Backing Yet Another Liar

The Bush IRS also went after the NAACP in 2004, after then-chairman Julian Bond criticized Mr. Bush for being the first president to fail to address the group’s annual convention and called for his ouster. In its audit notice, the IRA said those statements constituted “improper political activity” for a group claiming nonprofit status. In a rare move, the NAACP went public with its complaints that the audit was politically motivated. After a two-year battle, the IRS dropped its case, and the NAACP kept its status.

No evidence Bush ordered this and of course the NAACP was not playing by the rules.
Only one president has ever used the IRS against his enemies. His name: Barack Obama.
In a move not made public at the time, the Kennedy administration established an "Ideological Organizations Audit project" within the IRS, which targeted conservative groups, such as the John Birch Society. In November, the IRS launched audits of 22 "extremist organizations," several of which lost their tax-exempt status, jeopardizing their fundraising, according to Kennedy biographer Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

No corroborating evidence for this exists. Only one president is know to have used the IRS against his enemies: Barack Hussein Obama.
Nixon never used the IRS against his political enemies.

Nixon is unambiguous: He directs aides to use the IRS to get back at political enemies. In a taped conversation on Sept. 8, 1971, Nixon tells his chief domestic policy adviser, John Ehrlichman, to direct the IRS to audit potential Democratic rivals, including Sens. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota,Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, and Edmund Muskie of Maine.

I use words with precision.

You should try to do the same.

Nixon never used the IRS.
I don't doubt that he discussed it.

Read carefully:

Nixon sought to use the enemies list to target his opponents and he wanted to use the IRS to achieve that goal, Naftali said.
"The story is interesting because the IRS wouldn't do it," he said. "It didn't happen, not because the White House didn't want it to happen, but because people like Johnnie Walters said 'no.'"

I said to him, 'John, do you know what you're doing?' " Walters recalled. "He said, 'No, what do you mean?'"

Walters, in disbelief, walked out with the enemies list. A couple of days later, he showed the list to Secretary of the Treasury George Shultz, his boss, and said that in his opinion the IRS should do "absolutely nothing" with it.

Shultz glanced at the list, threw it back across his desk and indicated that Walters should lock it up in his safe and do nothing further, Walters wrote.

He personally sealed the list, locked it in the safe and told no one at the IRS he had it.
"We did not touch a single person on that list," he said.

Former IRS chief recalls defying Nixon

This is what is meant by 'documented.'

Nixon never used the IRS against his political enemies.

Only Barack Obama has done that. That makes him a crook, doesn't it?

Again, here is why you should use words precisely:

From Article II of the Articles of Impeachment adopted by the House Judiciary Committee (emphasis added):
He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavoured to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposed not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens,income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.
Flashback: Nixon?s articles of impeachment included IRS scandal |

Look up "endeavoured."

It does not mean "accomplished."

Consider this one of your lessons for today.
More evidence exists to confirm that six other presidents used the IRS to target political opponents than exists to confirm Obama did.

You simply swallow the lies you choose to swallow because of your political bias. You make excuses for "your own" and gin up rage over the "other guys."

You folks make our presidents look honest by comparison.
Enjoy yourselves - you can continue this hissy unchecked and un-debunked from here on out. I prefer to spend my time with honest posters.
The Bush IRS also went after the NAACP in 2004, after then-chairman Julian Bond criticized Mr. Bush for being the first president to fail to address the group’s annual convention and called for his ouster. In its audit notice, the IRA said those statements constituted “improper political activity” for a group claiming nonprofit status. In a rare move, the NAACP went public with its complaints that the audit was politically motivated. After a two-year battle, the IRS dropped its case, and the NAACP kept its status.

Did you think "Nixon" is spelled "B-U-S-H"?

Or...are you trying to retreat from your charge about Nixon?

Lovely pic.

Are you articulate enough to make a point?

Please do so, then, watch me shred it.
More evidence exists to confirm that six other presidents used the IRS to target political opponents than exists to confirm Obama did.

You simply swallow the lies you choose to swallow because of your political bias. You make excuses for "your own" and gin up rage over the "other guys."

You folks make our presidents look honest by comparison.
Enjoy yourselves - you can continue this hissy unchecked and un-debunked from here on out. I prefer to spend my time with honest posters.

1. When challenged to back up his charge of 'lies' used by Bush re: Willie Horton, our pal, Nodoggie, simply ran off to hide and, presumably, lick his wounds.

For purposes of education, let me go over the facts that relate to the Willie Horton farrago, and how it has been spun by the Left.....convincing folks like Nodoggie that, somehow....lies were involved.
There weren't any.

2. A distinguishing characteristic of Liberals and Leftists is an aversion to recognizing or acknowledging evil and its permutations,…the proclivity to appease evil and ignore the sad facts of life. Childish, it is a form of wishful thinking.

