Bad News For Repubs; Economy May Be Getting Better

How has Obama performed worse than Bush? Given that most of what Obama has done and attempted to do was a direct result of what he inherited, and much of it has continued the policies begun under Bush?

What has President Obama done, or not done, for you to conclude he is worse? You may disagree with "Obamacare" but what we got was a camel, not the horse we needed and that was a result of the special interests who benefit from the status quo pouring lots of money into the Republican camp.

We've got what, 2 or 3 million fewer employed than we did when when Obama took over, and I don't give a fuck what Bush did. All I care about is what works, and what Obama has tried has not worked. We came out of a bad recession but have not progressed, we've even slumped backwards. We may not have a double dip, but we're barely keeping out of one. That is unacceptable in my book. You can blame the repubs all you want, but the buck stops at 1600 Pennsylvania ave.

Seriously, you really think the GOP had anything to do with what was in ObamaCare? That's pretty lame dude, you're not going to take any responsibility at all for what has transpired since Jan 2009, are you?

You actually believe the Congress didn't have an effect on the final health care bill? I find that incredible.

Most of us who supported reform supported a single payer system and universal prentative care. This trouble the special interests who profit on the misery of others. Do we have the best health care in he world? Yep. Is it available to all? Nope. Hence I characterize those who stonewalled and waterdowned the final product callous conservatives.

I think you've lost touch with reality, of course Congress had an effect. Hell, Pelosi and Reid and the dems in Congress created it and passed it by themselves without a single repub vote. And you want to try and blame the repubs for it's shortfalls? What a load of crap!

You really think the GOP had anything to do with stonewalling or watering it down, that is pure nonsense. They couldn't stonewall jackshit and you know it, nor could they have any impact at all with whatever the dems put in there. The ACA passed without a single repub vote, if it has problems or was watered down then that's entirely on the democrats who had over a fuckin' year to get it right. Don't give me this bullshit about the GOP, the dems own that piece of crap 100%.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Consumer spending rose at its fastest rate in five months in July, easing concerns that the economy was falling back into recession.


The size of the increase in spending beat economists’ forecasts for a 0.5 percent advance. When adjusted for inflation, spending was up 0.5 percent last month, the largest gain in 1 1/2 years and the first increase since April.

“It’s a little far-fetched to truly believe that we are headed into another recession. This data doesn’t support that view at all,” said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors in Holland, Pa.

Good news for Obama?

Take out the increased consumer spending on rising oil and food prices and I suspect you'll see that consumer's aren't more confident, they're just forced to pay more for things that they MUST have.

And no, that is NOT good news for Obama.

That's true. I remember when i used to go to ther grocery store and $50 used get me a long way.
We've got what, 2 or 3 million fewer employed than we did when when Obama took over, and I don't give a fuck what Bush did. All I care about is what works, and what Obama has tried has not worked. We came out of a bad recession but have not progressed, we've even slumped backwards. We may not have a double dip, but we're barely keeping out of one. That is unacceptable in my book. You can blame the repubs all you want, but the buck stops at 1600 Pennsylvania ave.

Seriously, you really think the GOP had anything to do with what was in ObamaCare? That's pretty lame dude, you're not going to take any responsibility at all for what has transpired since Jan 2009, are you?

You actually believe the Congress didn't have an effect on the final health care bill? I find that incredible.

Most of us who supported reform supported a single payer system and universal prentative care. This trouble the special interests who profit on the misery of others. Do we have the best health care in he world? Yep. Is it available to all? Nope. Hence I characterize those who stonewalled and waterdowned the final product callous conservatives.

I think you've lost touch with reality, of course Congress had an effect. Hell, Pelosi and Reid and the dems in Congress created it and passed it by themselves without a single repub vote. And you want to try and blame the repubs for it's shortfalls? What a load of crap!

You really think the GOP had anything to do with stonewalling or watering it down, that is pure nonsense. They couldn't stonewall jackshit and you know it, nor could they have any impact at all with whatever the dems put in there. The ACA passed without a single repub vote, if it has problems or was watered down then that's entirely on the democrats who had over a fuckin' year to get it right. Don't give me this bullshit about the GOP, the dems own that piece of crap 100%.

I won't bother to explain to you the rules of the Senate or how bills in the House and Senate must be reconciled before being sent to the president. Suggesting the final product was "created and passed" by the Democrats alone isn't correct. You're either a liar or ignorant as hell.
Anyone else getting SICK of these types of threads?

