Backing Yet Another Liar


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
There was legally prosecuted liar, Bill there is 'keep your doctor' Obama....

Clearly, a party without honor, drags the nation down along with them.

1. " Obama’s lies have led to global mistrust

2. “Why shouldn’t they lie to you?” ...came back to me as I read about President Obama’s trip to Asia. He’s going, the White House says, to tell our allies face to face that America is committed more than ever to their security and prosperity.

3.’s been three years since Obama first declared a “pivot” to Asia as part of a strategic rebalancing of American interests, but the promise proved hollow. Asia is not alone in feeling misled.

4. Ask the Syrians about Obama’s promise to act if their government crossed his “red line” and used chemical weapons.

Or ask Israelis, Saudis, Jordanians and others in the Mideast about Obama’s pledge that America would never allow Iran to get a nuclear weapon.

Or ask Ukrainians about his pledge that we will stand with them as they fight for democracy against Vladimir Putin.

a. ....the last promise wasn’t so much a lie as a sick joke. It turns out that by “help,” Obama meant we would send military rations and warm socks, but no weapons or intelligence to help Ukraine’s outgunned army.

5. Worst of all, Obama lies to his fellow Americans. All the time.

6. ....“if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.”

Not far behind was his insistence, repeated for weeks during his re-election campaign, that the terror attack on Benghazi was the spontaneous result of a protest against an anti-Muslim video.

Assorted promises to lift the economy, unite the country, get to the bottom of the IRS scandal and be transparent are so routinely violated that they hardly register as false anymore.

7. ....the overall impression that Obama is President Pinocchio is catching up to him. A Fox News poll showed that over 60 percent of American voters think he intentionally misleads them about important matters some or most of the time.

a. ....37 percent think he lies “most of the time,” while another 24 percent say he lies “some of the time.” Twenty percent of voters say “only now and then”....

b. Abraham Lincoln,... warned about the corrosive effect of failing to be honest. As he famously put it, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

8. ....where Obama is. Nearly six years in office, much of the world is united only in not trusting his word.

9. ....the impact is enormous. Although it’s possible Obama intended to stand up to Syria’s Assad, or to Iran’s mullahs, or to Putin or China, the fact that he hasn’t is all that matters.

10 .....the impact is enormous. Although it’s possible Obama intended to stand up to Syria’s Assad, or to Iran’s mullahs, or to Putin or China, the fact that he hasn’t is all that matters."
Obama?s lies have led to global mistrust | New York Post

I always find Michael Goodwin enormously prescient....but he fails, here, to drop the hammer where he should.

There were 65 million voters without the strength of character to send this lying windbag packing.
That's the real tragedy.

This is a case of "birds of a feather." Liars accept his lies with a shrug and a blanket of moral equivalence......
We have become a nation of Obamas.....the shame.
Unfortunately no political party can claim the high ground when it comes to lying.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

Bill Clinton:
1) I did not have sex with that woman
nuff said

George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

1) Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do
2) Mt. St. Helens emitted more sulfur dioxide than cars do in 10 years
3) P.W. Botha eliminated segregation in South Africa

1) I am not a crook

Lyndon Johnson:
1) We are not bombing Cambodia
2) We are not conducting operations outside of Vietnam

1) Feigned surprise at missiles in Cuba

There has not be a completely honest POTUS in my lifetime.
Unfortunately no political party can claim the high ground when it comes to lying.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

Bill Clinton:
1) I did not have sex with that woman
nuff said

George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

1) Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do
2) Mt. St. Helens emitted more sulfur dioxide than cars do in 10 years
3) P.W. Botha eliminated segregation in South Africa

1) I am not a crook

Lyndon Johnson:
1) We are not bombing Cambodia
2) We are not conducting operations outside of Vietnam

1) Feigned surprise at missiles in Cuba

There has not be a completely honest POTUS in my lifetime.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

You're not seriously compariing these to the points in the article.....are you?
George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

The first cost him re-election.
The electorate behaved correctly.....the reverse was true for Obama's re-election.

Where are the lies in 2 & 3?
Unfortunately no political party can claim the high ground when it comes to lying.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission accomplished

Bill Clinton:
1) I did not have sex with that woman
nuff said

George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

1) Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do
2) Mt. St. Helens emitted more sulfur dioxide than cars do in 10 years
3) P.W. Botha eliminated segregation in South Africa

1) I am not a crook

Lyndon Johnson:
1) We are not bombing Cambodia
2) We are not conducting operations outside of Vietnam

1) Feigned surprise at missiles in Cuba

There has not be a completely honest POTUS in my lifetime.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission accomplished

You're not seriously compariing these to the points in the article.....are you?

Each lie is unique. The article is not a list of lies - the numbered items include a couple of lies, a few opinions about those lies, and at least one repeated item.

In terms of detrimental impact George W. is in the lead and Clinton lags behind imho.
George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

The first cost him re-election.
The electorate behaved correctly.....the reverse was true for Obama's re-election.

Where are the lies in 2 & 3?

There arent any. But the Left is so desperate to play "the all do it" they have to make up lies where none exist.
No, Obama is the Chief Liar of presidents. Every policy promise overseas has been a lie or been broken. He does not know the meaning of the term principle. He will give away Alaska if he thought the polls would be favorable.
George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

The first cost him re-election.
The electorate behaved correctly.....the reverse was true for Obama's re-election.

