Baker must make gay cakes

are you so simple that you believe that this case doesn't have implications for other businesses?

they don't even understand that Loving v Virginia applies

gay rights IS NOT A CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE and Loving v. Virginia should NOT apply.


It is in fact a civil rights issue:

It suffices for us to acknowledge that adults may choose to enter upon this relationship in the confines of their homes and their own private lives and still retain their dignity as free persons. When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.
When homosexual conduct is made criminal by the law of the State, that declaration in and of itself is an invitation to subject homosexual persons to discrimination both in the public and in the private spheres.
The State cannot demean [homosexuals’] existence or control their destiny by making their private sexual conduct a crime. Their right to liberty under the Due Process Clause gives them the full right to engage in their conduct without intervention of the government.


Moreover, Loving is controlling in this issue with regard to the right of all persons in the United States to equal protection of the law, where it is in fact un-Constitutional to deny couples who are eligible to enter into the marriage contract access to marriage law – whether those couples are interracial or same-sex makes no difference.
I would not bake any type of divorce cake, or attend any type of divorce ceremony, if such a ceremony even exists. In fact, my church will not allow re-marriage if divorced.

I'm not asking that question. Divorce is a sin...Jesus himself said so. A divorced person remarrying is a sin. Would you bake their cake? How about a fat person. Gluttony is one of the actual listed "deadly sins". Would you bake a cake for a fatty wedding?
As a practicing Catholic, no I would not bake a remarrying cake for a divorcee. In regards to gluttony, true it's a sin, however it is not restricted only to food. One is guilty of gluttony if one only avails to himself all the comforts of life by not sharing with others.

Ah, so some sins have wiggle room for you, but not others. Naturally. Yummy bible buffet...pick and choose only the parts you like. :eusa_clap:
I do not like black people, or Asians. Therefore I will not serve them anything if they come into my store. To do so would be in violation of my rights.

Think I could get away with that?

No...but that's because those minorities are covered by Federal Law. A Christian can refuse to serve me, but I can't refuse to serve him. Ain't that some shit?
I do not like black people, or Asians. Therefore I will not serve them anything if they come into my store. To do so would be in violation of my rights.

Think I could get away with that?

Which religion teaches you that you will go to hell for an eternity for promoting blacks or asian cultures? Race isn't the same as behaviors of a fad-deviant sexual cult.

Actually, back in the day, when mixed race marriages were illegal, they did use the religious excuse to justify it.

In Loving v. Virginia, the lower court judge ruled the following.

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, Malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.
I do not like black people, or Asians. Therefore I will not serve them anything if they come into my store. To do so would be in violation of my rights.

Think I could get away with that?

Which religion teaches you that you will go to hell for an eternity for promoting blacks or asian cultures? Race isn't the same as behaviors of a fad-deviant sexual cult.

Actually, back in the day, when mixed race marriages were illegal, they did use the religious excuse to justify it.

In Loving v. Virginia, the lower court judge ruled the following.

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, Malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.

Interracial marriage was the march of the anti Christ...look.

Which religion teaches you that you will go to hell for an eternity for promoting blacks or asian cultures? Race isn't the same as behaviors of a fad-deviant sexual cult.

Actually, back in the day, when mixed race marriages were illegal, they did use the religious excuse to justify it.

In Loving v. Virginia, the lower court judge ruled the following.

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, Malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.

Interracial marriage was the march of the anti Christ...look.


Anti Christ!!


The only thing more entertaining Queer Attention Whores are Queer Drama Llamas.
I'm not asking that question. Divorce is a sin...Jesus himself said so. A divorced person remarrying is a sin. Would you bake their cake? How about a fat person. Gluttony is one of the actual listed "deadly sins". Would you bake a cake for a fatty wedding?
As a practicing Catholic, no I would not bake a remarrying cake for a divorcee. In regards to gluttony, true it's a sin, however it is not restricted only to food. One is guilty of gluttony if one only avails to himself all the comforts of life by not sharing with others.

Okay, let's try a different scenario:
Two women walk into your bakery. They ask for a cake. They say their reasons are their own but it is a big happy day. They suggest their business had great fourth quarter profits.
They would like three-layered cake, with frilly edges, Fondant icing, and columns supporting each successive layer. They would like a rainbow of icing gel to run down from the top layer and progress not unlike a waterfall to the bottom layer. They ask for no inscription.
Do you make the cake for these happy business partners?
Yes. There is no mention of the cake being used for any gay wedding ceremony, or any gay event, so I'm fine with it, even if they had revealed that they are gay. Which they did not.
I'm not asking that question. Divorce is a sin...Jesus himself said so. A divorced person remarrying is a sin. Would you bake their cake? How about a fat person. Gluttony is one of the actual listed "deadly sins". Would you bake a cake for a fatty wedding?
As a practicing Catholic, no I would not bake a remarrying cake for a divorcee. In regards to gluttony, true it's a sin, however it is not restricted only to food. One is guilty of gluttony if one only avails to himself all the comforts of life by not sharing with others.