Bad News For Repubs; Economy May Be Getting Better

As if REPUBLICANS aren't average people just as DEMOCRATS are.

I think what the poster is saying is that conservatives are hoping to capitalize on a bad economy in 2012 (which is true, they are) and may see their hopes fade. In reality of course its unlikely the economy can recover enough before the election to prevent it from being an issue to help the G.O.P. of course the republicans also have to contend with a weak field of candidates and a number of unpopular decisions made over the last two years at the federal level and especially at the state level.
Its still too early to tell but it looks like its going to be a tight race.
You actually believe the Congress didn't have an effect on the final health care bill? I find that incredible.

Most of us who supported reform supported a single payer system and universal prentative care. This trouble the special interests who profit on the misery of others. Do we have the best health care in he world? Yep. Is it available to all? Nope. Hence I characterize those who stonewalled and waterdowned the final product callous conservatives.

I think you've lost touch with reality, of course Congress had an effect. Hell, Pelosi and Reid and the dems in Congress created it and passed it by themselves without a single repub vote. And you want to try and blame the repubs for it's shortfalls? What a load of crap!

You really think the GOP had anything to do with stonewalling or watering it down, that is pure nonsense. They couldn't stonewall jackshit and you know it, nor could they have any impact at all with whatever the dems put in there. The ACA passed without a single repub vote, if it has problems or was watered down then that's entirely on the democrats who had over a fuckin' year to get it right. Don't give me this bullshit about the GOP, the dems own that piece of crap 100%.

I won't bother to explain to you the rules of the Senate or how bills in the House and Senate must be reconciled before being sent to the president. Suggesting the final product was "created and passed" by the Democrats alone isn't correct. You're either a liar or ignorant as hell.

I know damn well how that bill got passed, you asshole. The truth is that the dems had a filibuster proof Senate and passed their version of the HC bill before Scott Brown was elected to fill Kennedy's seat. Knowing the GOP would not pass the bill if the House amedned it, Pelosi pushed the Senate version through and Obama signed it. The repubs hadno chance to stonewall it or change it or water it down. If you think otherwise it is you who is the fool or a liar. And an asshole to boot.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Consumer spending rose at its fastest rate in five months in July, easing concerns that the economy was falling back into recession.


The size of the increase in spending beat economists’ forecasts for a 0.5 percent advance. When adjusted for inflation, spending was up 0.5 percent last month, the largest gain in 1 1/2 years and the first increase since April.

“It’s a little far-fetched to truly believe that we are headed into another recession. This data doesn’t support that view at all,” said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors in Holland, Pa.

Good news for Obama?

Like Obama has anything to do with it.

Consumer spending isn't a good indicator because of inflation.

The problem is a lack of jobs.
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I think you've lost touch with reality, of course Congress had an effect. Hell, Pelosi and Reid and the dems in Congress created it and passed it by themselves without a single repub vote. And you want to try and blame the repubs for it's shortfalls? What a load of crap!

You really think the GOP had anything to do with stonewalling or watering it down, that is pure nonsense. They couldn't stonewall jackshit and you know it, nor could they have any impact at all with whatever the dems put in there. The ACA passed without a single repub vote, if it has problems or was watered down then that's entirely on the democrats who had over a fuckin' year to get it right. Don't give me this bullshit about the GOP, the dems own that piece of crap 100%.

I won't bother to explain to you the rules of the Senate or how bills in the House and Senate must be reconciled before being sent to the president. Suggesting the final product was "created and passed" by the Democrats alone isn't correct. You're either a liar or ignorant as hell.

I know damn well how that bill got passed, you asshole. The truth is that the dems had a filibuster proof Senate and passed their version of the HC bill before Scott Brown was elected to fill Kennedy's seat. Knowing the GOP would not pass the bill if the House amedned it, Pelosi pushed the Senate version through and Obama signed it. The repubs hadno chance to stonewall it or change it or water it down. If you think otherwise it is you who is the fool or a liar. And an asshole to boot.

Fuck you. You've got shit for brains. You're simply another right wing prick hiding behind a keyboard spouting off half-truths and simple answers to complex issues. Pelosi did her job, she got something passed. What passed was a camel, because the Republican Party represents the special interests, not American citizens who need a horse (comprehensive health care reform).
I won't bother to explain to you the rules of the Senate or how bills in the House and Senate must be reconciled before being sent to the president. Suggesting the final product was "created and passed" by the Democrats alone isn't correct. You're either a liar or ignorant as hell.

