Backwards- From I pledge videos to Blow up Bridges in less than 4 years


Council to Supreme Soviet
Dec 12, 2009
Backwards- From I pledge videos to Blow up Bridges in less than 4 years
No doubt, another Progressive Success

From this

[ame=]I Pledge! : disgusting show of brain dead imbeciles telling you and our kids how to live. - YouTube[/ame]

To this, in less than 4 years

OWS members trying to blow up bridge
At least two of them are known as Occupy organizers
Brandon Baxter got mentioned in a March report on an arrest at an Occupy protest in Cleveland, too:


Papa Obama is working, we just need more money
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Yup. And your fringe element blew up a building in Oklahoma City.

The violent fringe element, whether left or right, hardly represent the rest of Americans, whatever their political persuasion. Those who engage in the kind of behavior that endangers or kills their fellow citizens should be punished to the full extent of the law.
It would have been a great loss of a beautifully built bridge had they managed to succeed. That one is a work of engineering art!
For the fringies, of either side, the more beauty that they can destroy, the happier they are. Sad reflection on that kind of mind.
It would have been a great loss of a beautifully built bridge had they managed to succeed. That one is a work of engineering art!

It is a shame that the left's "progress"
was stopped
Yup. And your fringe element blew up a building in Oklahoma City.

The violent fringe element, whether left or right, hardly represent the rest of Americans, whatever their political persuasion. Those who engage in the kind of behavior that endangers or kills their fellow citizens should be punished to the full extent of the law.

Yes but Papa Obama has gone out and given
kudos to the OWS movement

so it is a little different

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