Back Of The Bus Everyone!


View attachment 86301

Sure, but the stuff you think is mostly nuts.

It's "nuts" to you because you have been conditioned to think a certain way and never question those that you believe to be your "betters" and controllers..... of which nothing could be further from the truth. You have the ability to think for yourself and you know the difference between right and wrong, what is fair and what is unjust just like I why do we need a corporate entity to write acts, statutes and codes to penalize people for victim-less violations that does nothing but steal from the people?
We need to return to Common Law, kick the Lieber Code and the Universal Commercial Code to the curb and return to constitutional law with an honest monetary system. We need to kick the robber barons to the curb and confiscate the wealth that they have stolen from us via our labor for a worthless debt note that is the dollar. It's not that fucking hard to figure out once you wake up to what type of system we are actually under.

You ask why we need people to write laws for us? Because if the little old lady down the street wrote the laws, everybody would be required to have Hummel Figurines on their bookshelves. Our society is too large for every person to decide which laws fit for them so we elect representatives who write those laws based on our values which are laid out in the constitution and what the majority of their constituents want. If you would come out from under that tinfoil hat every once in a while, you would see it doesn't always work well, but it works better than anything else that has been thought of.

Really? We need people to write acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to prohibit people from collecting rain water on their own property? Tell them how big their gardens can be on their own property? Acts, statutes, codes and ordinances prohibiting people from bartering with the produce that they have grown? Prosecuting people that want to live off of the grid? Our government is not based on the organic constitution and it's an incorporated entity owned by the International Monetary Fund in a successor to contract deal in 1950 to provide the 19 enumerated services as per the corporate constitution charter that was written in 1871. This isn't tinfoil hat "thinking", it's fully documented and the amount of fraud that has been put upon us is utterly staggering.
That's right, get your dumb ass back, all you Negros and you Hispanics and yes you whites move your dumb ass back for Massar Obama and Hillary Clinton.
This new democrat stimulus is NOT for you. Your are American citizens and that's enough. Refugees need work, so sit your ass down and shut the hell up.

"The White House this week issued a formal Call to Action for U.S. firms to make “new, measurable, and significant commitments that will have a long-term, sustainable impact on MUSLIM refugees residing in countries on the frontlines of this crisis and in countries of resettlement, like the United States.”

And of course democrats SUPPORT islamic terrorist companies.

And voting for Hillary is NOT going to change it. THAT traitor fully supports this...

And this islamic terrorist supporter has already been dragged in to court for lying.

So get your ass to the back of the bus AMERICAN CITIZEN.
Islamic terrorists are better than you!
Obama regime urges American businesses to hire Syrian and other Muslim refugees instead of American citizens


I love Chobani Greek yogurt. Good stuff
That's right, get your dumb ass back, all you Negros and you Hispanics and yes you whites move your dumb ass back for Massar Obama and Hillary Clinton.
This new democrat stimulus is NOT for you. Your are American citizens and that's enough. Refugees need work, so sit your ass down and shut the hell up.

"The White House this week issued a formal Call to Action for U.S. firms to make “new, measurable, and significant commitments that will have a long-term, sustainable impact on MUSLIM refugees residing in countries on the frontlines of this crisis and in countries of resettlement, like the United States.”

And of course democrats SUPPORT islamic terrorist companies.

And voting for Hillary is NOT going to change it. THAT traitor fully supports this...

And this islamic terrorist supporter has already been dragged in to court for lying.

So get your ass to the back of the bus AMERICAN CITIZEN.
Islamic terrorists are better than you!
Obama regime urges American businesses to hire Syrian and other Muslim refugees instead of American citizens


Those RACIST gimme mines ordering whitey around..
lol White Media to the back--> You dumbazz liberal media whores being ordered around by your own..
That's right, get your dumb ass back, all you Negros and you Hispanics and yes you whites move your dumb ass back for Massar Obama and Hillary Clinton.
This new democrat stimulus is NOT for you. Your are American citizens and that's enough. Refugees need work, so sit your ass down and shut the hell up.

"The White House this week issued a formal Call to Action for U.S. firms to make “new, measurable, and significant commitments that will have a long-term, sustainable impact on MUSLIM refugees residing in countries on the frontlines of this crisis and in countries of resettlement, like the United States.”

And of course democrats SUPPORT islamic terrorist companies.

