Baker who won SCOTUS suit being sued for refusing to bake a “Trans” Cake

You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?
The Constitutional argument is against Govt forcing someone into speech or expression against their free will and beliefs. Decorating a cake to "express celebration or support for transgender cultural practices" is a choice of expression, that defendants are trying to protect from Govt FORCING someone to do under penalty of law.

What is noticeably biased is the customer *deliberately targeting* this baker personally. The baker did not seek to target this person who deliberately initiated this service *for the purpose of inciting a KNOWN conflict.*

Why isn't that recognized as harassment?

The baker is only reacting to the CONTENT of the message and design/decoration of the cake. It is nothing personal against this person. But this person is deliberately picking on this particular man, because of his beliefs known to be against homosexual and transgender practices as unnatural.

This is like going to Muslim bakery and harassing the owners by demanding they bake a cake decorated with Mohammad's image. Or bake a cake in the shape of a pink pig on a platter chopped into slices.

I know some traditional Buddhists who will also refuse to make commercialized images of Buddha for decoration, but reserve these for temple altars only.

It would be equally abusive to target such a person at their business, and demand they provide services designing an image or replica of Buddha for decorative use.

Just the ACT of doing that would run contrary to their belief practices, and would not be fair to abuse Govt to force that by law or mandatory court order.

Harassment? Really? The baker is refusing to bake a cake that is pink on the inside and blue on the outside. Both of those requirements are quite common, and neither require any assumed artistic ability. The only possible problem the baker might have would be with what was to be written on the cake (not mentioned in the article) or the specific person who was ordering the cake. I don't agree with you often, but I do respect your usually reasoned opinion. You're stretching a little too far this time.
Can we agree the personal conflict is MUTUAL between this customer and this baker. So they should both agree to refrain from doing business together if they conflict so much in their different beliefs.

Can you please explain why this customer HAS to get this service from this particular baker with full knowledge they have a conflict, and deliberately making that conflict the subject of both the cake and the lawsuit.

Where is the attempt to resolve this amicably?

Would you agree both parties could have agreed to hire the work out to a willing Vendor to avoid a lawsuit for political statements?

You could say the same about a landlord that refused to rent to black people, or restaurants that don't serve colored people? Would it be reasonable to just tell the darkies to go somewhere else to avoid the conflict?
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

They guy also doesn't do Halloween cakes because it goes against his religion.

try again, you fascist fuck.

Big deal. Lots of people opposed integration, claiming their religion opposed it. My grandmother even told me people opposed cars, the telephone, and indoor plumbing based on their religion. It seems to be a catch all for anyone who opposes progress but can't find a logical reason why.

And now lefties are the ones wanting segregation again. Sorry, but forcing a baker to bake a trans cake isn't the same as standing up against Jim Crow.

It is exactly the same.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

They guy also doesn't do Halloween cakes because it goes against his religion.

try again, you fascist fuck.

Big deal. Lots of people opposed integration, claiming their religion opposed it. My grandmother even told me people opposed cars, the telephone, and indoor plumbing based on their religion. It seems to be a catch all for anyone who opposes progress but can't find a logical reason why.
Did anyone force them to build cars, telephones, or plumbing? How can you be this dumb?
Still waiting for the verse in the Bible where it condemns transgenderism...

Still waiting for the words "abortion is legal" to be found in the constitution.
Still waiting for the words "abortion is not legal" to be found in the constitution.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?
The Constitutional argument is against Govt forcing someone into speech or expression against their free will and beliefs. Decorating a cake to "express celebration or support for transgender cultural practices" is a choice of expression, that defendants are trying to protect from Govt FORCING someone to do under penalty of law.

What is noticeably biased is the customer *deliberately targeting* this baker personally. The baker did not seek to target this person who deliberately initiated this service *for the purpose of inciting a KNOWN conflict.*

Why isn't that recognized as harassment?

The baker is only reacting to the CONTENT of the message and design/decoration of the cake. It is nothing personal against this person. But this person is deliberately picking on this particular man, because of his beliefs known to be against homosexual and transgender practices as unnatural.

This is like going to Muslim bakery and harassing the owners by demanding they bake a cake decorated with Mohammad's image. Or bake a cake in the shape of a pink pig on a platter chopped into slices.

I know some traditional Buddhists who will also refuse to make commercialized images of Buddha for decoration, but reserve these for temple altars only.

It would be equally abusive to target such a person at their business, and demand they provide services designing an image or replica of Buddha for decorative use.

Just the ACT of doing that would run contrary to their belief practices, and would not be fair to abuse Govt to force that by law or mandatory court order.

