Bad Parenting

The Dem government isn’t at war with children. They are at war with their PARENTS as they attempt to brainwash children into “whites bad…blacks victim” - and the parents are objecting. So the govt calls Mom and Dad “domestic terrorists” to intimidate them into yielding.

Dictators start in with the kids. Look at Hitler’s “youth groups” - get the kids brainwashed early, and they will do your bidding as adults.
The DNC is at war with humanity, that is, all carbon producers, especially those who dare to vote against democracy, i.e. the democrat party.
Don't be dull or obtuse. It was you that brought up the term secular meaning:

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Most could assume by your usage, you favor a more theocratic organizational structure. Many do. Many don't.
The DNC has been at war with religion. Their interpretation of separation of church and state is to extract religion entirely from public view as opposed to the Founders goal of making sure that the state does not preach from the pulpit.

As a result, you cannot so much as talk about God in public schools, or even have the Ten Commandments in a court of law that is on display. What the Left has done is strip the religious culture that has formed the US and gave birth to the US, that was never a theocracy. Your charge that having the Ten Commandments displayed in a court room, for example, is a step towards theocracy is completely bogus and harmful.

And as society continues to deteriorates into a violent secular abyss of despair, you can blame Putin for it.
The DNC has been at war with religion. Their interpretation of separation of church and state is to extract religion entirely from public view as opposed to the Founders goal of making sure that the state does not preach from the pulpit.

As a result, you cannot so much as talk about God in public schools, or even have the Ten Commandments in a court of law that is on display. What the Left has done is strip the religious culture that has formed the US and gave birth to the US, that was never a theocracy. Your charge that having the Ten Commandments displayed in a court room, for example, is a step towards theocracy is completely bogus and harmful.

And as society continues to deteriorates into a violent secular abyss of despair, you can blame Putin for it.
Dude! It was not my charge that the Ten Commandments be stripped from courtrooms or even the halls of schools. Though I do not favor punishing kids for failing to bow and prey on command, like trained seals.
The shame is the behavior of police that causes a baby to do whats being filmed here. But hey lets ignore that to start another racist commentary about blacks.
So, these cops did something to those kids to deserve their hatred?
So, these cops did something to those kids to deserve their hatred?
Yes. They be white. White man Bad. The PO PO Bad. White skin BAD. Like I said...future IM2's. He was just like that at that age, I'm betting. And grew up to stay exactly the same mentality. White. Man. Bad.

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