "End Times?"

more left-wing nutjob self-delusions

why do people spend so much time on people they dismiss as crazy?

you are simply too stupid to be cognizant of how that makes you look

She said that the Bible predicted Obama’s actions: “The nations of the world will come against Israel and the scripture very specifically says all nations, now for the United States we don’t have that experience until recently under President Obama with the United States not standing with Israel.”

I've heard that just forever, that in the end, Israel would stand alone. It was incomprehensible years ago. However, I accept Michelle Bachmann's own statements that she is leaving Congress because she does not believe that public office should last a lifetime. It was completely in line with what our founders believed.

more left-wing nutjob self-delusions

why do people spend so much time on people they dismiss as crazy?

you are simply too stupid to be cognizant of how that makes you look

She said that the Bible predicted Obama’s actions: “The nations of the world will come against Israel and the scripture very specifically says all nations, now for the United States we don’t have that experience until recently under President Obama with the United States not standing with Israel.”



i didnt dispute what is reported she said did i? i asked why people trying to dismiss others as crazy and irrelevant spend so much time obsessing on them until they look as crazy or crazier than the people they are trying to ridicule; ESPECIALLY this LOON Hazel-tard

more left-wing nutjob self-delusions

why do people spend so much time on people they dismiss as crazy?

you are simply too stupid to be cognizant of how that makes you look

She said that the Bible predicted Obama’s actions: “The nations of the world will come against Israel and the scripture very specifically says all nations, now for the United States we don’t have that experience until recently under President Obama with the United States not standing with Israel.”



i didnt dispute what is reported she said did i? i asked why people trying to dismiss others as crazy and irrelevant spend so much time obsessing on them until they look as crazy or crazier than the people they are trying to ridicule; ESPECIALLY this LOON Hazel-tard

Stop obsessing on hazlnut.
Why? Because she is the one that puts herself out there.


more left-wing nutjob self-delusions

why do people spend so much time on people they dismiss as crazy?

you are simply too stupid to be cognizant of how that makes you look
Does Hazl ever have something important to say, he's falling into that closed caption, rdean, post a story and no independent thought territory
Remember this?

Some people think George W Bush did as much as he could to bring about Armageddon with his earlier interventions in the Middle East. But not the man himself, apparently. He has signed up for a fundraising event for the Messianic Jewish Bible Institute, an organisation which aims to promote the second coming by converting Jews to Christianity, and will speak today at their fundraiser in Irving, Texas.

George W Bush's new 'crusade': converting Jews to Christianity | Andrew Brown | Comment is free |
What does the Bible not say about the Jews? Most of it was written by them. I think they go a little overboard with their mysticism, but it makes for good movies...

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