And voting for Hillary is NOT going to change it. THAT traitor fully supports this...

And this islamic terrorist supporter has already been dragged in to court for lying.

So get your ass to the back of the bus AMERICAN CITIZEN.
Islamic terrorists are better than you!
Obama regime urges American businesses to hire Syrian and other Muslim refugees instead of American citizens


You've been bombing their third world Islamic shitholes for 16 years now and you just brought more terrorist attacks here. And even worse, you brought those very same Islamic shithole people here in droves too. As refugees from your bombing.

Signed; Gee your dumb
Really? We need people to write acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to prohibit people from collecting rain water on their own property?

I really have a hard time believing that we have lawmakers that are this stupid. My sweet lord are they trying to get LEO's in ruckus's over rain water? Imagine what Private Property really means... If the freaking rain belongs to the State, keep it off my freaking property. This one of these BS laws that can't be enforced...

It's "nuts" to you because you have been conditioned to think a certain way and never question those that you believe to be your "betters" and controllers..... of which nothing could be further from the truth. You have the ability to think for yourself and you know the difference between right and wrong, what is fair and what is unjust just like I why do we need a corporate entity to write acts, statutes and codes to penalize people for victim-less violations that does nothing but steal from the people?
We need to return to Common Law, kick the Lieber Code and the Universal Commercial Code to the curb and return to constitutional law with an honest monetary system. We need to kick the robber barons to the curb and confiscate the wealth that they have stolen from us via our labor for a worthless debt note that is the dollar. It's not that fucking hard to figure out once you wake up to what type of system we are actually under.

You ask why we need people to write laws for us? Because if the little old lady down the street wrote the laws, everybody would be required to have Hummel Figurines on their bookshelves. Our society is too large for every person to decide which laws fit for them so we elect representatives who write those laws based on our values which are laid out in the constitution and what the majority of their constituents want. If you would come out from under that tinfoil hat every once in a while, you would see it doesn't always work well, but it works better than anything else that has been thought of.

Really? We need people to write acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to prohibit people from collecting rain water on their own property? Tell them how big their gardens can be on their own property? Acts, statutes, codes and ordinances prohibiting people from bartering with the produce that they have grown? Prosecuting people that want to live off of the grid? Our government is not based on the organic constitution and it's an incorporated entity owned by the International Monetary Fund in a successor to contract deal in 1950 to provide the 19 enumerated services as per the corporate constitution charter that was written in 1871. This isn't tinfoil hat "thinking", it's fully documented and the amount of fraud that has been put upon us is utterly staggering.

Gonna need a link for that one. I can see requirements to keep any collected water sanitary, or to prevent harm to neighbors or someone down stream, but prohibiting collection sounds like bullshit unless there is harm to others.

Thanks for the link. It makes it clear that collecting rain water is not a problem. Colorado did have a law from about 100 years ago, and wasn't enforced, that they did away with recently. There are dumb laws on the books everywhere. Look them up sometimes for a laugh. Nevada requires that you own the water rights to the property, but I can understand that it's wrong to collect something that someone else has the rights to. Very good article, and it completely blows that ridiculous claim out of the water.

Sure, but the stuff you think is mostly nuts.

It's "nuts" to you because you have been conditioned to think a certain way and never question those that you believe to be your "betters" and controllers..... of which nothing could be further from the truth. You have the ability to think for yourself and you know the difference between right and wrong, what is fair and what is unjust just like I why do we need a corporate entity to write acts, statutes and codes to penalize people for victim-less violations that does nothing but steal from the people?
We need to return to Common Law, kick the Lieber Code and the Universal Commercial Code to the curb and return to constitutional law with an honest monetary system. We need to kick the robber barons to the curb and confiscate the wealth that they have stolen from us via our labor for a worthless debt note that is the dollar. It's not that fucking hard to figure out once you wake up to what type of system we are actually under.

You ask why we need people to write laws for us? Because if the little old lady down the street wrote the laws, everybody would be required to have Hummel Figurines on their bookshelves. Our society is too large for every person to decide which laws fit for them so we elect representatives who write those laws based on our values which are laid out in the constitution and what the majority of their constituents want. If you would come out from under that tinfoil hat every once in a while, you would see it doesn't always work well, but it works better than anything else that has been thought of.

