Back to work


VIP Member
May 26, 2011
I am off on my way to take my drug test and physical and then its back to mining for me.

The stay at home dad I have become over the last 2 months is gone.

Unfortunalty I wont be posting here much this new mines I am working at works 6 tweleve hour shifts a week.

I will drop by from time to time to check in.
My condolences. Try to stay healthy.

12 hours in the cab of a dozer or backhoe is not that bad. Its heated and air condtioned. I can snack and yack on the CB. Not real bad at all.
Do-able. Wish the dumb bastards in the hole(s) to attempt to stay healthy.
I grew up in Virgina and saw the issues at hand, first hand.
Terrible way to "make a living".Make a dying is far more accurate.
i hope to hell the mining companies are stopped from the mountain top removal....good luck careful...there really is not a cush job in mining

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