3. An example is the greatest, fairest, and most legitimate political ad ever used, and the convulsive tempest of the Liberal reaction: the Willie Horton ad.

4. To this day, academics, i.e., Liberals, use it as an example of how race is used in an ugly way in American politics.

a. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, the same one that OK’d gay marriage, ruled that prison furloughs had to be extended to first-degree murderers. This, due to Governor Michael Dukakis eliminating the death penalty.

b. Furloughs: outside visits to prepare convicts who would be released back into the community. Certainly not those with a life sentence?

c. Wait….don’t Liberals say that life in prison without the possibility of parole is just as good as capital punishment? Anyway….

d. Even the Massachusetts legislature realized the ruling was insane…and passed a law prohibiting the furloughs. But, with the support of the usual suspects, the ACLU, the Democrat Governor Dukakis vetoed the bill.
Off goes a savage murderer, Willie Horton.

Any quibble so far....or is all of the above factual?
Totally factual.

e. Willie Horton was in prison because he “robbed Joseph Fournier, a 17-year-old gas station attendant, and then fatally stabbed him 19 times after he had cooperated by handing over all of the money in the cash register. His body was dumped in a trash can. Fournier died from blood loss….

But Willie Horton did not care if you gave the money to him or not. As he would demonstrate at least twice, giving him what he asked for would not make any difference. … He did it for pleasure…

Michael Dukakis opened up the prison doors in Massachusetts…[Horton] went to Maryland and broke into a home and tied a man to a joist in the basement, slashed his chest and stomach with a knife, then beat and raped his fiancée while she screamed and screamed and screamed.
Willie Horton was a killer, a rapist, a torturer, a kidnapper, a brute.” Questia, Your Online Research Library

Any quibble so far....or is all of the above factual?
Totally factual.

5. Having no defense to blunt the truth of events, what could Liberals so?….Of course! Democrats screamed ‘racism.’
Well, one may claim such, except that the Bush commercial never mentioned race, or even showed Willie Horton.

The above covered more fully in one of the chapters in "Mugged," by Coulter.

Here it is:
[ame=]1988 George Bush Sr. "Revolving Door" Attack Ad Campaign - YouTube[/ame]

On the other hand….Bush supporters produced this commercial…. the National Security PAC, not directly by the Bush/Quayle campaign.

[ame=]Willie Horton 1988 Attack Ad - YouTube[/ame]

And those are the facts.

You can peek out now, Nodoggie
More evidence exists to confirm that six other presidents used the IRS to target political opponents than exists to confirm Obama did.

You simply swallow the lies you choose to swallow because of your political bias. You make excuses for "your own" and gin up rage over the "other guys."

You folks make our presidents look honest by comparison.
Enjoy yourselves - you can continue this hissy unchecked and un-debunked from here on out. I prefer to spend my time with honest posters.

There is no evidence any president ever used the IRS against his enemies, except one. Barack Obama.
Unfortunately no political party can claim the high ground when it comes to lying.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

Bill Clinton:
1) I did not have sex with that woman
nuff said

George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

1) Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do
2) Mt. St. Helens emitted more sulfur dioxide than cars do in 10 years
3) P.W. Botha eliminated segregation in South Africa

1) I am not a crook

Lyndon Johnson:
1) We are not bombing Cambodia
2) We are not conducting operations outside of Vietnam

1) Feigned surprise at missiles in Cuba

There has not be a completely honest POTUS in my lifetime.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

You're not seriously compariing these to the points in the article.....are you?

For once you're right. It's not appropriate to put the disaster of Iraq that we were lied into in the same category as the nonsense you posted.
Unfortunately no political party can claim the high ground when it comes to lying.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

Bill Clinton:
1) I did not have sex with that woman
nuff said

George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

1) Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do
2) Mt. St. Helens emitted more sulfur dioxide than cars do in 10 years
3) P.W. Botha eliminated segregation in South Africa

1) I am not a crook

Lyndon Johnson:
1) We are not bombing Cambodia
2) We are not conducting operations outside of Vietnam

1) Feigned surprise at missiles in Cuba

There has not be a completely honest POTUS in my lifetime.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

You're not seriously compariing these to the points in the article.....are you?

For once you're right. It's not appropriate to put the disaster of Iraq that we were lied into in the same category as the nonsense you posted.

There were no lies in Iraq, except the ones told by Saddam. And the left wing media in this country.
More evidence exists to confirm that six other presidents used the IRS to target political opponents than exists to confirm Obama did.

You simply swallow the lies you choose to swallow because of your political bias. You make excuses for "your own" and gin up rage over the "other guys."

You folks make our presidents look honest by comparison.
Enjoy yourselves - you can continue this hissy unchecked and un-debunked from here on out. I prefer to spend my time with honest posters.

There is no evidence any president ever used the IRS against his enemies, except one. Barack Obama.