I know damn well how that bill got passed, you asshole. The truth is that the dems had a filibuster proof Senate and passed their version of the HC bill before Scott Brown was elected to fill Kennedy's seat. Knowing the GOP would not pass the bill if the House amedned it, Pelosi pushed the Senate version through and Obama signed it. The repubs hadno chance to stonewall it or change it or water it down. If you think otherwise it is you who is the fool or a liar. And an asshole to boot.

Fuck you. You've got shit for brains. You're simply another right wing prick hiding behind a keyboard spouting off half-truths and simple answers to complex issues. Pelosi did her job, she got something passed. What passed was a camel, because the Republican Party represents the special interests, not American citizens who need a horse (comprehensive health care reform).

For the record, you were the one who started with the name calling, asshole. And you are evading the issue, which is that the Dems passed the so-called camel without any inteference from the repubs, thank you very much. All your crap about special interests, blocking the bill or watering it down is pure bullshit and you know it. Your side had more than a year to pass it with whatever you wanted in it and the GOP couldn't do jackshit about it. And you know that too, asshole. So all the crying and whining about whatever is in the bill is really weak, blaming the repubs is really lame too.
I for one would be ecstatic if the economy improved but the odds seem rather slim..

I know. If the last couple of years are any indication, Republicans will figure out ways to continue to bring it down.
Here;s one for the books, Obama says "we need bi-partisan support for the new and improved re-designed recovery". Barry had every president's dream of a super-majority in congress and a partisan media for his first two years and all he could do is put America deeper in debt. The economy would have improved if Obama and his dumb assed academic theorists who never met a payroll would stop tinkering with it.
Are we getting ready to have that Summer of recovery....What Summer is over? Did the Stimulus work..
What we need another one?....One that is BIGGER and BOLDER...One that really gets to spend some real money....

Man we are soooooo Fucked.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Consumer spending rose at its fastest rate in five months in July, easing concerns that the economy was falling back into recession.


The size of the increase in spending beat economists’ forecasts for a 0.5 percent advance. When adjusted for inflation, spending was up 0.5 percent last month, the largest gain in 1 1/2 years and the first increase since April.

“It’s a little far-fetched to truly believe that we are headed into another recession. This data doesn’t support that view at all,” said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors in Holland, Pa.
Good news for Obama?

How fucked up is any economy that celebrates a half-percent increase is the largest increase in a year and a half???

I know damn well how that bill got passed, you asshole. The truth is that the dems had a filibuster proof Senate and passed their version of the HC bill before Scott Brown was elected to fill Kennedy's seat. Knowing the GOP would not pass the bill if the House amedned it, Pelosi pushed the Senate version through and Obama signed it. The repubs hadno chance to stonewall it or change it or water it down. If you think otherwise it is you who is the fool or a liar. And an asshole to boot.

Fuck you. You've got shit for brains. You're simply another right wing prick hiding behind a keyboard spouting off half-truths and simple answers to complex issues. Pelosi did her job, she got something passed. What passed was a camel, because the Republican Party represents the special interests, not American citizens who need a horse (comprehensive health care reform).

For the record, you were the one who started with the name calling, asshole. And you are evading the issue, which is that the Dems passed the so-called camel without any inteference from the repubs, thank you very much. All your crap about special interests, blocking the bill or watering it down is pure bullshit and you know it. Your side had more than a year to, pass it with whatever you wanted in it and the GOP couldn't do jackshit about it. And you know that too, asshole. So all the crying and whining about whatever is in he bill is really weak, blaming the repubs is really lame too.

You're a fool, a liar and a punk, as well as wrong. The bill was changed under threat of a filibuster, Republicans spent the summer of 2009 doing everything possible to prevent health care reform both procedurally and by lies, misrepresenations and using emotion charged pejoratives. Money flowed from special interests to defeat or make the bill less noxious to those who benefit from the current system.
Fuck you. You've got shit for brains. You're simply another right wing prick hiding behind a keyboard spouting off half-truths and simple answers to complex issues. Pelosi did her job, she got something passed. What passed was a camel, because the Republican Party represents the special interests, not American citizens who need a horse (comprehensive health care reform).