Ah, so some sins have wiggle room for you, but not others. Naturally. Yummy bible buffet...pick and choose only the parts you like. :eusa_clap:
Where is the wiggle room...? :eusa_eh:

Gluttony is hoarding, and not sharing with others, of which I do not condone.
Don't open a bakery in a locality with public accommodation laws that cover the gheys and you'll be fine. You'll still have to bake cakes for the blacks, Muslims, and the cripples, but hey, you'll be saved from getting the ghey on ya!

Would you bake a cake for a divorced and remarrying couple?

I would not bake any type of divorce cake, or attend any type of divorce ceremony, if such a ceremony even exists. In fact, my church will not allow re-marriage if divorced.

I'm not asking that question. Divorce is a sin...Jesus himself said so. A divorced person remarrying is a sin. Would you bake their cake? How about a fat person. Gluttony is one of the actual listed "deadly sins". Would you bake a cake for a fatty wedding?

If I were a baker I wouldn't bake a cake in honor of divorce or in honor of murder or in honor of homosexuality or in honor of child molestation. Everybody is a sinner so every time I bake a cake it will be for a sinner but I don't have to honor any particular sin.

So your argument is flimsy and weightless.
I do not like black people, or Asians. Therefore I will not serve them anything if they come into my store. To do so would be in violation of my rights.

Think I could get away with that?

Which religion teaches you that you will go to hell for an eternity for promoting blacks or asian cultures? Race isn't the same as behaviors of a fad-deviant sexual cult.

Actually, back in the day, when mixed race marriages were illegal, they did use the religious excuse to justify it.

In Loving v. Virginia, the lower court judge ruled the following.

Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, Malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.

Show me the exact Bible passage he referenced for this. There are plenty of them condemning homosexuality.
I do not like black people, or Asians. Therefore I will not serve them anything if they come into my store. To do so would be in violation of my rights.

Think I could get away with that?

A Nazi goes into a Jewish bakery and wants a cake with a swastika on it? Must the Jewish baker comply?

A child molester comes in and wants a cake honoring the fact that he molested 5 boys this year. Will you bake a cake in honor of his filthy acts?

Do you or do you not draw a line somewhere?
That's a serious breach of any cake maker's 1st amendment rights who is christian or muslim.


The issue has nothing to do with the ‘First Amendment,’ where no Free Exercise Clause ‘violations’ have taken place.

1st Amendment:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

If someone's religion prohibits doing business with homosexuals then forcing them to do business with homosexuals is a prohibition on that person's free exercise of his religion.
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That's a serious breach of any cake maker's 1st amendment rights who is christian or muslim.


The issue has nothing to do with the ‘First Amendment,’ where no Free Exercise Clause ‘violations’ have taken place.

1st Amendment:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

If someone's religion prohibits doing business with homosexuals then forcing them to do business with homosexuals is a prohibition on that person's free exercise of his religion.

Progressive response:


Show me the exact Bible passage he referenced for this. There are plenty of them condemning homosexuality.

and there are a bunch of passages in the bible that would get you arrested for being a psychopath if you did them today. Killing your son for mouthing off or killing your daughter for not being a virgin before her wedding. Bible says to totally do that.

SO we are agreed, then, that "The Bible Says So" is not a good enough excuse to violate the law.


Show me the exact Bible passage he referenced for this. There are plenty of them condemning homosexuality.

and there are a bunch of passages in the bible that would get you arrested for being a psychopath if you did them today. Killing your son for mouthing off or killing your daughter for not being a virgin before her wedding. Bible says to totally do that.

SO we are agreed, then, that "The Bible Says So" is not a good enough excuse to violate the law.


So you can't, so you deflect, and thus you lose. Have good one.

Also, the paintmyhouse sock fools no one.

Show me the exact Bible passage he referenced for this. There are plenty of them condemning homosexuality.

and there are a bunch of passages in the bible that would get you arrested for being a psychopath if you did them today. Killing your son for mouthing off or killing your daughter for not being a virgin before her wedding. Bible says to totally do that.

SO we are agreed, then, that "The Bible Says So" is not a good enough excuse to violate the law.


So you can't, so you deflect, and thus you lose. Have good one.

Also, the paintmyhouse sock fools no one.

I'm not deflecting at all.

We have a law. the law says, that if you offer a service, you have to offer it to everyone regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation.

What you guys are saying is, "My Bible says it's wrong', when there's a whole lot of shit in your bible you don't do. Some because it would get you arrested and some because you just plain don't want to do it.

And the rest of us are just calling bullshit on this excuse to rationalize your bigotry.

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