Back to the stone age! Machine counting ballots on the chopping block.

Video of stuffing ballot boxes taken by the only constitutional federal law enforcement agency is evidence, not allegations.

You simply ignore anything that doesn't promote to the power and dominance of your Reich.
Even if a dump trucks pulled up full of fraudulent ballots it still does not account for Biden's margin of victory or the inability of your best, smartest people to find any of them that are fraudulent.
Even if a dump trucks pulled up full of fraudulent ballots it still does not account for Biden's margin of victory or the inability of your best, smartest people to find any of them that are fraudulent.
They can't but they have gotta live the lie they allowed themselves to be suckered into.
They can't but they have gotta live the lie they allowed themselves to be suckered into.
That's right. Because as hard as they pushed the lie, they are now married to it, and any admission they were wrong is "weakness", when Trumpism has converted their brains to useless lumps.
Even if a dump trucks pulled up full of fraudulent ballots it still does not account for Biden's margin of victory or the inability of your best, smartest people to find any of them that are fraudulent.

There were trainloads of fake ballots.

There were trainloads of fake ballots.

And yet the GOP can't even produce enough to swing a local race much less the presidential election. Armies of your best conspiracy theorists searched in vain for something, anything, and found to their dismay that we had a remarkably clean election. Trump did this by telegraphing his intention to contest the election should he lose. Every election supervisor in the country tightened up their operation. No one wanted to be like Palm Beach county in 2000.
And yet the GOP can't even produce enough to swing a local race much less the presidential election. Armies of your best conspiracy theorists searched in vain for something, anything, and found to their dismay that we had a remarkably clean election. Trump did this by telegraphing his intention to contest the election should he lose. Every election supervisor in the country tightened up their operation. No one wanted to be like Palm Beach county in 2000.

Ummm, that's how vote corruption works. You assholes have to bring out the dead vote to win.
Ummm, that's how vote corruption works. You assholes have to bring out the dead vote to win.
The point being is that the number of fraudulent ballots needed to produce Biden's margin of victory would be simplicity itself to detect with a normal non partisan election audit. Apparently those were not good enough so there were partisan "forensic" audits that were similarly fruitless. Only in Trump world is an absence of evidence a suspicious thing.
Even if a dump trucks pulled up full of fraudulent ballots it still does not account for Biden's margin of victory or the inability of your best, smartest people to find any of them that are fraudulent.

Again you show that you only want your Reich, your tribe to win. You fully support election fraud because power for your Reich is too important to let the unwashed decide.
Your complaint makes no sense. If they are hand counted anyway why not do it that way the first time.

I'm not complaining. I just think it's pointless to spend more money for delayed results. But hey, if it makes those states happy, then that's their right. I'll laugh as the folly of it plays out in public.
Personally, I'm all for this. No, not that I think it's a good idea. But if a few states out there want to go back to a slow and costly counting of all the ballots by hand, then let them make fools of themselves. It's going to be all the more hilarious if it really does become a big time deep red state phenomenon where all the morons who were whining about the last election taking so long to determine have to spend weeks watching their state continue counting ballots after final results have been projected.

The silly thing about it is that usually, the ballots are all counted by hand anyway. Most local election boards spend the time between elections doing a full hand audit of the last election. Having the machines simply allows everything to be done faster and less expensively.

Trump backers push election change that would make counting slower, costlier and less accurate

Dominion machines should be outlawed
Personally, I'm all for this. No, not that I think it's a good idea. But if a few states out there want to go back to a slow and costly counting of all the ballots by hand, then let them make fools of themselves. It's going to be all the more hilarious if it really does become a big time deep red state phenomenon where all the morons who were whining about the last election taking so long to determine have to spend weeks watching their state continue counting ballots after final results have been projected.

The silly thing about it is that usually, the ballots are all counted by hand anyway. Most local election boards spend the time between elections doing a full hand audit of the last election. Having the machines simply allows everything to be done faster and less expensively.

Trump backers push election change that would make counting slower, costlier and less accurate
I don't recall ONCE the old counting method ever having to stop counting like we saw this last election. So, it seems to me to be the better most proven way to do it. That's why we ALWAYS did it that way.
You think democrats pulled off an undetectable election rigging plot across several states involving hundreds of republican elections officials that no republican is smart enough to figure out. That's some pretty impressive stuff to baffle every single republican election rigging expert.
Oh its been figured, Zuckerberg just paid off the heads of the election commissions Millions $$$ a piece to look the other way. Audit the voters---therein lies the fraud.
Again you show that you only want your Reich, your tribe to win. You fully support election fraud because power for your Reich is too important to let the unwashed decide.
Save it for the rest of the peanut gallery. Trump world has had ample opportunity to come up with something to back up their claim Biden stole the election. It's past time to give up the sore loser act. Trump lost. Move on.

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