Really? We need people to write acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to prohibit people from collecting rain water on their own property? Tell them how big their gardens can be on their own property? Acts, statutes, codes and ordinances prohibiting people from bartering with the produce that they have grown? Prosecuting people that want to live off of the grid? Our government is not based on the organic constitution and it's an incorporated entity owned by the International Monetary Fund in a successor to contract deal in 1950 to provide the 19 enumerated services as per the corporate constitution charter that was written in 1871. This isn't tinfoil hat "thinking", it's fully documented and the amount of fraud that has been put upon us is utterly staggering.

Gonna need a link for that one. I can see requirements to keep any collected water sanitary, or to prevent harm to neighbors or someone down stream, but prohibiting collection sounds like bullshit unless there is harm to others.

I agree wholeheartedly with your contentions and when I first read about this shit, I thought that there had to be something more to the story that I wasn't getting but it's true. There was a rancher that was put in jail because he had ponds dug on his own friggin' land to collect rainwater so his cows could drink it. This is the same kind of shit they have been doing to farmers and ranchers for the last 30 years to try and drive them off of their property so the multi-national corporations can take it over using the BLM as the strong arm. That was the reason for the Oregon standoff that the Bundys were a part of and they did it on behalf of the Hammond family that got royally fucked over. What we have is a situation as to if it's not affecting MY life, then it's someone else's problem. Here's the deal, if they do it on a small scale and no one stands up, whose to say that it won't happen on a grander scale and because the bar has already been set, the people will feel compelled to acquiesce and give consent. Federal government overreach has gotten totally out of hand.
Oh bully that BLM Mr. Smith speaks of is the Bureau of Land Management, not the group you belong to...

Yeah, good point. I feel that the Black Lives Matter was intentionally named that to confuse the Bureau of Land Management's stealing of land and the attention being drawn to it.
Sure, but the stuff you think is mostly nuts.

It's "nuts" to you because you have been conditioned to think a certain way and never question those that you believe to be your "betters" and controllers..... of which nothing could be further from the truth. You have the ability to think for yourself and you know the difference between right and wrong, what is fair and what is unjust just like I why do we need a corporate entity to write acts, statutes and codes to penalize people for victim-less violations that does nothing but steal from the people?
We need to return to Common Law, kick the Lieber Code and the Universal Commercial Code to the curb and return to constitutional law with an honest monetary system. We need to kick the robber barons to the curb and confiscate the wealth that they have stolen from us via our labor for a worthless debt note that is the dollar. It's not that fucking hard to figure out once you wake up to what type of system we are actually under.

You ask why we need people to write laws for us? Because if the little old lady down the street wrote the laws, everybody would be required to have Hummel Figurines on their bookshelves. Our society is too large for every person to decide which laws fit for them so we elect representatives who write those laws based on our values which are laid out in the constitution and what the majority of their constituents want. If you would come out from under that tinfoil hat every once in a while, you would see it doesn't always work well, but it works better than anything else that has been thought of.

Really? We need people to write acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to prohibit people from collecting rain water on their own property? Tell them how big their gardens can be on their own property? Acts, statutes, codes and ordinances prohibiting people from bartering with the produce that they have grown? Prosecuting people that want to live off of the grid? Our government is not based on the organic constitution and it's an incorporated entity owned by the International Monetary Fund in a successor to contract deal in 1950 to provide the 19 enumerated services as per the corporate constitution charter that was written in 1871. This isn't tinfoil hat "thinking", it's fully documented and the amount of fraud that has been put upon us is utterly staggering.

Gonna need a link for that one. I can see requirements to keep any collected water sanitary, or to prevent harm to neighbors or someone down stream, but prohibiting collection sounds like bullshit unless there is harm to others.

I agree wholeheartedly with your contentions and when I first read about this shit, I thought that there had to be something more to the story that I wasn't getting but it's true. There was a rancher that was put in jail because he had ponds dug on his own friggin' land to collect rainwater so his cows could drink it. This is the same kind of shit they have been doing to farmers and ranchers for the last 30 years to try and drive them off of their property so the multi-national corporations can take it over using the BLM as the strong arm. That was the reason for the Oregon standoff that the Bundys were a part of and they did it on behalf of the Hammond family that got royally fucked over. What we have is a situation as to if it's not affecting MY life, then it's someone else's problem. Here's the deal, if they do it on a small scale and no one stands up, whose to say that it won't happen on a grander scale and because the bar has already been set, the people will feel compelled to acquiesce and give consent. Federal government overreach has gotten totally out of hand.

