Baldwin Update

Oh yeah, I care so much about actors!

You fucks are the ones that cannot stop talking about the dude, perhaps it is you that care far more than I do.

So, why do you not care about the 4 dead teens?
I have noticed a trend that cultist tend not to care about homicide when their demafascist cult leaders and propagandist don’t tell them to
And if USMB trump supporters didn't hate Baldwin for his previous political statements, there wouldn't be any discussion of the incident anyway.
hate is a strong word…but i do agree with your overall point…this wouldn’t be as big a deal but for baldwin’s prior comments…reality often catches up to the dems and their hypocrisy gets exposed
that he is the despicable human being we all thought he was
His true character is certainly on display
He obviously doesn't have a conscious so he'll be able to live with himself.
I could care less about the link
His next trick will be that he is not the executive producer of the movie

These POS don't even register their lies......the lies they tell to hide their lies............and the lies they continue to make up to hide their other lies.

I was listening to the local radio info clips in the car the other day, and the girl was talking about how Hellyweird "celebrities" will spend time and money to create FAKE charities, so they can publicly announce they give money to charities..........when all they are doing is giving their money BACK to themselves!!! Apparently this problem is at such a high level, it's caught the attention of several "watch dog" groups.

I wish the report would have gone on, but it was only about 30 seconds long.
So..first he pulled the trigger after being told it was a cold gun. Now he says he didn't pull the trigger. This guy....I swear.....he needs a loony bin.
that he is the despicable human being we all thought he was
His true character is certainly on display
He obviously doesn't have a conscious so he'll be able to live with himself.
I could care less about the link
His next trick will be that he is not the executive producer of the movie

I would agree that Alec is no producer, just like he is no actor.

We finally agree with each other!!


It seems the firearm Baldwin used on the set of Rust was a 'smart' gun.

(smart enough to be able to pull it's own trigger.)

"Alec Baldwin says he "didn't pull the trigger" on the gun that killed Halyna Hutchins on the set of his movie Rust."

"When asked if he pulled the trigger on the gun that killed Hutchins, the cinematographer who worked on Rust, Baldwin said, "The trigger wasn't pulled. I didn't pull the trigger. I would never point a gun at someone and pull the trigger on them, never.""

WORST excuse I've ever heard.

Can't wait to see Baldwin on the stand, with his lawyer.

Can't wait to see Baldwin on the stand, with his lawyer.

Baldwin will be found lying as the gun clearly cannot just discharge by itself, and trying to lie to the authorities to hide or conceal facts in a homicide will carry far graver weight of guilt than had he simply confessed his stupidity and ignorance.

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