Where are the lies in 2 & 3?

In Bush's denial of Iran-Contra and in his false accusations about Willie Horton.
George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

The first cost him re-election.
The electorate behaved correctly.....the reverse was true for Obama's re-election.

Where are the lies in 2 & 3?

There arent any. But the Left is so desperate to play "the all do it" they have to make up lies where none exist.
No, Obama is the Chief Liar of presidents. Every policy promise overseas has been a lie or been broken. He does not know the meaning of the term principle. He will give away Alaska if he thought the polls would be favorable.

Just because you choose to swallow a lie hook, line and sinker or just because you forgive "one of your own" .... that doesn't make the lie true.
George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

The first cost him re-election.
The electorate behaved correctly.....the reverse was true for Obama's re-election.

Where are the lies in 2 & 3?

There arent any. But the Left is so desperate to play "the all do it" they have to make up lies where none exist.
No, Obama is the Chief Liar of presidents. Every policy promise overseas has been a lie or been broken. He does not know the meaning of the term principle. He will give away Alaska if he thought the polls would be favorable.

Just because you choose to swallow a lie hook, line and sinker or just because you forgive "one of your own" .... that doesn't make the lie true.

There were no lies cited. Sorry. No, "they all do it" just won't cut it here. Obama is unique.
George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

The first cost him re-election.
The electorate behaved correctly.....the reverse was true for Obama's re-election.

Where are the lies in 2 & 3?

In Bush's denial of Iran-Contra and in his false accusations about Willie Horton.

1. Can you articulate same?

Bet not.

Did you know that the Left tried hard, and fully investigated Iran-Contra.....

I challenge you to give examples of any convictions.

2. What false accusations re: Willie Horton?

Why didn't you state any?

You certainly believe Leftwing propaganda.

I challenge you to debate any aspect of the Willie Horton debate, and I will destroy you.
There arent any. But the Left is so desperate to play "the all do it" they have to make up lies where none exist.
No, Obama is the Chief Liar of presidents. Every policy promise overseas has been a lie or been broken. He does not know the meaning of the term principle. He will give away Alaska if he thought the polls would be favorable.

Just because you choose to swallow a lie hook, line and sinker or just because you forgive "one of your own" .... that doesn't make the lie true.

There were no lies cited. Sorry. No, "they all do it" just won't cut it here. Obama is unique.

The lies I cited are all documented.

Obama has lied and I would like to see him held accountable - just as I would like to see the others held accountable for their lies.

Is your position that Obama is the only president who has ever lied to the American people?
Unfortunately no political party can claim the high ground when it comes to lying.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

Bill Clinton:
1) I did not have sex with that woman
nuff said

George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

1) Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do
2) Mt. St. Helens emitted more sulfur dioxide than cars do in 10 years
3) P.W. Botha eliminated segregation in South Africa

1) I am not a crook

Lyndon Johnson:
1) We are not bombing Cambodia
2) We are not conducting operations outside of Vietnam

1) Feigned surprise at missiles in Cuba

There has not be a completely honest POTUS in my lifetime.

1) I am not a crook"

Just note in passing.....Nixon never used the IRS against his political enemies.

Only one President has......Barack Obama.
Just because you choose to swallow a lie hook, line and sinker or just because you forgive "one of your own" .... that doesn't make the lie true.

There were no lies cited. Sorry. No, "they all do it" just won't cut it here. Obama is unique.

The lies I cited are all documented.

Obama has lied and I would like to see him held accountable - just as I would like to see the others held accountable for their lies.

Is your position that Obama is the only president who has ever lied to the American people?

"The lies I cited are all documented."

You haven't documented anything....

But, I will accept as documented that you will believe whatever the Leftwing media tells you.
Nixon never used the IRS against his political enemies.

Nixon is unambiguous: He directs aides to use the IRS to get back at political enemies. In a taped conversation on Sept. 8, 1971, Nixon tells his chief domestic policy adviser, John Ehrlichman, to direct the IRS to audit potential Democratic rivals, including Sens. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota,Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, and Edmund Muskie of Maine.
The Bush IRS also went after the NAACP in 2004, after then-chairman Julian Bond criticized Mr. Bush for being the first president to fail to address the group’s annual convention and called for his ouster. In its audit notice, the IRA said those statements constituted “improper political activity” for a group claiming nonprofit status. In a rare move, the NAACP went public with its complaints that the audit was politically motivated. After a two-year battle, the IRS dropped its case, and the NAACP kept its status.
In a move not made public at the time, the Kennedy administration established an "Ideological Organizations Audit project" within the IRS, which targeted conservative groups, such as the John Birch Society. In November, the IRS launched audits of 22 "extremist organizations," several of which lost their tax-exempt status, jeopardizing their fundraising, according to Kennedy biographer Arthur Schlesinger Jr.
Nixon never used the IRS against his political enemies.

Nixon is unambiguous: He directs aides to use the IRS to get back at political enemies. In a taped conversation on Sept. 8, 1971, Nixon tells his chief domestic policy adviser, John Ehrlichman, to direct the IRS to audit potential Democratic rivals, including Sens. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota,Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, and Edmund Muskie of Maine.

And the IRS refused.
So Obama remains the only president to use the IRS against his enemies.

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