Baltimore Blacks Siding With Trump


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Not the trash political hacks lining their pockets with taxpayer dollars, but the PEOPLE of that city are burying the WH in letters and emails thanking the President. Cummings is a piece of shit, living off a beating he took on the Selma Bridge 54 years ago.....that's supposed to be a legacy? His wife is a thief, his cronies in Baltimore are all crooks, and Trump is a "racist" for bringing out the truth? Trump is destroying the Rat party brick by brick, kilo by kilo...Pelousy's filthy district is also now in the spotlight....they are FINISHED as a political party in 2020 thanks to Trump. :badgrin:


FACT: Baltimore Is Now More Dangerous than 99.2% of Cities in the U.S.
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They should side with Trump after pointing out Baltimore decaying for a number of years. While Cummings has been in charge. Look how the democrats start to deflect the issue with this poverty.

Your pics are mild by comparison to what the Rats did to my hometown, Detroit. Until the people of Michigan got "woke", the city was becoming Little Mogadishu. A GOP governor and Mike Duggan, a white mayor, with the massive help from Mike Ilitch and Dan Gilbert, along with a bankruptcy, has begun their climb up the steps from Hell. Democrats unchecked will turn the US into the major inner-cities, they already have.
Democrats tell blacks that living in filth is part of black culture, then spend the aid money their poverty generates in other places.
I wonder what kind of house Cummings lives in? He’s vacationing in Italy right now!
Blacks in his district are still taking a beating while Mr and Mrs. Cummings are living large
Blacks are more republican then most white conservatives.. they just don’t realize it because of public education
Democrats tell blacks that living in filth is part of black culture, then spend the aid money their poverty generates in other places.

Image waking up in the middle of the night to hear your little sister screaming, being bitten by rats. Then walking to a school who spent their federal dollars to hire communist teachers who teach you to hate America. Then the walk home past drug dealers and gang bangers threatening you if you don't join them. No grocery stores, no after-school activities to give you the father-figure you never had, nothing but simmering hatred and violence all around you. How anybody gets out of it is amazing....born with two strikes against you and the people who did this to you, living high on the hog uptown.
Democrats tell blacks that living in filth is part of black culture, then spend the aid money their poverty generates in other places.

Image waking up in the middle of the night to hear your little sister being bitten by rats. Then walking to a school who spent their federal dollars to hire communist teachers who teach you to hate America. Then the walk home past drug dealers and gang bangers threatening you if you don't join them. No grocery stores, no after-school activities to give you the father-figure you never had, nothing but simmering hatred and violence all around you. How anybody gets out of it is amazing....born with two strikes against you and the people who did this to you, living high on the hog uptown.
Pretty much what the PLO has done and continues to do to Gaza like The Democrats do to any city they gain a monopoly of power on. Palestinians are begging Israel to take back control of Gaza so they can at least go to a grocery store.
The "party of the poor" wants to


since that is their "voting base."

In Nashville, the Mayor has been quietly egging on other cities and towns to dump their homeless in Nashville.


Why would a Mayor want MORE HOMELESS TRASH in his town????

A: because, for a measly $10, a given HOMELESS will go into a booth and VOTE DEM
Why? Because you cannot back your assertion?

Your title does not state that Baltimore blacks should support trump - it states they do.

Do you have a link that shows the black vote in Baltimore is breaking for Trump?

Trump detailed the response coming from Baltimore to the WH this morning...none of the scum Rat Media will report it until Fox does sometime today. I said nothing about the black "vote" in's so rigged Trump votes will never be counted...don't believe it, look at how fast the Michigan "recount" from 2016 ended when they started looking at Detroit inner-city precincts. There's your answer, won't get another.

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