Bachmann leaves Congress to prepare for 'End Times'

I've heard that just forever, that in the end, Israel would stand alone. It was incomprehensible years ago. However, I accept Michelle Bachmann's own statements that she is leaving Congress because she does not believe that public office should last a lifetime. It was completely in line with what our founders believed.

The Founders didn't even believe that women should vote, let alone serve in Congress.

I heard Bachmann interviewed on the radio. I think it was Medved's show. She said she didn't have any specific plans for when she left, but I find that hard to believe. Although she DID say something to the effect that she planned to stay involved 'in the debate.' My guess is that she probably already has some kind of tentative offer for a LOT more money than she was making in Congress. Alas, as a lobbyist, I don't think she would fare very well because I don't think she was much liked or respected by her peers although I'm sure some admired her fundraising acumen.

I hope I'm wrong about her already getting some kind of offer. Perhaps she thinks that her post-Congressional career will automatically flower once she retires. However, once she's no longer a sitting Congresswoman with all the prestige that comes along with it, I'm hoping her cachet will diminish to the point that she's not going to be a to cash in like Jim DeMint did when he just up and quit the Senate of a big paycheck at the Heritage Foundation. But there's no denying the fact that she knows how to get attention. Being outrageous and/or saying outrageous things has worked for rock stars, Donald Trump, Al Sharpton, Sarah Palin, Oliver Stone, Allen West, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck and countless others. So, I don't expect her to go away. However, look for even crazier statements in the future if and when she doesn't get the same level of media attention she was easily able to get simply because she was a sitting Member of Congress. But whatever she does in the future, I would almost bet it's going to be associated with raising money from people who share her views (and fears). She's gonna tap them like a Vermonter taps a maple tree. Count on it!
Bachmann: American Jews 'Sold Out Israel' To Help Obama; Bible Predicts US Will Turn Against Israel In End Times


One scary lady.

It's amazing someone so batshit and painfully dumb has made it to public office. Obviously it says a lot about teabaggers in general. :eusa_whistle:
When da jooooooz finally tear down that filthy moon god mosque on the temple then I would suggest digging the deepest hole you can and kissing your ass goodbye.

A woman whose head comes with handles, and who looks quite happy to be on all fours, can't be all bad.

While not for those particularly reasons, I didn't think the picture looked that scary either.

One of our neighbors said that although picture is disturbing, he cannot avert his gaze from it.

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