Back to the stone age! Machine counting ballots on the chopping block.

Save me your Nazi bullshit, Colonel Klink.

I'm not a democrat, Herr Himmler.

You’re the biggest damn Nazi on this board with your Goebbelesce posts. Even now you posts are beyond idiotic. The “Brown shirts“ are the ones seeking to violently halt the peaceful transfer of power.

You mean like false rape charges to stop the peaceful transfer of Judicial Power, Herr Himmler?


But of course you are insane so I wouldn’t expect you to understand that.

I do give you credit for being able to type while you’re in your straightjacket!

Derp, another Nazi dumbfuck with the usual retort of NUH UHN goosesteps in.
What evidence?



Despite the various minor irregularities all this digging has uncovered you still can't say how that translates into Biden cheating. You're talking about a vote rigging operation orders of magnitude larger than anything on record. A conspiracy of thousands of people of both parties involved and no one is talking, no one got caught. It's too big to be believable.

In this thread alone I've buried you in evidence - you ignore all of it because you are a creature of your Reich and ONLY care about power for your filthy party.

I'm fine with machines..... just not Dominion machines. There should be NO fucking algorithms. 1 + 1 = 2, does not require an algorithm or any type of manipulation. No internet access to any machine. No USB ports. All machines should be inspected before and after each election. Nothing programmable. The results are printed out on paper.... both sides get a copy. All inspections should be done at gunpoint. Somebody plays with a voting machine, shoot first, ask questions later.

Dominion should be burned to the ground..... or until the screams stop.....


In this thread alone I've buried you in evidence - you ignore all of it because you are a creature of your Reich and ONLY care about power for your filthy party.

Allegations are not evidence until a court of law accepts them as plausible. Trump world has been given extraordinary opportunity to prove something in a criminally actionable manner and failed every time.
Some of it makes it glaringly obvious there were individuals absolutely committing fraud recycling ballots multiple times and "worker" suddenly appearing with unaccounted for boxes of same and thence "counting them" after the observers were sent home and told to return the next day.

When that kind of criminality is shown it's irrefutable once matched up to the timestamps and they need to be going to prison.
Debunked, it didn't happen. Fake News. Please research it.
Sure, nothing screams small government than the government having the biometric data on 200 million people
And when people learn to defraud the system, the society suffers. Has been going on for a while now. Trust is something to earn and can be easy to lose. It has taken a segment of voters a period of 15 years or so to lose that trust.
Personally, I'm all for this. No, not that I think it's a good idea. But if a few states out there want to go back to a slow and costly counting of all the ballots by hand, then let them make fools of themselves. It's going to be all the more hilarious if it really does become a big time deep red state phenomenon where all the morons who were whining about the last election taking so long to determine have to spend weeks watching their state continue counting ballots after final results have been projected.

The silly thing about it is that usually, the ballots are all counted by hand anyway. Most local election boards spend the time between elections doing a full hand audit of the last election. Having the machines simply allows everything to be done faster and less expensively.

Trump backers push election change that would make counting slower, costlier and less accurate
It doesn't matter if they use paper ballots or they use electronic ballots.
The Corrupt Democrat Cult will cheat and deny millions of Americans their Right to Vote.
Eventually the Crazy Democrat Cult will have their Orwellian Neo-Marxist Dictatorship in America.
If I was 18 years old today, I would immigrate to a free country.
It doesn't matter if they use paper ballots or they use electronic ballots.
The Corrupt Democrat Cult will cheat and deny millions of Americans their Right to Vote.
Eventually the Crazy Democrat Cult will have their Orwellian Neo-Marxist Dictatorship in America.
If I was 18 years old today, I would immigrate to a free country.
Apparently Trumpers like yourself have migrated or sought asylum in the free country of Belarus. You will be welcome there.
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Hello? Stacey Abrams, Hillary Clinton, Albert Gore, etc.

For some misguided reason you seem to think only republicans contest elections.

That is obviously not so.
All those people conceded after all was said and done. They didn't walk around like sore losers blaming everyone except themselves. Send Trump some more free money to keep up the fight.
Personally, I'm all for this. No, not that I think it's a good idea. But if a few states out there want to go back to a slow and costly counting of all the ballots by hand, then let them make fools of themselves. It's going to be all the more hilarious if it really does become a big time deep red state phenomenon where all the morons who were whining about the last election taking so long to determine have to spend weeks watching their state continue counting ballots after final results have been projected.

The silly thing about it is that usually, the ballots are all counted by hand anyway. Most local election boards spend the time between elections doing a full hand audit of the last election. Having the machines simply allows everything to be done faster and less expensively.

Trump backers push election change that would make counting slower, costlier and less accurate
Your complaint makes no sense. If they are hand counted anyway why not do it that way the first time.
All those people conceded after all was said and done. They didn't walk around like sore losers blaming everyone except themselves. Send Trump some more free money to keep up the fight.
Whether Hillary "Donate to the Clinton Foundation" Clinton or Stacy Abrams magically don't violate your
"sore loser" litmus test (and that test seems to be are they democrats or not...because it's in the eye of
the beholders that decide what a "sore loser" is and not),

And Hillay is still not through her endless pity tour. Hillary Clinton chokes up as she reads parts of the victory speech she wanted to deliver in 2016
Always the actress, she "chokes up" while flogging her book.

The matter of the 2020 election continues to provide evidence of election fraud, whether you notice it
or not. Voter Fraud Map: Election Fraud Database | The Heritage Foundation
Important swing states like Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan continue to provide examples of election fraud.
Allegations are not evidence until a court of law accepts them as plausible. Trump world has been given extraordinary opportunity to prove something in a criminally actionable manner and failed every time.

Video of stuffing ballot boxes taken by the only constitutional federal law enforcement agency is evidence, not allegations.

You simply ignore anything that doesn't promote to the power and dominance of your Reich.

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