Baltimore On Pace For Possible Record Murders As Local NAACP Asks Governor To Deploy National Guard

Murders, normally result in horrific scenes that would make a billy goat puke. With all these murders happening in every city, with shotguns, pistols and rifles..... how many of us have actually seen (even photos) of what is actually happening. If you want to be more informed you can search for "shotgun wounds from close range". It won't be pretty, but you may start to appreciate what our fellow Americans are dealing with in our inner cities.
Leading toward the guns are you ? That's not the problem, although it is the choice of tools being used in many cases, but if not willing to go after the criminal behind the tools being used, then you are heading toward a police state run by your government, and that solves nothing. The only thing it does is destroys the freedom and Rights of good American's.. Why ? It's because the government doesn't want to get pinned for alledgedly going after certain people in SOCIETY, so the only way to muddy the waters is to include everyone in their government police state authoritarian actions.

The good Americans aren't going to stand for the government including them in as threats also, otherwise when it comes to fighting criminal's in America. Their attempting to blame us all in order to make criminal's not feel unequal is not going to work. If you are a criminal, then you are no equal to me.
Yes all humans are definitely capable, but when group's begin to form with a particular mindset that normalizes crime as if it's no big deal, and then the group or groups engage in such thinking, well then Houston we have a huge problem.

It's not a race thing, but rather it's a character thing, and once a bad character finds compatibility with another bad character, and then somehow the numbers grow into a group/gang or other, then it's up to a civilized people to monitor the activity of such group's, and if they begin to use their tactics and criminal activity to reek havock on civilized society, then the good citizen's whether black, white or any color need to also come together to stop such mayhem and chaos from threatening their CIVILIZED SOCIETY.

“It's not a race thing, but rather it's a character thing”

Why lie or jest?….Literally every single community, city, state and nation with a pie chart that looks like this is a dangerous shithole….do you see the common denominator?
White 6 do you?
“It's not a race thing, but rather it's a character thing”

Why lie or jest?….Literally every single community, city, state and nation with a pie chart that looks like this is a dangerous shithole….do you see the common denominator?
White 6 do you?
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beagle9 you can’t just say “it’s not a race thing” because the Lib Rulebook says you’re suppose to say it…..all the data proves it is in-fact a race thing. Why be so dishonest?

“It's not a race thing, but rather it's a character thing”

Why lie or jest?….Literally every single community, city, state and nation with a pie chart that looks like this is a dangerous shithole….do you see the common denominator?
White 6 do you?
View attachment 685588
I have great black friend's and co-workers that aren't thug's and other stereotypes people want to label them as because of their skin color. Being a racist is one of thee most ignorant stupid things a human being can be a believer in much less engage in.

White's have the bad amongst their group just like any, and they don't want to be labeled as being bad because of what their brothers, sister's or son's and daughter's might engage in that is bad, and likewise it's not fair or rather it's lazy to attempt to label a race as being completely bad when you know damned well that it's not true. I don't care how many people of any color might engage in bad things, it still doesn't include the entire race.

What needs to happen is all races that are American's need to step back, identify the bad amongst the races, and then work together to change that bad or to lock that bad up until it decides to not be bad no matter how long it takes. United we should stand or divided we will fall.
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Take note folks….notice how all the scared disingenuous folks run away from the subject as soon as the ethnicity of the perps is brought up…..Can we really solve dark people criminality by pretending it’s not dark people commiting most crime?
Has playing pretend for the last several decades been working for us?
White 6 beagle9 Moonglow your thoughts?
In no way, whatsoever, do I want to further restrict "gun rights" for Americans. That being said,.. Where are the photos of ghetto murders?... I see disturbing footage of abused dogs on my T.V. asking for donations. They tug at my heartstrings... Now,,, if they showed footage of all the shot up children in Chicago that are treated or buried every day of the week,... Maybe,,, just maybe, we would choose to put the gunmen in prison, instead of plea bargaining them to undeserved freedom.
no buddy...i mean democrats, leftists, radicals, domestic terrorists, liberals, anarchists, whatever they have called themselves down through the ages..they have the same philosophy, the same complaints, the same bellyaching, the same tactics.
EXCELLENT!!! All U listed above are sub-headings under the "statist left" parent header.

Well, I do one thing: limit my walking outside to one day a week.

The nuts on the street are liable to do anything.

And, of course, I would never take public transportation again.

We need cops on every street corner, but that will never happen.

China must be laughing at the meltdown of character in this country.

