Bad Parenting

Its either a cultural problem or its a racial problem. Black children are EXTREMELY prone to violence. Is it because they are racially inferior or is this a cultural issue? Its one or the other. Decide.
The fact that we have grown folks expressing these racist views is evidence of several generations of bad parenting in white communities.
Wish I could say I am shocked, but I am not. I doubt this is a rare occurrence.

Is this what IM2 means by “white preference”?
has nothing to do with whites. it shows black children bread for trouble . loko what they are taught. and there parents woinder why they end up in jail.l
Taking children to drag shows is a perfect example of bad parenting.
Parents pushing their children further into gender dysphoria for their own political agendas.
Women who kill their children for whatever reason and women who kill their unborn for conveniece sake...

And parents who turn their babies into monsters after barely learning how to walk. These babies need a spanking. They need to be taken from their parents and put in decent homes if it is not too late.

This is so sad to me. and i hate it but it must be said. Minnesota. Are these kids in kindergarten because maybe it is not the parents' fault.

There are lots of examples of bad parenting in this world.

But all you've done is taken your own political agenda and tried to turn it into a post about bad parenting......
I think we've posted a lot of different ones regardless of race. it's common to all races.
Yes, its quite normal for young blacks to cuss, misbehave, or as your people say... "wile out", regardless of where they are or what company they are in.
Yes, but it isn't normal for young whites to cuss, misbehave or feel like there are no consequences when they do it because they are PRIVILEGED.
Godboy says, 'it's a cultural thing'. I was just listening to Focus on the family as i read online. They were talking about women who belong to the part of the population that numbers 13% of the total are killing their unborn at the rate of 33% of the total number of abortions per year. Blacks were not doing this prior to the Johnson Administration. Sanger was a leftist and she was a was darwin...their goal was to minimize the proliferation of those races that they considered..... undesireable. and Imtoo thinks that repunks are the bad guys irrevocably. Just goes to show you that the left like satan, is happy to convince you that they mean no harm. The left has harmed black americans with its policies. You can't get past 13% in the US population FOR A REASON. You're killing your own future. And then you don't see that it is affecting black families.
What about those white kids cursing and misbehaving. Look i agree that this seems to be a bigger problem with black parenting because they represent such a small portion of the population but a much larger portion of antisocial say the least. there are many good conservative, black people and i happen to be acquainted with a few. And let's not forget white men have also killed their children as have white women.
What about those white kids cursing and misbehaving. Look i agree that this seems to be a bigger problem with black parenting because they represent such a small portion of the population but a much larger portion of antisocial say the least. there are many good conservative, black people and i happen to be acquainted with a few. And let's not forget white men have also killed their children as have white women.
What is that based on?
stats i heard on the radio this afternoon about percent of abortions based on demographics.
This is why Somalia went to hell in a handbasket.
They let their kids do whatever they heck they wanted.

Here's a video of a little black kid in St Paul Minn. cussing out and hitting a couple of cops.

This is why Somalia went to hell in a handbasket.
They let their kids do whatever they heck they wanted.

Here's a video of a little black kid in St Paul Minn. cussing out and hitting a couple of cops.

Good Lord, how many friggin times are you guys going to post this video. This has got to be at least the 5th in the last 4 days.
This is the first time I've seen it.
Sorry. Not pickin at you if you really haven't seen it this weekend. I know some people have a life, and I am probably spending too much time on message board.
Yes. It is a nasty shame how the kid was raised.

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