Back to the stone age! Machine counting ballots on the chopping block.

Stacy "Tank" Abrams still thinks she's the Royal Land Whale of Georgia. NEVER has conceded.

stacy abrams pigfucker.jpg
Oh its been figured, Zuckerberg just paid off the heads of the election commissions Millions $$$ a piece to look the other way. Audit the voters---therein lies the fraud.
Oh look, a brand new fantasy you invented to present as the reason you have believed something for over a year. Which you invented because all of your other fantasies have been laughed off the planet. Blatant intellectual fraud on your part.
Oh look, a brand new fantasy you invented to present as the reason you have believed something for over a year. Which you invented because all of your other fantasies have been laughed off the planet. Blatant intellectual fraud on your part.
Even if a dump trucks pulled up full of fraudulent ballots it still does not account for Biden's margin of victory or the inability of your best, smartest people to find any of them that are fraudulent.
Squeal a little louder, piggie. Your desperation is delicious.
Squeal a little louder, piggie. Your desperation is delicious.
The only desperation I see around here is that of you freakish cultists that can't quite accept reality. Haha, look at you guys, scrambling for blogs to support a lie you believed over a year ago. Sad desperation and intellectual fraud.
Dominion owners should be hung.
Yeah, let’s hang people who did absolutely nothing wrong because they don’t fit into your lie of election fraud. That is some f*cked up shit right there.
Yeah, let’s hang people who did absolutely nothing wrong because they don’t fit into your lie of election fraud. That is some f*cked up shit right there.

They have corrupted the vote, and tried to steal the United States from the PEOPLE of this country.

Yeah, they SHOULD be hung.
Personally, I'm all for this. No, not that I think it's a good idea. But if a few states out there want to go back to a slow and costly counting of all the ballots by hand, then let them make fools of themselves. It's going to be all the more hilarious if it really does become a big time deep red state phenomenon where all the morons who were whining about the last election taking so long to determine have to spend weeks watching their state continue counting ballots after final results have been projected.

The silly thing about it is that usually, the ballots are all counted by hand anyway. Most local election boards spend the time between elections doing a full hand audit of the last election. Having the machines simply allows everything to be done faster and less expensively.

Trump backers push election change that would make counting slower, costlier and less accurate

Can you come up with anything other than a left wing anti-Trump site?
They have corrupted the vote, and tried to steal the United States from the PEOPLE of this country.

Yeah, they SHOULD be hung.
Dominion has filed billion dollar law suits against those spreading the lies that their machines switch votes. The reason Dominion will win is because people like you have bought into the lie. That you would insist that innocent people be hung is down right atrocious and speaks to the bankruptcy of your Ideology. The innocent employees of Dominion have received death threats because of the lies that people like you spread.

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The point being is that the number of fraudulent ballots needed to produce Biden's margin of victory would be simplicity itself to detect with a normal non partisan election audit. Apparently those were not good enough so there were partisan "forensic" audits that were similarly fruitless. Only in Trump world is an absence of evidence a suspicious thing.
Only in racist Joe Biden world could this also ran and ne'er do well actually exceed vote totals for Lord and Savior Barack the midst of a covid pandemic yet!
While Joe Biden did an extreme amount of campaigning from his Delaware basement!

And when he did make a rare public appearance, it was sparsely attended, at best!

In Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Biden held a campaign event outdoors, and was seated six feet away from others as he answered questions about healthcare.​

During that campaign event, only five citizens were in attendance.​

That's five, as in the number after four!

And we are supposed to believe Joe Depends got more votes than the black president
that was acclaimed like a rock star!

Is there like a list of approved positions the Reich allows where we won't be arrested and put into forced labor camps?

Heild Soros.
Yes, you paranoid, embarrassing freak, that would be all opinions.

It's so bizarre to watch you freakish morons spout your venom and vitriol all day, while complaining that you aren't allowed to do it. Fuck you are stupid. Like, painfully stupid.

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