Bad Parenting

Its either a cultural problem or its a racial problem. Black children are EXTREMELY prone to violence. Is it because they are racially inferior or is this a cultural issue? Its one or the other. Decide.
Just piss poor parenting is my guess
Hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax payer money will be wasted on these toddler hood rats by the time they are teens. If they don't die young add in well over a million to keep them incarcerated.

Lol, I bet the two kids punching and swearing at the cops. Will do what their parents tell them to do. The kid in your video is mentally ill. Good try though. I would also say the same about any kid talking like that to any adult. No matter the color, but you always have to bring race into it.
Taking children to drag shows is a perfect example of bad parenting.
Parents pushing their children further into gender dysphoria for their own political agendas.
Women who kill their children for whatever reason and women who kill their unborn for conveniece sake...

And parents who turn their babies into monsters after barely learning how to walk. These babies need a spanking. They need to be taken from their parents and put in decent homes if it is not too late.

This is so sad to me. and i hate it but it must be said. Minnesota. Are these kids in kindergarten because maybe it is not the parents' fault.

What are your parenting chops? How many children do you have? What are they doing, jobs/education? I'd like to know your expertise before I provide you some feedback on your post.
Kid walking around alone in a diaper and no shoes on the street trying to punch at cops.

Yep. That's one's headed for a rude awakening in life.

Will probably grow up wanting reparations and hating police like a few people here cause there was no daddy around to kick the crap out of them when they needed it
And when if he gets in trouble with the law it will be the cops fault.
So it's the exception for white folks and the norm for us, quit being a stinking racist POS.
Yes, its quite normal for young blacks to cuss, misbehave, or as your people say... "wile out", regardless of where they are or what company they are in.

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