Harassment? Really? The baker is refusing to bake a cake that is pink on the inside and blue on the outside. Both of those requirements are quite common, and neither require any assumed artistic ability. The only possible problem the baker might have would be with what was to be written on the cake (not mentioned in the article) or the specific person who was ordering the cake. I don't agree with you often, but I do respect your usually reasoned opinion. You're stretching a little too far this time.
Can we agree the personal conflict is MUTUAL between this customer and this baker. So they should both agree to refrain from doing business together if they conflict so much in their different beliefs.

Can you please explain why this customer HAS to get this service from this particular baker with full knowledge they have a conflict, and deliberately making that conflict the subject of both the cake and the lawsuit.

Where is the attempt to resolve this amicably?

Would you agree both parties could have agreed to hire the work out to a willing Vendor to avoid a lawsuit for political statements?

You could say the same about a landlord that refused to rent to black people, or restaurants that don't serve colored people? Would it be reasonable to just tell the darkies to go somewhere else to avoid the conflict?

Right. It's the same principle. Often the same laws. We're just adding more "protected classes". Why should some people be protected from discrimination, and some not? What's the criteria?
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

They guy also doesn't do Halloween cakes because it goes against his religion.

try again, you fascist fuck.

Big deal. Lots of people opposed integration, claiming their religion opposed it. My grandmother even told me people opposed cars, the telephone, and indoor plumbing based on their religion. It seems to be a catch all for anyone who opposes progress but can't find a logical reason why.

And now lefties are the ones wanting segregation again. Sorry, but forcing a baker to bake a trans cake isn't the same as standing up against Jim Crow.

It is exactly the same.

Nope, one was systemic denial of economic and political rights, normally via government AND local action, of which things like the counter bans and the water fountains were merely symptoms of the problem. This is a single baker not wanting to do certain things, but still willing to sell point of sale non custom items to anyone.

This is about asses like you trying to force acceptance as opposed to tolerance, and comparing it to systemic discrimination is pathetic.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

They guy also doesn't do Halloween cakes because it goes against his religion.

try again, you fascist fuck.

Big deal. Lots of people opposed integration, claiming their religion opposed it. My grandmother even told me people opposed cars, the telephone, and indoor plumbing based on their religion. It seems to be a catch all for anyone who opposes progress but can't find a logical reason why.
Did anyone force them to build cars, telephones, or plumbing? How can you be this dumb?
Still waiting for the verse in the Bible where it condemns transgenderism...

Still waiting for the words "abortion is legal" to be found in the constitution.
Still waiting for the words "abortion is not legal" to be found in the constitution.

It isn't. That's why the issue is left to the States.

Overturning Roe won't make abortion illegal federally.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?
The Constitutional argument is against Govt forcing someone into speech or expression against their free will and beliefs. Decorating a cake to "express celebration or support for transgender cultural practices" is a choice of expression, that defendants are trying to protect from Govt FORCING someone to do under penalty of law.

What is noticeably biased is the customer *deliberately targeting* this baker personally. The baker did not seek to target this person who deliberately initiated this service *for the purpose of inciting a KNOWN conflict.*

Why isn't that recognized as harassment?

The baker is only reacting to the CONTENT of the message and design/decoration of the cake. It is nothing personal against this person. But this person is deliberately picking on this particular man, because of his beliefs known to be against homosexual and transgender practices as unnatural.

This is like going to Muslim bakery and harassing the owners by demanding they bake a cake decorated with Mohammad's image. Or bake a cake in the shape of a pink pig on a platter chopped into slices.

I know some traditional Buddhists who will also refuse to make commercialized images of Buddha for decoration, but reserve these for temple altars only.

It would be equally abusive to target such a person at their business, and demand they provide services designing an image or replica of Buddha for decorative use.

Just the ACT of doing that would run contrary to their belief practices, and would not be fair to abuse Govt to force that by law or mandatory court order.

Harassment? Really? The baker is refusing to bake a cake that is pink on the inside and blue on the outside. Both of those requirements are quite common, and neither require any assumed artistic ability. The only possible problem the baker might have would be with what was to be written on the cake (not mentioned in the article) or the specific person who was ordering the cake. I don't agree with you often, but I do respect your usually reasoned opinion. You're stretching a little too far this time.
Can we agree the personal conflict is MUTUAL between this customer and this baker. So they should both agree to refrain from doing business together if they conflict so much in their different beliefs.

Can you please explain why this customer HAS to get this service from this particular baker with full knowledge they have a conflict, and deliberately making that conflict the subject of both the cake and the lawsuit.