For the record, you were the one who started with the name calling, asshole. And you are evading the issue, which is that the Dems passed the so-called camel without any inteference from the repubs, thank you very much. All your crap about special interests, blocking the bill or watering it down is pure bullshit and you know it. Your side had more than a year to, pass it with whatever you wanted in it and the GOP couldn't do jackshit about it. And you know that too, asshole. So all the crying and whining about whatever is in he bill is really weak, blaming the repubs is really lame too.

You're a fool, a liar and a punk, as well as wrong. The bill was changed under threat of a filibuster, Republicans spent the summer of 2009 doing everything possible to prevent health care reform both procedurally and by lies, misrepresenations and using emotion charged pejoratives. Money flowed from special interests to defeat or make the bill less noxious to those who benefit from the current system.

I just don't believe what I'm reading here, revisionist history at it's finest. In fact the bill was NOT changed under threat of a filibuster, the dems passed it while they had the chance even though most Americans told them specifically they didn't want it. Let's review: the dems have a filibuster proof senate for all of 2009, Scott Brown is not sworn in as a senator from Mass until what, Jan 2010. So for the whole freakin' year the Dems had total control to do whatever they wanted, and the repubs could do absolutely nothing to stop them. That is the plain unvarnished truth.

So the dems go home for the August break and get a real earful from the public. Despite the fact that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and every other lib/dem including the MSM tried to convince people how great it was, nobody bought it. Did the GOP fight it? Of course, from their perspective it was a piece of shit, and most Americans thought so too then and still think so now. Last I heard more people want it repealed now than then, it was never popular.

So Pelosi passes the ACA in the House, and the Senate passes their version in the Senate. But holy shit, Scott Brown is electd to become the 41st repub in the Senate and the dems realize they can't change the senate bill because it'll fail the vote. So they pass the senate version in the House and Obama signs it into the law. That about the way you remember it? So what YOU said was WRONG, they in fact did not change the law but passed it without any confernece action to reconcile the two bills.

At no time could the repubs have done anything but bitch about it. As far as special interest money, you got any links to prove more of it flowed to the GOP to kill it than went to the dems to pass it? I recall big pharma wanted it cuz they thought they'd get big bucks out of it from taxpayer dollars.

The dems own ACA, lock, stock, and barrel. It is beyond lame AND hypocritical to claim otherwise. The sad truth is, your guys had total control and fucked it up. And now you want to put blame on the repubs for not supporting a shitty piece of legislation that was against their principles.
For the record, you were the one who started with the name calling, asshole. And you are evading the issue, which is that the Dems passed the so-called camel without any inteference from the repubs, thank you very much. All your crap about special interests, blocking the bill or watering it down is pure bullshit and you know it. Your side had more than a year to, pass it with whatever you wanted in it and the GOP couldn't do jackshit about it. And you know that too, asshole. So all the crying and whining about whatever is in he bill is really weak, blaming the repubs is really lame too.

You're a fool, a liar and a punk, as well as wrong. The bill was changed under threat of a filibuster, Republicans spent the summer of 2009 doing everything possible to prevent health care reform both procedurally and by lies, misrepresenations and using emotion charged pejoratives. Money flowed from special interests to defeat or make the bill less noxious to those who benefit from the current system.

I just don't believe what I'm reading here, revisionist history at it's finest. In fact the bill was NOT changed under threat of a filibuster, the dems passed it while they had the chance even though most Americans told them specifically they didn't want it. Let's review: the dems have a filibuster proof senate for all of 2009, Scott Brown is not sworn in as a senator from Mass until what, Jan 2010. So for the whole freakin' year the Dems had total control to do whatever they wanted, and the repubs could do absolutely nothing to stop them. That is the plain unvarnished truth.

So the dems go home for the August break and get a real earful from the public. Despite the fact that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and every other lib/dem including the MSM tried to convince people how great it was, nobody bought it. Did the GOP fight it? Of course, from their perspective it was a piece of shit, and most Americans thought so too then and still think so now. Last I heard more people want it repealed now than then, it was never popular.

So Pelosi passes the ACA in the House, and the Senate passes their version in the Senate. But holy shit, Scott Brown is electd to become the 41st repub in the Senate and the dems realize they can't change the senate bill because it'll fail the vote. So they pass the senate version in the House and Obama signs it into the law. That about the way you remember it? So what YOU said was WRONG, they in fact did not change the law but passed it without any confernece action to reconcile the two bills.

