Background Checks ARE The Best Way

I love the smell of napalm in the morning.... a good gun thread with myriad rabbit holes to explore....
The proposal to require background checks for all sales/transfers of firearms (except immediate family) instead of just some sales/transfers makes no sense because of:
The suicide rate in Japan
The political affiliation of the Town Manager of Falmouth
Something or other in Latin
Criminals don't respect the law
It is emotional and stupid to want to prevent crime
Carry on.
Nice pile of straw you have there.
Good to see you understand your argument is unsound.
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In my state I can buy 10 handguns today and sale them on the street and when they`re found to have been used in a criminal way I merely need to say they were stolen. End of story....until I buy 10 more and have those "stolen" too. Why does the gun/criminal lobby support straw purchases? Because they receive millions from the gun makers to oppose even the most innocuous gun laws. I have as much respect for them as I do any other group that helps arm terrorists, foreign and domestic.
Straw purchases are illegal
Why should a gun owner be responsible for ANOTHER persons actions? That is about as totalitarian as it comes. Punishment at will
Why wouldn`t you want to report guns that were stolen from you? Are you a straw purchaser?
What if you don't know? You think most gun owners tuck their guns in to bed every night?
The law that was proposed in my state made allowances for not knowing that your guns were stolen. 1 time only. They did not seek to criminalize the honest gun owner that didn`t realize his guns were stolen. Our state legislators are largely owned by the NRA and the hicks who send them their blood money and that`s why straw purchasers and gun dealers love this state.
I guess the reduction in gun deaths in the 18 states that have enacted universal background checks don't mean anything to you?
fallacy: Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Post hoc ergo propter hoc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
way too early for that
It's never too early to point a post hoc argument.
You argue a correlation = causation fallacy.
You don't know the correlation doesn't represent causation. Whatever works, I say.
YOU argue that correlation = causation.
YOU do not understand this is a post hoc fallacy - that is, you do not understand your argument is unsound.
Why do you refuse to understand this?
I understand quite well the difference between the two. I don't know what study the Chief was citing, and I already suggested if you want to tear it apart, go find it. I trust him to use verifiable sources.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.... a good gun thread with myriad rabbit holes to explore....
The proposal to require background checks for all sales/transfers of firearms (except immediate family) instead of just some sales/transfers makes no sense because of:
The suicide rate in Japan
The political affiliation of the Town Manager of Falmouth
Something or other in Latin
Criminals don't respect the law
It is emotional and stupid to want to prevent crime
Carry on.
Nice pile of straw you have there.
Your pile was first, and it's nicer.
It's never too early to point a post hoc argument.
You argue a correlation = causation fallacy.
You don't know the correlation doesn't represent causation. Whatever works, I say.
YOU argue that correlation = causation.
YOU do not understand this is a post hoc fallacy - that is, you do not understand your argument is unsound.
Why do you refuse to understand this?
I understand quite well the difference between the two. I don't know what study the Chief was citing, and I already suggested if you want to tear it apart, go find it. I trust him to use verifiable sources.
And yet, you continue to support the argument that correlation = causation .
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.... a good gun thread with myriad rabbit holes to explore....
The proposal to require background checks for all sales/transfers of firearms (except immediate family) instead of just some sales/transfers makes no sense because of:
The suicide rate in Japan
The political affiliation of the Town Manager of Falmouth
Something or other in Latin
Criminals don't respect the law
It is emotional and stupid to want to prevent crime
Carry on.
Nice pile of straw you have there.
Your pile was first, and it's nicer.
Mindless nonsense.
I just bought a full auto assault gun M4 from Bobbie Raes discount online machine gun store. NO paper work or nothing. Just had to show my prozac script, and the gun is on the way. With two 400 round clipazines!
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.... a good gun thread with myriad rabbit holes to explore....
The proposal to require background checks for all sales/transfers of firearms (except immediate family) instead of just some sales/transfers makes no sense because of:
The suicide rate in Japan
The political affiliation of the Town Manager of Falmouth
Something or other in Latin
Criminals don't respect the law
It is emotional and stupid to want to prevent crime
Carry on.
Nice pile of straw you have there.
Your pile was first, and it's nicer.
Mindless nonsense.
Exactly my point.
In my state I can buy 10 handguns today and sale them on the street and when they`re found to have been used in a criminal way I merely need to say they were stolen. End of story....until I buy 10 more and have those "stolen" too. Why does the gun/criminal lobby support straw purchases? Because they receive millions from the gun makers to oppose even the most innocuous gun laws. I have as much respect for them as I do any other group that helps arm terrorists, foreign and domestic.
Straw purchases are illegal
Why should a gun owner be responsible for ANOTHER persons actions? That is about as totalitarian as it comes. Punishment at will
Why wouldn`t you want to report guns that were stolen from you? Are you a straw purchaser?
What if you don't know? You think most gun owners tuck their guns in to bed every night?
The law that was proposed in my state made allowances for not knowing that your guns were stolen. 1 time only. They did not seek to criminalize the honest gun owner that didn`t realize his guns were stolen. Our state legislators are largely owned by the NRA and the hicks who send them their blood money and that`s why straw purchasers and gun dealers love this state.
So if their son is a thug POS, they could just very well be fucked. Amazing
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.... a good gun thread with myriad rabbit holes to explore....
The proposal to require background checks for all sales/transfers of firearms (except immediate family) instead of just some sales/transfers makes no sense because of:
The suicide rate in Japan
The political affiliation of the Town Manager of Falmouth
Something or other in Latin
Criminals don't respect the law
It is emotional and stupid to want to prevent crime
Carry on.
Nice pile of straw you have there.
Your pile was first, and it's nicer.
Mindless nonsense.
Exactly my point.
Don't blame me for your butt-hurt when you offer nothing but post hoc arguments in support of your premise.
48 percent fewer individuals take their own lives with guns
What a stupid thing to say. Is jumping in front of a train better for him?
I don't think that's what he meant. If it isn't handy, maybe you'll wake up in the morning feeling better?