Digging ponds is an entirely different subject, and entails much different things that the simple collection of rainwater. Your original contention was bullshit. I'm not sure if you were just being dishonest or if you were really dumb enough to believe the crap you posted, but either way it's been shown for the goofy claim it was.
It's "nuts" to you because you have been conditioned to think a certain way and never question those that you believe to be your "betters" and controllers..... of which nothing could be further from the truth. You have the ability to think for yourself and you know the difference between right and wrong, what is fair and what is unjust just like I why do we need a corporate entity to write acts, statutes and codes to penalize people for victim-less violations that does nothing but steal from the people?
We need to return to Common Law, kick the Lieber Code and the Universal Commercial Code to the curb and return to constitutional law with an honest monetary system. We need to kick the robber barons to the curb and confiscate the wealth that they have stolen from us via our labor for a worthless debt note that is the dollar. It's not that fucking hard to figure out once you wake up to what type of system we are actually under.

You ask why we need people to write laws for us? Because if the little old lady down the street wrote the laws, everybody would be required to have Hummel Figurines on their bookshelves. Our society is too large for every person to decide which laws fit for them so we elect representatives who write those laws based on our values which are laid out in the constitution and what the majority of their constituents want. If you would come out from under that tinfoil hat every once in a while, you would see it doesn't always work well, but it works better than anything else that has been thought of.

Really? We need people to write acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to prohibit people from collecting rain water on their own property? Tell them how big their gardens can be on their own property? Acts, statutes, codes and ordinances prohibiting people from bartering with the produce that they have grown? Prosecuting people that want to live off of the grid? Our government is not based on the organic constitution and it's an incorporated entity owned by the International Monetary Fund in a successor to contract deal in 1950 to provide the 19 enumerated services as per the corporate constitution charter that was written in 1871. This isn't tinfoil hat "thinking", it's fully documented and the amount of fraud that has been put upon us is utterly staggering.

Gonna need a link for that one. I can see requirements to keep any collected water sanitary, or to prevent harm to neighbors or someone down stream, but prohibiting collection sounds like bullshit unless there is harm to others.

I agree wholeheartedly with your contentions and when I first read about this shit, I thought that there had to be something more to the story that I wasn't getting but it's true. There was a rancher that was put in jail because he had ponds dug on his own friggin' land to collect rainwater so his cows could drink it. This is the same kind of shit they have been doing to farmers and ranchers for the last 30 years to try and drive them off of their property so the multi-national corporations can take it over using the BLM as the strong arm. That was the reason for the Oregon standoff that the Bundys were a part of and they did it on behalf of the Hammond family that got royally fucked over. What we have is a situation as to if it's not affecting MY life, then it's someone else's problem. Here's the deal, if they do it on a small scale and no one stands up, whose to say that it won't happen on a grander scale and because the bar has already been set, the people will feel compelled to acquiesce and give consent. Federal government overreach has gotten totally out of hand.

Digging ponds is an entirely different subject, and entails much different things that the simple collection of rainwater. Your original contention was bullshit. I'm not sure if you were just being dishonest or if you were really dumb enough to believe the crap you posted, but either way it's been shown for the goofy claim it was.

How in the fuck is digging a pond on your own land any fucking different than having one of those above ground pools that you fill in order to provide water for your cattle? Answer? There isn't a fucking **** hair's worth of difference. This is about control and harassing farmers and ranchers to the point that they sell their property.
You ask why we need people to write laws for us? Because if the little old lady down the street wrote the laws, everybody would be required to have Hummel Figurines on their bookshelves. Our society is too large for every person to decide which laws fit for them so we elect representatives who write those laws based on our values which are laid out in the constitution and what the majority of their constituents want. If you would come out from under that tinfoil hat every once in a while, you would see it doesn't always work well, but it works better than anything else that has been thought of.

Really? We need people to write acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to prohibit people from collecting rain water on their own property? Tell them how big their gardens can be on their own property? Acts, statutes, codes and ordinances prohibiting people from bartering with the produce that they have grown? Prosecuting people that want to live off of the grid? Our government is not based on the organic constitution and it's an incorporated entity owned by the International Monetary Fund in a successor to contract deal in 1950 to provide the 19 enumerated services as per the corporate constitution charter that was written in 1871. This isn't tinfoil hat "thinking", it's fully documented and the amount of fraud that has been put upon us is utterly staggering.

