Baltimore On Pace For Possible Record Murders As Local NAACP Asks Governor To Deploy National Guard

As you well know it is the Democrat controlled cities that are seeing record gun violence and deaths. No city is without violent crime, but Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Oakland, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Seattle, etc. have far and away the most crime problems.
I asked a straight question or two, actually. Are there any major American cities not controlled by the Dems? And, are these mythical major cities without crime and violence?
Hahaha…if Baltimore were all white and Asian it would be equally violent….right?
No, it would not be.

That is a hurtful fact that liberals simply cannot accept.

Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Detroit, St. Louis, etc. make anyone shake his/her head in sadness. And fear.

Some people say the reason is cultural.
Some people say the reason is genetic.

OF COURSE, I do not know the answer.

But I do know that most people will do anything possible to avoid those cities.

I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s (really!).

Violent crime was mostly limited to the neighborhoods with you-know-whom.

Today in 2022. It is city wide.

You-know-whom now supposedly account for only 9% of the population. Although they continue to commit crime far beyond their percentage, most of the violent crime is now being committed by another group (with roots from south of the border).

Every day (every day) there are murders and assaults and robberies in the wider Los Angeles area. Just google one of our local TV stations for the madness. KTLA, for example, will give you a taste of this insanity.
I have noticed that police can't stop crime from occurring.
Ok. Get rid of police and see what happens. They DO nail bad people... Sometimes people who have gotten away with doing bad shit for a long time because they don't let cases get cold. It could be someone who kills your mama that they eventually get. Just because they have a real challenge keeping up with the surging crime levels in some places, especially Democrat-run cities, doesn't mean that they don't make a difference. There will be total chaos without law enforcement. And that is why some people stand behind their right to own an AR because if that ever happens they're going to need it.
Taking that from you as a lead in, I suggest you not commenting on any locale in which you do not reside.
What? Are you nuts? The choices are be scared, be from that major city or don't comment? Who died and made you king?
All humans.
Yes all humans are definitely capable, but when group's begin to form with a particular mindset that normalizes crime as if it's no big deal, and then the group or groups engage in such thinking, well then Houston we have a huge problem.

It's not a race thing, but rather it's a character thing, and once a bad character finds compatibility with another bad character, and then somehow the numbers grow into a group/gang or other, then it's up to a civilized people to monitor the activity of such group's, and if they begin to use their tactics and criminal activity to reek havock on civilized society, then the good citizen's whether black, white or any color need to also come together to stop such mayhem and chaos from threatening their CIVILIZED SOCIETY.
No, it would not be.

That is a hurtful fact that liberals simply cannot accept.

Baltimore, Chicago, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Detroit, St. Louis, etc. make anyone shake his/her head in sadness. And fear.

Some people say the reason is cultural.
Some people say the reason is genetic.

OF COURSE, I do not know the answer.

But I do know that most people will do anything possible to avoid those cities.

I have lived in Los Angeles since the 1940s (really!).

Violent crime was mostly limited to the neighborhoods with you-know-whom.

Today in 2022. It is city wide.

You-know-whom now supposedly account for only 9% of the population. Although they continue to commit crime far beyond their percentage, most of the violent crime is now being committed by another group (with roots from south of the border).

Every day (every day) there are murders and assaults and robberies in the wider Los Angeles area. Just google one of our local TV stations for the madness. KTLA, for example, will give you a taste of this insanity.
Despite your years, do one thing.

You're the one that commented that you don't care about a place in which you don't reside.
I see you want it both ways.
You will just have to live with it. Feel free to not read.
Despite your years, do one thing.

Well, I do one thing: limit my walking outside to one day a week.

The nuts on the street are liable to do anything.

And, of course, I would never take public transportation again.

We need cops on every street corner, but that will never happen.

China must be laughing at the meltdown of character in this country.

"It will be easy pickings," they may be thinking.
Here we have a thread addressing a record number of murders in one of Americas greatest cities, and the "tone" it takes is cartoon characters and jocularity. These Americans are suffering. It is not funny. A cartoon of a kid "mooning" is an insult to every parent that has ever seen the carnage of inner city murders. What is happening in our inner cities is bad, real bad. But hey cartoons are funny right???
People probably respond in such ways, because they get frustrated that trillions have been spent along with every other type of thinking to attempt to solve or bring relief to communities that are reeling from out of control predatory crime and murders. Yes solutions are definitely needed, but it's doubtful it'll be found with Democrat's.
People probably respond in such ways, because they get frustrated that trillions have been spent along with every other type of thinking to attempt to solve or bring relief to communities that are reeling from out of control predatory crime and murders. Yes solutions are definitely needed, but it's doubtful it'll be found with Democrat's.
Interestingly enough, Black unemployment had never been any lower than During Trump.

No wonder the swamp took him down. Can't have that!
I asked a straight question or two, actually. Are there any major American cities not controlled by the Dems? And, are these mythical major cities without crime and violence?
Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Fort Worth, Oklahoma CIty yes there are many. And like I said the first time there is NO CITY that is without crime and violence. That is not the point. The point is Democrat controlled cities are rampant with violence and murders. We ought to be focusing on why that is, not pretending there is no problem.
Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Fort Worth, Oklahoma CIty yes there are many. And like I said the first time there is NO CITY that is without crime and violence. That is not the point. The point is Democrat controlled cities are rampant with violence and murders. We ought to be focusing on why that is, not pretending there is no problem.
You got a rat in your pocket. What is the "We"? Those cities ought to clean up their act or if too far gone, the normal people should go somewhere, where laws are enforced, but not bring their indulgent choices of politician with them.

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