Then why doesn't America, with all her firearms, not rank anywhere near the top in the list of countries by suicide rate? Further, how is it possible that 50+ countries have higher suicides rates, despite their effective bans on civilian firearm ownership? A firearm isn't "handy" in any of those countries, yet off themselves they do, at a much higher rate than gun handy America.

Sounds like facts are of no concern to you. In grown up world, emotional arguments aren't arguments at all and valuing intention over actual results, well that's just fucking insane. Hey, a recurring theme with you!
Yes, I'm quite emotional about the fact that in the 18 states where universal background checks have been enacted, there have been nearly 50% reduction in gun related DV deaths and police deaths. Explain that, Mr. Grown Up.
Its simple :
Guns are a Constitutional right. Extended background checks beyond the ones WE ALREADY HAVE is nothing more than making it more difficult for responsible gun owners.
Why do you get to choose what rights we get to keep in this country? Your or that fallacious cop don't. It is CONSTITUTIONAL.
Are you ready to regulate free speech, religion, private property(even more), reasonable searches etc?
Background checks already apply to the majority of guns sales. They should apply to all sales/transfers, not just some (except family transfers/loans as are already included in the law). It is these loopholes that are being taken advantage of by criminals. In states where the loopholes have been closed, it has caused a significant reduction in gun crime. What's the down side? are wrong....the majority of crime guns come from friends and family...people who can pass background checks and then give those guns to relatives who are felons and gang members....

And you are wrong.....there is no significant reduction in gun crime...that is an anti gun lie....
In my state I can buy 10 handguns today and sale them on the street and when they`re found to have been used in a criminal way I merely need to say they were stolen. End of story....until I buy 10 more and have those "stolen" too. Why does the gun/criminal lobby support straw purchases? Because they receive millions from the gun makers to oppose even the most innocuous gun laws. I have as much respect for them as I do any other group that helps arm terrorists, foreign and domestic.

Yeah.....and what will a background check do to stop it genius? You just defined how universal background checks don't work...thanks....

Straw purchases are illegal.....but prosecutors do not want to take grandma, and baby momma of the gang banger to trial...because they will simply say the were forced to do it...and the jury will let them go..........moron.
In my state I can buy 10 handguns today and sale them on the street and when they`re found to have been used in a criminal way I merely need to say they were stolen. End of story....until I buy 10 more and have those "stolen" too. Why does the gun/criminal lobby support straw purchases? Because they receive millions from the gun makers to oppose even the most innocuous gun laws. I have as much respect for them as I do any other group that helps arm terrorists, foreign and domestic.
Straw purchases are illegal
Why should a gun owner be responsible for ANOTHER persons actions? That is about as totalitarian as it comes. Punishment at will
Why wouldn`t you want to report guns that were stolen from you? Are you a straw purchaser?

One don't want it on record that you own a gun....a legal gun.....when you can simply replace it....requiring the reporting of a stolen gun is a back door way to register the owner....

Now tell us does reporting a stolen gun prevent a crime or a mass shooting.....? Go ahead...we are waiting....
In my state I can buy 10 handguns today and sale them on the street and when they`re found to have been used in a criminal way I merely need to say they were stolen. End of story....until I buy 10 more and have those "stolen" too. Why does the gun/criminal lobby support straw purchases? Because they receive millions from the gun makers to oppose even the most innocuous gun laws. I have as much respect for them as I do any other group that helps arm terrorists, foreign and domestic.
Straw purchases are illegal
Why should a gun owner be responsible for ANOTHER persons actions? That is about as totalitarian as it comes. Punishment at will
Why wouldn`t you want to report guns that were stolen from you? Are you a straw purchaser?
What if you don't know? You think most gun owners tuck their guns in to bed every night?
The law that was proposed in my state made allowances for not knowing that your guns were stolen. 1 time only. They did not seek to criminalize the honest gun owner that didn`t realize his guns were stolen. Our state legislators are largely owned by the NRA and the hicks who send them their blood money and that`s why straw purchasers and gun dealers love this state.

again....what is the point to making the gun owner a criminal if they don't report their guns stolen......? What does it achieve to mandate that you report your guns stolen other than to put the law abiding gun owner at legal risk? The criminal isn't going to report the gun he stole...and they are not used to solve crimes...

At least it's better than nothing.

Because we know 100% for sure that thugs, terrorists and insane people will NOT obey this or any law, how is restricting the ability of good, law abiding citizens from protecting themselves against those criminals "better"?

By your logic, you're okay with giving the bad guys an advantage. That's not better, that's fucking insane.

That's a deeply stupid argument!

Its against the law to rob banks, but people still rob then. Most everyday of the week I hear.

Wow, talk about stupid! Robing a bank is clearly hurting another; it is infringing on the rights of others through the act of theft. My owning a firearm does not constitute taking what doesn't belong to me and infringes on no one. In fact, it's an inalienable right that the government cannot infringe upon.

Are you really so thick you can't see the difference?

Passing a background check prior to your taking possession of a firearm is in no way an infringement of your right to posses said firearm. is a 14th and 5th amendment violation of our is a Poll Tax on the Right to bear arms....

Tough shit. You're gonna have to put up with background checks just the same. It's not like you're buying something useful like a loaf of bread, or a socket wrench.

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