Where is the attempt to resolve this amicably?

Would you agree both parties could have agreed to hire the work out to a willing Vendor to avoid a lawsuit for political statements?

You could say the same about a landlord that refused to rent to black people, or restaurants that don't serve colored people? Would it be reasonable to just tell the darkies to go somewhere else to avoid the conflict?

Those are actual public accommodations. A contracted service for a wedding cake is not.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

They guy also doesn't do Halloween cakes because it goes against his religion.

try again, you fascist fuck.

Big deal. Lots of people opposed integration, claiming their religion opposed it. My grandmother even told me people opposed cars, the telephone, and indoor plumbing based on their religion. It seems to be a catch all for anyone who opposes progress but can't find a logical reason why.

And now lefties are the ones wanting segregation again. Sorry, but forcing a baker to bake a trans cake isn't the same as standing up against Jim Crow.

It is exactly the same.

No, it's not. Jim Crow was government. The South was violating equal protection by writing laws that treated blacks differently. Getting rid of that was sound government. There's a huge difference between that, and forcing people to accommodate each other against their will.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

They guy also doesn't do Halloween cakes because it goes against his religion.

try again, you fascist fuck.

Big deal. Lots of people opposed integration, claiming their religion opposed it. My grandmother even told me people opposed cars, the telephone, and indoor plumbing based on their religion. It seems to be a catch all for anyone who opposes progress but can't find a logical reason why.
Did anyone force them to build cars, telephones, or plumbing? How can you be this dumb?
Still waiting for the verse in the Bible where it condemns transgenderism...

Thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to thy neighbor.

The cases of UNNATURAL desires to have the body or features of the other gender is coveting physical gendee of other people. If people are naturally the identity they claim, they do not suffer conflicts but are at peace and do not covet anything outside their control.

The right to override the consent of others is coveting control of public policy and forcing one's beliefs on others by central authority.

Coveting the right to compete in women's sports.

Coveting public resources and taxpayer money to pay for transition as a medical procedure or pay for court and legislative costs of establishing these personal policies through federal govt.

Faun all this Coveting business, including LGBT political and Political Bullying "in general" for dominating and Coveting govt representation by one party over another,
comes from not forgiving past conflicts or abuses, including generational conditions passed down and inherited spiritually, socially or sometimes physically.

The Bible warns
* if we forgive others then we are forgiven
* if we do not forgive others then we are not forgiven
* sins of the father will be revisited on the sons (ie future generations) until the fourth or fifth generations

Many of the ills, abuses, and addictive disorders we see today are consequences of conflicts or issues from the past, not yet fully forgiven corrected or resolved.
Once we forgive them, these can be healed.

James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that you may be healed

Again, a stretch too far. Covet means to inordinately desire what another has, implying there is only one of the item to be had. I want a boat just like my neighbor's. I can desire to have one just like it, but I can't just take his. Trans people aren't trying to take anyone's gender from them. they just want one like it.
And that's mental illness.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

They guy also doesn't do Halloween cakes because it goes against his religion.

try again, you fascist fuck.

Big deal. Lots of people opposed integration, claiming their religion opposed it. My grandmother even told me people opposed cars, the telephone, and indoor plumbing based on their religion. It seems to be a catch all for anyone who opposes progress but can't find a logical reason why.
Did anyone force them to build cars, telephones, or plumbing? How can you be this dumb?
Still waiting for the verse in the Bible where it condemns transgenderism...

Thou shalt not covet anything that belongs to thy neighbor.

The cases of UNNATURAL desires to have the body or features of the other gender is coveting physical gendee of other people. If people are naturally the identity they claim, they do not suffer conflicts but are at peace and do not covet anything outside their control.

The right to override the consent of others is coveting control of public policy and forcing one's beliefs on others by central authority.

Coveting the right to compete in women's sports.

Coveting public resources and taxpayer money to pay for transition as a medical procedure or pay for court and legislative costs of establishing these personal policies through federal govt.

Faun all this Coveting business, including LGBT political and Political Bullying "in general" for dominating and Coveting govt representation by one party over another,
comes from not forgiving past conflicts or abuses, including generational conditions passed down and inherited spiritually, socially or sometimes physically.

The Bible warns
* if we forgive others then we are forgiven
* if we do not forgive others then we are not forgiven
* sins of the father will be revisited on the sons (ie future generations) until the fourth or fifth generations

Many of the ills, abuses, and addictive disorders we see today are consequences of conflicts or issues from the past, not yet fully forgiven corrected or resolved.
Once we forgive them, these can be healed.