At no time could the repubs have done anything but bitch about it. As far as special interest money, you got any links to prove more of it flowed to the GOP to kill it than went to the dems to pass it? I recall big pharma wanted it cuz they thought they'd get big bucks out of it from taxpayer dollars.

The dems own ACA, lock, stock, and barrel. It is beyond lame AND hypocritical to claim otherwise. The sad truth is, your guys had total control and fucked it up. And now you want to put blame on the repubs for not supporting a shitty piece of legislation that was against their principles.

pearls before swine, my friend.
For the record, you were the one who started with the name calling, asshole. And you are evading the issue, which is that the Dems passed the so-called camel without any inteference from the repubs, thank you very much. All your crap about special interests, blocking the bill or watering it down is pure bullshit and you know it. Your side had more than a year to, pass it with whatever you wanted in it and the GOP couldn't do jackshit about it. And you know that too, asshole. So all the crying and whining about whatever is in he bill is really weak, blaming the repubs is really lame too.

You're a fool, a liar and a punk, as well as wrong. The bill was changed under threat of a filibuster, Republicans spent the summer of 2009 doing everything possible to prevent health care reform both procedurally and by lies, misrepresenations and using emotion charged pejoratives. Money flowed from special interests to defeat or make the bill less noxious to those who benefit from the current system.

I just don't believe what I'm reading here, revisionist history at it's finest. In fact the bill was NOT changed under threat of a filibuster, the dems passed it while they had the chance even though most Americans told them specifically they didn't want it. Let's review: the dems have a filibuster proof senate for all of 2009, Scott Brown is not sworn in as a senator from Mass until what, Jan 2010. So for the whole freakin' year the Dems had total control to do whatever they wanted, and the repubs could do absolutely nothing to stop them. That is the plain unvarnished truth.

So the dems go home for the August break and get a real earful from the public. Despite the fact that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and every other lib/dem including the MSM tried to convince people how great it was, nobody bought it. Did the GOP fight it? Of course, from their perspective it was a piece of shit, and most Americans thought so too then and still think so now. Last I heard more people want it repealed now than then, it was never popular.

So Pelosi passes the ACA in the House, and the Senate passes their version in the Senate. But holy shit, Scott Brown is electd to become the 41st repub in the Senate and the dems realize they can't change the senate bill because it'll fail the vote. So they pass the senate version in the House and Obama signs it into the law. That about the way you remember it? So what YOU said was WRONG, they in fact did not change the law but passed it without any confernece action to reconcile the two bills.

At no time could the repubs have done anything but bitch about it. As far as special interest money, you got any links to prove more of it flowed to the GOP to kill it than went to the dems to pass it? I recall big pharma wanted it cuz they thought they'd get big bucks out of it from taxpayer dollars.

The dems own ACA, lock, stock, and barrel. It is beyond lame AND hypocritical to claim otherwise. The sad truth is, your guys had total control and fucked it up. And now you want to put blame on the repubs for not supporting a shitty piece of legislation that was against their principles.

I thought that it was changed to prevent a filibuster, but not as Wry Catcher is indicating. If I remember correctly, Speaker Pelosi was having trouble getting the moderate Democrats to bow down to her and it was they who threatened to break ranks and join the Republicans if she didn't water the damned thing down.

The Republicans could not have done anything had the Democrats been of one mind. Thank goodness there are actually some reasonable Democrats in Congress or who knows what kind of shit they would have given us?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Consumer spending rose at its fastest rate in five months in July, easing concerns that the economy was falling back into recession.


The size of the increase in spending beat economists’ forecasts for a 0.5 percent advance. When adjusted for inflation, spending was up 0.5 percent last month, the largest gain in 1 1/2 years and the first increase since April.

“It’s a little far-fetched to truly believe that we are headed into another recession. This data doesn’t support that view at all,” said Joel Naroff, chief economist at Naroff Economic Advisors in Holland, Pa.

Good news for Obama?

I still fail to see how this is bad news for republicans.....i don't believe unemployment and a bad economy discriminates based off political affiliation.
Moot point, as the economy is not getting better...

True true, its still getting worse.

But lets just play the whole "In theory" thing and say that "in theory, if the economy was getting better" how would that be bad for republicans who are just as hurt by a bad economy as democrats?

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