Gonna need a link for that one. I can see requirements to keep any collected water sanitary, or to prevent harm to neighbors or someone down stream, but prohibiting collection sounds like bullshit unless there is harm to others.

I agree wholeheartedly with your contentions and when I first read about this shit, I thought that there had to be something more to the story that I wasn't getting but it's true. There was a rancher that was put in jail because he had ponds dug on his own friggin' land to collect rainwater so his cows could drink it. This is the same kind of shit they have been doing to farmers and ranchers for the last 30 years to try and drive them off of their property so the multi-national corporations can take it over using the BLM as the strong arm. That was the reason for the Oregon standoff that the Bundys were a part of and they did it on behalf of the Hammond family that got royally fucked over. What we have is a situation as to if it's not affecting MY life, then it's someone else's problem. Here's the deal, if they do it on a small scale and no one stands up, whose to say that it won't happen on a grander scale and because the bar has already been set, the people will feel compelled to acquiesce and give consent. Federal government overreach has gotten totally out of hand.

Digging ponds is an entirely different subject, and entails much different things that the simple collection of rainwater. Your original contention was bullshit. I'm not sure if you were just being dishonest or if you were really dumb enough to believe the crap you posted, but either way it's been shown for the goofy claim it was.

How in the fuck is digging a pond on your own land any fucking different than having one of those above ground pools that you fill in order to provide water for your cattle? Answer? There isn't a fucking **** hair's worth of difference. This is about control and harassing farmers and ranchers to the point that they sell their property.

Don't be silly. There are lots of ways ponds can be detrimental to neighbors or others downstream. Do a little research before you spout crazy stuff. Wait, never mind. I forgot who I was talking to.
Really? We need people to write acts, statutes, codes and ordinances to prohibit people from collecting rain water on their own property? Tell them how big their gardens can be on their own property? Acts, statutes, codes and ordinances prohibiting people from bartering with the produce that they have grown? Prosecuting people that want to live off of the grid? Our government is not based on the organic constitution and it's an incorporated entity owned by the International Monetary Fund in a successor to contract deal in 1950 to provide the 19 enumerated services as per the corporate constitution charter that was written in 1871. This isn't tinfoil hat "thinking", it's fully documented and the amount of fraud that has been put upon us is utterly staggering.

Gonna need a link for that one. I can see requirements to keep any collected water sanitary, or to prevent harm to neighbors or someone down stream, but prohibiting collection sounds like bullshit unless there is harm to others.

I agree wholeheartedly with your contentions and when I first read about this shit, I thought that there had to be something more to the story that I wasn't getting but it's true. There was a rancher that was put in jail because he had ponds dug on his own friggin' land to collect rainwater so his cows could drink it. This is the same kind of shit they have been doing to farmers and ranchers for the last 30 years to try and drive them off of their property so the multi-national corporations can take it over using the BLM as the strong arm. That was the reason for the Oregon standoff that the Bundys were a part of and they did it on behalf of the Hammond family that got royally fucked over. What we have is a situation as to if it's not affecting MY life, then it's someone else's problem. Here's the deal, if they do it on a small scale and no one stands up, whose to say that it won't happen on a grander scale and because the bar has already been set, the people will feel compelled to acquiesce and give consent. Federal government overreach has gotten totally out of hand.

Digging ponds is an entirely different subject, and entails much different things that the simple collection of rainwater. Your original contention was bullshit. I'm not sure if you were just being dishonest or if you were really dumb enough to believe the crap you posted, but either way it's been shown for the goofy claim it was.

How in the fuck is digging a pond on your own land any fucking different than having one of those above ground pools that you fill in order to provide water for your cattle? Answer? There isn't a fucking **** hair's worth of difference. This is about control and harassing farmers and ranchers to the point that they sell their property.

Don't be silly. There are lots of ways ponds can be detrimental to neighbors or others downstream. Do a little research before you spout crazy stuff. Wait, never mind. I forgot who I was talking to.[/QUO

Really? Then what about the ponds that already exist that are not under "gubermint" control? Should they be drained? Rain lands where it lands so how and the fuck can having a pond dug in order to water your cattle POSSIBLY have an affect on a "neighbor" or others "downstream"? It makes no fucking sense at all.....none, nada, zilch. This is but one of the intimidation tactics being used to bully people off of their land....plain and simple.
Gonna need a link for that one. I can see requirements to keep any collected water sanitary, or to prevent harm to neighbors or someone down stream, but prohibiting collection sounds like bullshit unless there is harm to others.