"It will be easy pickings," they may be thinking.
In liberated America we carry our defense.
The current problem in Baltimore most affecting the surrounding area is the squeegee kids. They've made Baltimore impossible to drive into. All summer bands of "youts" run out into intersections in the bad areas of Baltimore (pretty much all areas) and forcibly squeegee your car windows no matter how much you try to wave them off. Then they require money --- it's a protection racket. Or they key your car, tear off your windshield wiper, steal your iPhone if it has a payment system on it and totally drain it, throwing it from yout to yout, or kill you. Yes, that has happened. This mostly happens to whites from the suburbs coming in to Johns Hopkins or one of the many other great hospitals which are now stuck in Baltimore after having been built in the 1800s or early 1900s when Baltimore was civilized.

So of course whites will no longer go into Baltimore! So the States Attorney (black woman in bad trouble with the FBI, as Baltimore officials always are -- the only good I've seen the FBI do, hauling off Baltimore mayors and such one after the other for years) says she'll never prosecute one single squeegee kid! And one of the Council member says what we should do is give them all free money as a basic income and then they won't do it. Since it seems obvious they'd just take the Basic Income and augment it with drug sales and squeegying as usual, this has not won much applause.

Where the squeegee situation stands now is that Baltimore police are using overtime to patrol the worst intersections for these gangs. The police have been defunded, so there aren't enough to do much on any crime.
Take note folks….notice how all the scared disingenuous folks run away from the subject as soon as the ethnicity of the perps is brought up…..Can we really solve dark people criminality by pretending it’s not dark people commiting most crime?
Has playing pretend for the last several decades been working for us?
White 6 beagle9 Moonglow your thoughts?
Well if you weren't being such a perceived racist on these issue's, then the conversation might be worth discussing with you and other's here, but oh well maybe one of the other's might engage with you but I won't. I'm done with you. Not running away from the issue, otherwise I've said what I think about the problem's here, but engaging with you, and you being by your own words written a "perceived racist" on the issue's concerning problem's in Democrat run area's isn't going to happen with me.
People in Baltimore often times walk out their front door to get to their car. Sometimes the pavement is sticky. Often times that stickiness is from dried up blood pools from one of there neighbors. They still get in the car and drive away....some of them mourning their loved ones that bled to death on that same pavement. That special feeling of "sticky shoes" is something most of us could not imagine.
Not imagine, are you kidding? It's easy for any of us who ever lived in big American cities. I used to work in Hyde Park, Chicago, near the University; the Black Panthers would kill people often, their own and University whites, and I would ride my bike right through the blood the next morning. Well, it was on the sidewalk and flowed out in the road, what's a person to do?
Well if you weren't being such a perceived racist on these issue's, then the conversation might be worth discussing with you and other's here, but oh well maybe one of the other's might engage with you but I won't. I'm done with you. Not running away from the issue, otherwise I've said what I think about the problem's here, but engaging with you, and you being by your own words written a "perceived racist" on the issue's concerning problem's in Democrat run area's isn't going to happen with me.
well that's pretty cowardly isn't it? You know..problems won't get solved unless people can talk about it. It's a problem. i know I will never, NEVER go into baltimore again while it is run in this manner. It's just too dangerous.
Well if you weren't being such a perceived racist on these issue's, then the conversation might be worth discussing with you and other's here, but oh well maybe one of the other's might engage with you but I won't. I'm done with you. Not running away from the issue, otherwise I've said what I think about the problem's here, but engaging with you, and you being by your own words written a "perceived racist" on the issue's concerning problem's in Democrat run area's isn't going to happen with me.
Sorry bud…I’ve never been the type to tip-toe around and walk on eggshells out of fear….I refuse to play pretend for the sake of PC. Nothing gets solved when people refuse to be totally truthful and transparent. Our inner-cities are on the brink of collapse and still people insist on playing pretend. Twilight Zone shit!
Nordic tribes cut children's throat and strangled them and threw them in bogs

Nothing like bringing up White violence from 1,000 years ago...
Yeah ------- which would the Wokies rather drive through at night, the suburbs well out from Baltimore or Darkest Baltimore? Choose carefully: one choice will kill you.
Why would one need to be a racist to acknowledge the data / facts? Are facts and data racist? Who makes the facts and data?
You are right, facts and data are what they are, but that still doesn't suggest that people in general with dark skin are inherently bad. We have million's of great citizen's of all color's, but the problem has been that for some strange reason we can't uphold the law against law breaker's in this COUNTRY, and there seems to be favoritism going on for political reason's. The pandering Democrat's are behind every bit of the break downs in this COUNTRY, and I believe that the upper echelons of the Democrat's who hold the power are a majority white.
Sorry bud…I’ve never been the type to tip-toe around and walk on eggshells out of fear….I refuse to play pretend for the sake of PC. Nothing gets solved when people refuse to be totally truthful and transparent. Our inner-cities are on the brink of collapse and still people insist on playing pretend. Twilight Zone shit!
Still not a racist thing... Sorry.

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