Bain Capital Scrutiny Is Fair Game On Romney!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
It's fair to criticize Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney over his leadership at Bain Capital if it is true that he did more than just make ordinary investments in companies resulting in the understandable outcomes of some succeeding and some failing. If he figuratively bled the companies to death, that is, invested in some companies that went out of business and during the business's decline took out more money than he invested contributing to the businesses failure and in so doing wronged the workers of the businesses Mitt Romney has some explaining to do. Mitt Romney has some red flag concerns about his commitment to do right by workers and many Americans would like to know if we can trust him to do right by workers as President!

Mitt Romney has said he wants to do away with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB); this is alarming!. This board is a vital barrier for the protection of the American Worker. It is absolutely needed for the Federal Government to improve America's Labor Laws, but do away with the NLRB, you shouldn't be anywhere near the Presidency Mr. Romney if you hold these views. Mr. Romney you need to publicly disavow these statements on the NLRB. The NLRB has been out of control over the last four year and it is clear the Congress through legislation has to take some of the issues they have been dealing with and resolve them in a fair manner. Any reasonable knowledgeable person knows that collectively when American workers of a company file the requisite paperwork to hold a vote on unionizing American employers try to fire the leaders and do many other abuses to try to stop a fair election and this problem would much helped if they could hold timely elections. Congress should pass a law where a company has to hold a unionization vote forty-five days from when a union files the proper paperwork and if the company file a lawsuit contesting some part of the election like the eligibility of some workers to vote the company has an additional forty-five days if the litigation is not resolved the law should require election to still be held but the contested workers votes are to separated like absentee ballots. Congress should also pass a law saying the NLRB can't block or try to block a company from moving the manufacturing of a product from one plant to another, if the union through a collective bargaining agreement has bargained that this should not occur let the union go to court and get an injunction against the company to stop the move, company should not have their rights curtailed in this fashion this legislative idea's purpose is to address the wrong done to the Boeing Corporation in them being blocked in beginning the production of a new plane in a new plant in South Carolina.

Mitt Romney has some explaining to do about his commitment to workers and consumers ordinary American's don't want a President that is going to be biased toward big business. Today, the American people learned that Delta and U.S. Airways are each considering buying American Airlines which is in bankruptcy; this is a terrible idea for the American consumer and airline industry workers. Today, the airline industry only has five major airlines essentially a third of what they had two decades ago, allowing more mergers in this industry would obviously result in higher prices for consumers because of insufficient competition and less airline industry jobs for the same reason, no merger should be allowed here. American big business doesn't know its proper limits , the mergers they sometime pursue go to far. The American people have seen Comcast merger with NBC, a cable distributor getting control of vital programming the whole cable distributor industry needs, and even at this early date it is crystal clear American consumers are going to be paying unfairly higher prices for sports programming because of this merger. America has seen AT&T try to merge with T-Mobile which would have been a merger of two of the top four cell phone companies which would have cleary hurt low-cost cell phone service, fortunately this merger failed but it is clear that the America people need a President that will be their champion to stop unfair and bad mergers. Will you Mitt Romney be such a President?
I can think of something MUCH worse than what Romney supposedly did with Bain Capital.

How about Obama and his minions giving billions of dollars in loan guarantees (aka taxpayer money) to "alternative energy" companies who have either filed for bankruptcy or are teetering on bankruptcy?

Is that OK with you, "Jim Of Pennsyltucky"? If you don't have a problem with what Obama has done with TAXPAYER money, then you are just another run-of-the-mill, mindless, hypocrite Kool-Aid drinker.

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