Bachmann on Gulf payments

still thinking the Obama did all this huh. Bp had already said, THEY WOULD PAY. but you go on living in your dream world. :lol:

Can you link us to where BP said they would pay 20 billion dollars BEFORE Obama told them too..?

If you provide that link, not only will I apologize to you, I will fucking leave this board!

Now show us a link, or stfu. I challenge you! I AM CALLING YOU OUT! MAN UP so to speak.

God I'd love to find a link, but I don't think they're stupid enough to have pulled the $20 billion figure out of the air. They've said from the start they would pay all legit claims. Why would they have said "up to $20 Billion"? Or up to any ceiling?

I am still sticking to my word...come up with a link of them saying they would have paid 20 billion...

Oh and as far as them saying they would pay..or are already paying, they paid out 5k to a few people and thats about it. So, 20 billion WOULD HAVE NEVER HAVE HAPPENED without our kick ass president.

God bless America!
They're PR is shit now. And yes, I would have applauded their telling BO no deal. Screw him.

So you would rather those victims end up in court like the valdez victims did. some of them died waiting for dime one.

PS: Oh. And Screw Obama. He's grandstanding trying to look like a badass. Seems to be working on you, anwyay.

You are that partisan where you would rather those family's not have ANY income just so you could see someone say "screw" him?

Says EVERYTHING about you, you great american you.

When did I say the families and businesses shouldn't be compensated? You are aware BP is paying claims, right?

PS: Oh. And screw Obama. He's grandstanding, trying to look like a badass. Seems to be working on you, anyway.

When you link us to exactly how much they have paid out so far, you will realize just how much they would have NEVER came up with 20 billion.

I know how much they have paid out so far, but since you said it, I will do the obvious thing, LINK PLEASE.

the real victims will get their money after 80% overhead by the government.


Your better solution is?

allow the people to file directly with BP and then have BP pay. no need for government red tape or corruption. and its not drivel you government loving douchebag

So they can file Chapter 11 and walk away? That's what the government is trying to prevent. Sorry, there is no conspiracy here.
They're PR is shit now. And yes, I would have applauded their telling BO no deal. Screw him.

So you would rather those victims end up in court like the valdez victims did. some of them died waiting for dime one.

PS: Oh. And Screw Obama. He's grandstanding trying to look like a badass. Seems to be working on you, anwyay.

You are that partisan where you would rather those family's not have ANY income just so you could see someone say "screw" him?

Says EVERYTHING about you, you great american you.

When did I say the families and businesses shouldn't be compensated? You are aware BP is paying claims, right?

PS: Oh. And screw Obama. He's grandstanding, trying to look like a badass. Seems to be working on you, anyway.

That is your entire manifesto. Hands on, hands off, total takeover of situation, distance from situation, legal involvement, no legal involvement - You will say screw Obama.

That's fine, you're entitled. But don't act like you know what you're talking about. You don't.
So you would rather those victims end up in court like the valdez victims did. some of them died waiting for dime one.

PS: Oh. And Screw Obama. He's grandstanding trying to look like a badass. Seems to be working on you, anwyay.

You are that partisan where you would rather those family's not have ANY income just so you could see someone say "screw" him?

Says EVERYTHING about you, you great american you.

When did I say the families and businesses shouldn't be compensated? You are aware BP is paying claims, right?

PS: Oh. And screw Obama. He's grandstanding, trying to look like a badass. Seems to be working on you, anyway.

When you link us to exactly how much they have paid out so far, you will realize just how much they would have NEVER came up with 20 billion.

I know how much they have paid out so far, but since you said it, I will do the obvious thing, LINK PLEASE.


See my previous link in my reply to Jillian.

No. Nevermind - it's still in my paste buffer.

Analysts still feel BP can cover Gulf costs -

As you know, (cuz you so smart!) they have paid $1.4 billion in clean-up costs and claims so far.

And that's just after a few months in. They'll be paying about $5 billion a year into the escrow fund, which is I believe their best guesstimate as to the flow of claims. $20 billion may be a little (ahem) conservative.
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So you would rather those victims end up in court like the valdez victims did. some of them died waiting for dime one.

PS: Oh. And Screw Obama. He's grandstanding trying to look like a badass. Seems to be working on you, anwyay.

You are that partisan where you would rather those family's not have ANY income just so you could see someone say "screw" him?

Says EVERYTHING about you, you great american you.

When did I say the families and businesses shouldn't be compensated? You are aware BP is paying claims, right?

PS: Oh. And screw Obama. He's grandstanding, trying to look like a badass. Seems to be working on you, anyway.

That is your entire manifesto. Hands on, hands off, total takeover of situation, distance from situation, legal involvement, no legal involvement - You will say screw Obama.

That's fine, you're entitled. But don't act like you know what you're talking about. You don't.

Not true.

Sometimes I say FUCK OBAMA!!

I'm feeling rather genteel tonight.
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The moonbat liberals don't mind a liberal president who is taking over businesses and strong arming corporations. What they mind is a strong President who intercepts plans from terrorists and does all he can to protect the American people.
the real victims will get their money after 80% overhead by the government.