Not a shred of evidence was produced linking President Obama to any culpability of any wrongdoing at the IRS.
More evidence exists to confirm that six other presidents used the IRS to target political opponents than exists to confirm Obama did.

You simply swallow the lies you choose to swallow because of your political bias. You make excuses for "your own" and gin up rage over the "other guys."

You folks make our presidents look honest by comparison.
Enjoy yourselves - you can continue this hissy unchecked and un-debunked from here on out. I prefer to spend my time with honest posters.

There is no evidence any president ever used the IRS against his enemies, except one. Barack Obama.

Not a shred of evidence was produced linking President Obama to any culpability of any wrongdoing at the IRS.

"Not a smidgeon of corruption."
If you can remember that far back, before the invasion of Iraq, Dick Cheney and friends were arrogantly sure that (a) the cost of the war would be minimal, and (b) Iraq's oil revenue would fund reconstruction efforts; it would virtually be a no-cost war, one that paid for itself.

Then, reality met fantasy and, as usual, reality prevailed.
Sunday, January 19, 2003:
--Q: Mr. Secretary, on Iraq, how much money do you think the Department of Defense would need to pay for a war with Iraq?
--A (Rumsfeld): Well, the Office of Management and Budget, has come up come up with a number that's something under $50 billion for the cost. How much of that would be the U.S. burden, and how much would be other countries, is an open question. I think the way to put it into perspective is that the estimates as to what September 11th cost the United States of America ranges high up into the hundreds of billions of dollars. Now, another event in the United States that was like September 11th, and which cost thousands of lives, but one that involved a -- for example, a biological weapon, would be -- have a cost in human life, as well as in billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, that would be vastly greater.

3/27/03 testimony before a Senate Appropriations Hearing
a. Rumsfeld:

I don't believe that the United States has the responsibility for reconstruction, in a sense...[Reconstruction] funds can come from those various sources I mentioned: frozen assets, oil revenues and a variety of other things, including the Oil for Food, which has a very substantial number of billions of dollars in it.

b. Wolfowitz:

We're dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon.
The Iraq war will cost little, and Iraq oil will pay for it. Then.....

Lovely pic.
Are you articulate enough to make a point?

Please do so, then, watch me shred it.

Colon Powell is a known liar who should hang for his lies because his lies cost our nation thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.

Perhaps I was incorrect in expecting you to be articulate, as you seem unable to actually state the lies.

Care to give it a try?

...or are you a government school grad?
George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

You're not seriously comparing these to the points in the article.....are you?
For once you're right. It's not appropriate to put the disaster of Iraq that we were lied into in the same category as the nonsense you posted.

There were no lies in Iraq, except the ones told by Saddam. And the left wing media in this country.

al-Janabi (Curveball) admitted that he lied on national television. Curveball's lies were what the Bush administration used to justify the invasion of Iraq.

Iraqi Defector al-Janabi, Codenamed 'Curveball', Admits WMD Lies - ABC News
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I:*The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate
The Iraq War Ten Years After
Unfortunately no political party can claim the high ground when it comes to lying.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

Bill Clinton:
1) I did not have sex with that woman
nuff said

George H.W. Bush:
1) No new taxes
2) Willie Horton
3) Iran-Contra

1) Trees cause more pollution than automobiles do
2) Mt. St. Helens emitted more sulfur dioxide than cars do in 10 years
3) P.W. Botha eliminated segregation in South Africa

1) I am not a crook

Lyndon Johnson:
1) We are not bombing Cambodia
2) We are not conducting operations outside of Vietnam

1) Feigned surprise at missiles in Cuba

There has not be a completely honest POTUS in my lifetime.

George W. Bush
1) Pat Tillman was killed by enemy combatants
2) Iraq funded Al Qaida
3) We don't torture
4) Iraq has weapons of mass destruction
5) I first got to know Ken Lay in 1994
6) We found weapons of mass destruction
7) Mission acomplished

You're not seriously compariing these to the points in the article.....are you?

For once you're right. It's not appropriate to put the disaster of Iraq that we were lied into in the same category as the nonsense you posted.

What lies?

And who told them?
Dying Iraq War vet?s angry message to Bush, Cheney -

To: George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
From: Tomas Young

"I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney. I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power. I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done. You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole."

Cheney's Halliburton Made $39.5 Billion on Iraq War


oopps! AGAIN
Last edited:
Lovely pic.
Are you articulate enough to make a point?

Please do so, then, watch me shred it.

Colon Powell is a known liar who should hang for his lies because his lies cost our nation thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.
Perhaps I was incorrect in expecting you to be articulate, as you seem unable to actually state the lies.

Care to give it a try?

...or are you a government school grad?
You quote an entirely incorrect statement from a corporate tool like Ann Coulter and expect people to listen to you like you're a scholar?

I've given you declassified government documents which prove the Iraq war was all one giant fucking lie. Read those declassified government documents to see for yourself.

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