James 5:16
Confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that you may be healed

Again, a stretch too far. Covet means to inordinately desire what another has, implying there is only one of the item to be had. I want a boat just like my neighbor's. I can desire to have one just like it, but I can't just take his. Trans people aren't trying to take anyone's gender from them. they just want one like it.

People can COVET at many different levels.
It is not limited to just "one item to be had."

People COVET control of wealth and taxes of other people
although there are plenty of other resources and ways to achieve the desired goals.

People project the "desire for acceptance" onto
other people who aren't the real targets, and COVET control
by misdirecting their abuses and attacks onto others.

"If I can't have you, then nobody can" as the mental attitude
behind someone killling a person for rejecting them, is a form
of COVETING not just that person but the CONTROL they REPRESENT.

The shooter in Georgia wanted freedom and peace,
and shot up innocent victims because he was COVETING
something he did not have. And it led to projecting the
violence in disproportionate ways on others who had nothing to do with him.

Buddhists call this "material" or "false" desire that causes suffering.

Christians call this material desire "Mammon" or "flesh" or "carnal."

It is all a form of COVETING or false desire on a material level
instead of making peace SPIRITUALLY regardless of material conditions.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

They guy also doesn't do Halloween cakes because it goes against his religion.

try again, you fascist fuck.

Big deal. Lots of people opposed integration, claiming their religion opposed it. My grandmother even told me people opposed cars, the telephone, and indoor plumbing based on their religion. It seems to be a catch all for anyone who opposes progress but can't find a logical reason why.
Did anyone force them to build cars, telephones, or plumbing? How can you be this dumb?
Still waiting for the verse in the Bible where it condemns transgenderism...

Still waiting for the words "abortion is legal" to be found in the constitution.

Dear martybegan
The issue with abortion laws was DUE PROCESS,
more specifically with Roe V Wade "substantive due process"

It wasn't the abortion itself, but the process of govt
investigating, prosecuting and penalizing charges of violations
that would already violate DUE PROCESS rights and protections
against unreasonable invasion by govt into personal areas
BEFORE a person was proven guilty or convicted yet.

We have never addressed how to write laws that
prevent or protect against abortion WITHOUT
these added complications involving Govt violating DUE PROCESS
that keep causing laws to get struck down as unconstitutional.
So a landlord offers an apartment to rent. Someone comes along (of any color, gender, height, weight, whatever) and says he/she/it wants that apartment but the landlord has to paint the ceilings black and the floors white.

Landlord refuses.


Why not now that common sense has been de-fact outlawed!
So a landlord offers an apartment to rent. Someone comes along (of any color, gender, height, weight, whatever) and says he/she/it wants that apartment but the landlord has to paint the ceilings black and the floors white.

Landlord refuses.


Why not now that common sense has been de-fact outlawed!

The point they ignore is none of the businesses in question denied point of sale items to anyone.
So a landlord offers an apartment to rent. Someone comes along (of any color, gender, height, weight, whatever) and says he/she/it wants that apartment but the landlord has to paint the ceilings black and the floors white.

Landlord refuses.


Why not now that common sense has been de-fact outlawed!

The point they ignore is none of the businesses in question denied point of sale items to anyone.

The apartment was offered for rent. There was no offer to repaint it for anyone.
I know you find that confusing......
It was the "client" demanding the product offered were made "special".
So a landlord offers an apartment to rent. Someone comes along (of any color, gender, height, weight, whatever) and says he/she/it wants that apartment but the landlord has to paint the ceilings black and the floors white.

Landlord refuses.


Why not now that common sense has been de-fact outlawed!

The point they ignore is none of the businesses in question denied point of sale items to anyone.

The apartment was offered for rent. There was no offer to repaint it for anyone.
I know you find that confusing......
It was the "client" demanding the product offered were made "special".

I'm actually agreeing with you, you dense condescending twat.
Big deal. Lots of people opposed integration, claiming their religion opposed it. My grandmother even told me people opposed cars, the telephone, and indoor plumbing based on their religion. It seems to be a catch all for anyone who opposes progress but can't find a logical reason why.

My father grew up in the 20s and 30s. He told me about Father Coughlin, the Catholic priest who spewed anti-Semitic and fascist crap on his radio show in the 30s. And so much "religious" garbage was hauled out to oppose women voting. It was truly gag-worthy.
My grandmother even told me people opposed cars, the telephone, and indoor plumbing based on their religion.

And some people oppose buttons ... for themselves.


They aren't forcing you to not drive, not use your phone, or not pee in the house. They SIMPLY CHOOSE not to do those things themselves.

Do you truly not understand the difference between tolerance and compulsion?

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