This needs to be repeated...Often.

why? when it is an outright lie?

is that how you like to work....just getting everyone to repeat LIES?

AGAIN, why pass along a lie? How do you or anyone truly benefit from that kind of crap T?
if you guys think obama made bp do this you're nuts....imo!

bp AGREED to doing this, before obama's speech....heck, i wouldn't be surprised if this was bp's pr marketing team's idea....
if you guys think obama made bp do this you're nuts....imo!

bp AGREED to doing this, before obama's speech....heck, i wouldn't be surprised if this was bp's pr marketing team's idea....


The more I think about this and read about it, the more I think BP made a wise move. They've given Obama the sleeves from their vest. They've given him nothing.

This is money they were going to pay anyway. By agreeing to it, they've not only taken some heat off themselves, they've passed along responsiblity for claims adjustment decisions.

BO's poll numbers stay the same no matter what - which astounds me - but it will be interesting to see if he gets a bounce from this. I don't expect him to. I think everyone has made up their minds by now.
well by golly, I guess you told me.:lol:
you talk to people about how a stinking lawyer would.

Yes, because it's important to point out that you're a babe in the woods on this subject. You make all this noise, but you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Fact: Obama is not, nor is he trying to, personally seize and distribute anything.

Fact: BP's cooperation is voluntary for the moment.

Fact: The United States can sue BP over the debacle if they're unable to settle out of court. There is nothing, NOTHING in the Constitution that prevents that from happening.

Grow up, you're hyper-partisan wannabe intellect is tiresome.


This post reminds me of a wobbly-legged fighter smiling or sticking their tongue out at their opponent after getting completely rocked by a punch.
if you guys think obama made bp do this you're nuts....imo!

bp AGREED to doing this, before obama's speech....heck, i wouldn't be surprised if this was bp's pr marketing team's idea....

I heard that Obama pinned BP's CEO down on the ground, grabbed his wrists and repeatedly slapped him in the face with his own hands all while asking him, "Why do you keep hitting yourself? Why do you keep hitting yourself?" over and over and over. After that he twisted his arm around his back until he said "Karl Marx" and agreed to create the account.
the real victims will get their money after 80% overhead by the government.


Your better solution is?

allow the people to file directly with BP and then have BP pay. no need for government red tape or corruption. and its not drivel you government loving douchebag

Ok, I dont want to bust your republican little bubble, but you do realize its an outside source that will control the money, DONT YOU? You are kidding with your last post righty?
BP was not keeping up with the claims, and there were many on the Gulf that were not that far from losing all they had. By putting this money in escrow, in an account with a known honest man overseeing it, the process of reimbursment for the losses of our citizens in the Gulf area is now speeded up. Whether this was agreed to before, after, or during the meeting is not important, what is important is that the people get reimbursed for their loses in a timely manner.

Now the idea of a large corperation having to pay for the damage it inflicts through criminal negligence may be a foreign concept to the local wingnuts, but it sounds like justice to rest of America's citizens.
When did I say the families and businesses shouldn't be compensated? You are aware BP is paying claims, right?

PS: Oh. And screw Obama. He's grandstanding, trying to look like a badass. Seems to be working on you, anyway.

When you link us to exactly how much they have paid out so far, you will realize just how much they would have NEVER came up with 20 billion.

I know how much they have paid out so far, but since you said it, I will do the obvious thing, LINK PLEASE.


See my previous link in my reply to Jillian.

No. Nevermind - it's still in my paste buffer.

Analysts still feel BP can cover Gulf costs -

As you know, (cuz you so smart!) they have paid $1.4 billion in clean-up costs and claims so far.

And that's just after a few months in. They'll be paying about $5 billion a year into the escrow fund, which is I believe their best guesstimate as to the flow of claims. $20 billion may be a little (ahem) conservative.

You dont get away that easy much to people, not clean up...the people! lol Here is a hint, its no where near 1.4 billion...:)

Your better solution is?

allow the people to file directly with BP and then have BP pay. no need for government red tape or corruption. and its not drivel you government loving douchebag

Ok, I dont want to bust your republican little bubble, but you do realize its an outside source that will control the money, DONT YOU? You are kidding with your last post righty?

Naw, all these dingleberries realize is that President Obama will get credit for ensuring that the people on the Gulf do not starve. A thought that just drives them bonkers.:lol:
Bachmann on BP? AWTF bro.................NOBODY CARES!!!

These people............either they are simply beyond gone in having any clue about the current political dynamic OR are fully aware and are trying to distract people with irrelevant nonsense.

The only current story on the BP thing is that last nights speech was a fcukkiing disaster!!! I could hardly believe my ears today listening to liberal stalwarts slamming Obama's leadership..........Kirsten Powers and Chris Matthews to name just two. Who'd ever think somebody could be percieved to be more of a fcukk up than Bush on Katrina!!?????????????

Oh ps..........I laughed my balls off when I took a gandor on over to DRUDGE this am..............


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