I agree wholeheartedly with your contentions and when I first read about this shit, I thought that there had to be something more to the story that I wasn't getting but it's true. There was a rancher that was put in jail because he had ponds dug on his own friggin' land to collect rainwater so his cows could drink it. This is the same kind of shit they have been doing to farmers and ranchers for the last 30 years to try and drive them off of their property so the multi-national corporations can take it over using the BLM as the strong arm. That was the reason for the Oregon standoff that the Bundys were a part of and they did it on behalf of the Hammond family that got royally fucked over. What we have is a situation as to if it's not affecting MY life, then it's someone else's problem. Here's the deal, if they do it on a small scale and no one stands up, whose to say that it won't happen on a grander scale and because the bar has already been set, the people will feel compelled to acquiesce and give consent. Federal government overreach has gotten totally out of hand.

Digging ponds is an entirely different subject, and entails much different things that the simple collection of rainwater. Your original contention was bullshit. I'm not sure if you were just being dishonest or if you were really dumb enough to believe the crap you posted, but either way it's been shown for the goofy claim it was.

How in the fuck is digging a pond on your own land any fucking different than having one of those above ground pools that you fill in order to provide water for your cattle? Answer? There isn't a fucking **** hair's worth of difference. This is about control and harassing farmers and ranchers to the point that they sell their property.

Don't be silly. There are lots of ways ponds can be detrimental to neighbors or others downstream. Do a little research before you spout crazy stuff. Wait, never mind. I forgot who I was talking to.[/QUO

Really? Then what about the ponds that already exist that are not under "gubermint" control? Should they be drained? Rain lands where it lands so how and the fuck can having a pond dug in order to water your cattle POSSIBLY have an affect on a "neighbor" or others "downstream"? It makes no fucking sense at all.....none, nada, zilch. This is but one of the intimidation tactics being used to bully people off of their land....plain and simple.

Call your county engineer. If he has time, I;m sure he can give you quite a list of reasons.
I agree wholeheartedly with your contentions and when I first read about this shit, I thought that there had to be something more to the story that I wasn't getting but it's true. There was a rancher that was put in jail because he had ponds dug on his own friggin' land to collect rainwater so his cows could drink it. This is the same kind of shit they have been doing to farmers and ranchers for the last 30 years to try and drive them off of their property so the multi-national corporations can take it over using the BLM as the strong arm. That was the reason for the Oregon standoff that the Bundys were a part of and they did it on behalf of the Hammond family that got royally fucked over. What we have is a situation as to if it's not affecting MY life, then it's someone else's problem. Here's the deal, if they do it on a small scale and no one stands up, whose to say that it won't happen on a grander scale and because the bar has already been set, the people will feel compelled to acquiesce and give consent. Federal government overreach has gotten totally out of hand.

Digging ponds is an entirely different subject, and entails much different things that the simple collection of rainwater. Your original contention was bullshit. I'm not sure if you were just being dishonest or if you were really dumb enough to believe the crap you posted, but either way it's been shown for the goofy claim it was.

How in the fuck is digging a pond on your own land any fucking different than having one of those above ground pools that you fill in order to provide water for your cattle? Answer? There isn't a fucking **** hair's worth of difference. This is about control and harassing farmers and ranchers to the point that they sell their property.

Don't be silly. There are lots of ways ponds can be detrimental to neighbors or others downstream. Do a little research before you spout crazy stuff. Wait, never mind. I forgot who I was talking to.[/QUO

Really? Then what about the ponds that already exist that are not under "gubermint" control? Should they be drained? Rain lands where it lands so how and the fuck can having a pond dug in order to water your cattle POSSIBLY have an affect on a "neighbor" or others "downstream"? It makes no fucking sense at all.....none, nada, zilch. This is but one of the intimidation tactics being used to bully people off of their land....plain and simple.

Call your county engineer. If he has time, I;m sure he can give you quite a list of reasons.

And I am sure that they would be read from a transcript given to him by the Bureau of Land Management.

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