Baltimore Loses At Least 12 Flash Drives Containing Votes From Tuesday’s Primary Election

This proves nothing. Who's to say that the found missing drives were never messed with?

Me, and you can't prove otherwise.

Voting being secure, means there are not opportunities for bad actors to mess with them, even if they wanted to.

This is proof that the voting is not secure.

They COULD have been messed with. Moving forward, in future elections, this proves that the votes CAN be messed with.

The goal is for people to be confident that the votes are being counted correctly.

This proves that people SHOULD NOT BE CONFIDENT in that.
Voting being secure, means there are not opportunities for bad actors to mess with them, even if they wanted to.

This is proof that the voting is not secure.

They COULD have been messed with. Moving forward, in future elections, this proves that the votes CAN be messed with.

The goal is for people to be confident that the votes are being counted correctly.

This proves that people SHOULD NOT BE CONFIDENT in that.
Confidence can never be instilled into the big lie crowd. That is impossible.
You have done nothing but defend it.

This is a serious breach of election integrity. It demonstrates how easily elections can be altered and tampered with. Everyone involved should face criminal charges.
The only person involved is the one who misplaced the drives. You want to criminally charge the person that found them too? Hey, maybe it's the same person, whose lawyer would explain that the data is encrypted and you need a 128 character password to view what's on them.

Tough for a jury to decide that one. :rolleyes:
Sorry bout that,

1. It must be a *DO OVER*!
2. Any election where something goes amiss, must be *RE DONE*!
3. No matter the cost, do it again.
4. No small amount of fraud should be accepted, not no, hell to the no!

And we keep doing the same thing (absolutely nothing), expecting a different result.
WTF is wrong with WE Cunservatives ?

WE don't keep doing anything, it is too many in the GOP always with their feet flat but there are many people now out there fighting this! Once again, the only way you can lose twelve important drives for an election is if at some point it comes down to just one person handling this stuff without constant checks and verification, which is totally unacceptable in an election because once lost, even if found now, who can say they have not been tampered with?

This entire electronic election crap is for the birds---- no one is this incompetent unless they WANT to be incompetent!
The only person involved is the one who misplaced the drives. You want to criminally charge the person that found them too? Hey, maybe it's the same person, whose lawyer would explain that the data is encrypted and you need a 128 character password to view what's on them.

Tough for a jury to decide that one. :rolleyes:

AES standard is 256 bit.

The fact that insecure and outdated encryption is used is troubling as well.

As for criminal prosecution, those entrusted with the public trust must be held to a higher standard "losing" votes is simply not acceptable. The kind of election fraud we saw in 2020 isn't a joke.
AES standard is 256 bit.

The fact that insecure and outdated encryption is used is troubling as well.

As for criminal prosecution, those entrusted with the public trust must be held to a higher standard "losing" votes is simply not acceptable. The kind of election fraud we saw in 2020 isn't a joke.
What exactly did you see? Never mind, I don't want a link to 2000 Fools youtube video.
Exactly. So the security of hte vote is a valid issue. Returning to more secure methods, and limited voting times makes sense.
Yeah sure, whatever floats your boat. I live in a red state and vote blue. My presidential vote hasn't counted for a long time now.

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