Baltimore On Pace For Possible Record Murders As Local NAACP Asks Governor To Deploy National Guard

Time tunnel:
The Baltimore City Council eliminated $22 million from the police budget. What does that look like?

—The Baltimore Sun, June 17th, 2020.

Who woulda thunk!?

Poverty and slavery made them do it. The melanin has nothing to do with it….just don’t look around the world at all communities, cities, states and nations where melanin is prevalent and believe Moonglow and White 6 because they said it’s so.
Poverty and slavery made them do it. The melanin has nothing to do with it….just don’t look around the world at all communities, cities, states and nations where melanin is prevalent and believe Moonglow and White 6 because they said it’s so.
Violence occurs all over da world and in places that you think are nice and peaceful. The world and its inhabitants have a long history of violence, no matter the skin tone.
Here we have a thread addressing a record number of murders in one of Americas greatest cities, and the "tone" it takes is cartoon characters and jocularity. These Americans are suffering. It is not funny. A cartoon of a kid "mooning" is an insult to every parent that has ever seen the carnage of inner city murders. What is happening in our inner cities is bad, real bad. But hey cartoons are funny right???
Here we have a thread addressing a record number of murders in one of Americas greatest cities, and the "tone" it takes is cartoon characters and jocularity. These Americans are suffering. It is not funny. A cartoon of a kid "mooning" is an insult to every parent that has ever seen the carnage of inner city murders. What is happening in our inner cities is bad, real bad. But hey cartoons are funny right???
Ain't life a bitch?
People in Baltimore often times walk out their front door to get to their car. Sometimes the pavement is sticky. Often times that stickiness is from dried up blood pools from one of there neighbors. They still get in the car and drive away....some of them mourning their loved ones that bled to death on that same pavement. That special feeling of "sticky shoes" is something most of us could not imagine.
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Hahaha…yeah, the Netherlands and Africa are equally violent….says the terrified science defying wokeologist.
Trust me. All humans are or can be violent. I used to be in the violent business.
Are there still any major American cities, not controlled by Democrat administrations, that are peaceful and without violent crime, or is that like looking for unicorns?
As you well know it is the Democrat controlled cities that are seeing record gun violence and deaths. No city is without violent crime, but Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Oakland, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Seattle, etc. have far and away the most crime problems.
“Our diversity is our strength”
If Lincoln sent all the negroes home to Africa and Reagan never signed the amnesty bill….America would be far safer, far more productive and far more unified but but but “our diversity is our strength”….I swear it’s true.
Ain’t that right Moonglow and White 6 ?
Violence occurs all over da world and in places that you think are nice and peaceful. The world and its inhabitants have a long history of violence, no matter the skin tone.
Africans sold their own kind to slave traders and Nordic tribes cut children's throat and strangled them and threw them in bogs.

People fucking suck. We all came from that. Yet everybody wants to nail down specific races as being either perpetrators or victims. There are some however, that seem to have a harder time shedding that history than others.
Africans sold their own kind to slave traders and Nordic tribes cut children's throat and strangled them and threw them in bogs.

People fucking suck. We all came from that. Yet everybody wants to nail down specific races as being either perpetrators or victims. There are some however, that seem to have a harder time shedding that history than others.
Nordic tribes cut children's throat and strangled them and threw them in bogs

Nothing like bringing up White violence from 1,000 years ago...
Africans sold their own kind to slave traders and Nordic tribes cut children's throat and strangled them and threw them in bogs.

People fucking suck. We all came from that. Yet everybody wants to nail down specific races as being either perpetrators or victims. There are some however, that seem to have a harder time shedding that history than others.
I have noticed that police can't stop crime from occurring.
Here we have a thread addressing a record number of murders in one of Americas greatest cities, and the "tone" it takes is cartoon characters and jocularity. These Americans are suffering. It is not funny. A cartoon of a kid "mooning" is an insult to every parent that has ever seen the carnage of inner city murders. What is happening in our inner cities is bad, real bad. But hey cartoons are funny right???
They are when the crime is self inflicted.
Vote Democrat and you get
Hahaha…if Baltimore were all white and Asian it would be equally violent….right?
Is that what the SCIENCE / data tells us….be honest with yourself…don’t be scared.
I don't live in Baltimore. Why would I be scared?
Murders, normally result in horrific scenes that would make a billy goat puke. With all these murders happening in every city, with shotguns, pistols and rifles..... how many of us have actually seen (even photos) of what is actually happening. If you want to be more informed you can search for "shotgun wounds from close range". It won't be pretty, but you may start to appreciate what our fellow Americans are dealing with in our inner cities.

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