Bad week for Marjorie Taylor Greene

First, she was heckled and called a coward by Laura Loomer at the gathering of trump supporters in Atlanta. Marjorie Taylor Greene heckled at Donald Trump arrest rally: "Coward"

Now she is continuing to question why Biden has yet to be impeached and that if he isnt by September, she'll "not be able to take it". Marjorie Taylor Greene Fumes At Republicans Over Lack Of Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Could this be bad news for the current crop of republicans in Congress who will more than likely fail in impeaching Biden? Or will the faithful just roll with it and take it, moving on to the next right wing talking point (to put it nicely)?
I think she's one of the actual True Believers in Congress. She really does believe the election was rigged, she really does believe that Biden is Al Capone incarnate.

Most of them are just playing along, but she's dead serious. I'm guessing she was raised on Limbaugh, and took to it like pro wrestling.
I think she's one of the actual True Believers in Congress. She really does believe the election was rigged, she really does believe that Biden is Al Capone incarnate.

Most of them are just playing along, but she's dead serious. I'm guessing she was raised on Limbaugh, and took to it like pro wrestling.
You are seemingly insinuating she is mentally ill.
This has always been one of the most fascinating parts of this disaster. The juvenile behaviors are not just tolerated, they're defended. They're welcomed.

Seven years in, and I still can't understand this.

You voted for Joe Biden, and you can't understand juvenile behaviors? The guy who told you to buy a shotgun and shoot through the door if you hear a noise? LOL
Don’t be ridiculous. The shithead House that held the 1/6 show hearings and who impeached Trump not just at all, and not once but twice is obviously less mature than any other House.

Sadly, that was unreal.
Disagree…they did what needed to be done and it was not lightly done.

This is children.
This has always been one of the most fascinating parts of this disaster. The juvenile behaviors are not just tolerated, they're defended. They're welcomed.

Seven years in, and I still can't understand this.
Yup. Adults acting like children is the face of the Republican Party. The Mitch McConnells will soon be gone.
Yup. Adults acting like children is the face of the Republican Party. The Mitch McConnells will soon be gone.
Eh I wouldnt put Mitch and MTG in the same category. Mitch isnt in DC to legislate either. He views it as a game of power. MTG is just a culture warrior, mentally ill, and a liar. He's a little more advanced than MTG, but not by much.
Fact is repubs cant even get enough votes for an impeachment of a "blithering idiot", as you put it.
It tells you the uphill fight the voters have to encounter. There are a percentage of shills who are Democrats it seems. And most are not showmen like Progs. Progs are the true P.T. Barnum's of politics. Elites keep pushing candidates who they want and do not support any who want change. How many congressional reps questioned who the speaker would be. The rest fell in line.
First, she was heckled and called a coward by Laura Loomer at the gathering of trump supporters in Atlanta. Marjorie Taylor Greene heckled at Donald Trump arrest rally: "Coward"

Now she is continuing to question why Biden has yet to be impeached and that if he isnt by September, she'll "not be able to take it". Marjorie Taylor Greene Fumes At Republicans Over Lack Of Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Could this be bad news for the current crop of republicans in Congress who will more than likely fail in impeaching Biden? Or will the faithful just roll with it and take it, moving on to the next right wing talking point (to put it nicely)?

Secret flights with Hunter to places where Hunter did business.
Five email accounts using fake names to communicate with Hunter.
Burner phones.
Shell companies.
Offshore accounts.
Client phone calls and dinners.
150 suspicious activity reports.
$20 million of foreign money funneled to the Biden family.
All selling the Biden brand.
POTUS told us it was all false.

Plus, Biden should be impeached for deliberately not enforcing our federal immigration laws.

So, MTG has a point.

But the Senate won't convict, so it will all just be a big political waste of money.


Secret flights with Hunter to places where Hunter did business.
Five email accounts using fake names to communicate with Hunter.
Burner phones.
Shell companies.
Offshore accounts.
Client phone calls and dinners.
150 suspicious activity reports.
$20 million of foreign money funneled to the Biden family.
All selling the Biden brand.
POTUS told us it was all false.

Plus, Biden should be impeached for deliberately not enforcing our federal immigration laws.

So, MTG has a point.

But the Senate won't convict, so it will all just be a big political waste of money.


Nothing you mentioned is illegal.
Nope. But it is true, your Godhead was impeached.
Wrong. It was true.

And it’s also false to claim that he s anyone’s Godhead. Plus, added bonus. The Dims made impeachment a pure joke. Now, when Brandon gets impeached (which may be coming soon), it will be merited.

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