Baltimore Thugs

Thug. What is a thug? I am Italian. Plenty of Italians have been called Thugs as have Jews and Irish. A thug is a criminal who thinks for himself, is a motivated by easy, theft, crime. There is no code word for the N-Bomb.
Who are the real Thugs in Baltimore? According to this account, published in Wealth Daily, some Thugs with black skins loot and burn because other Thugs with white skins have Looted Baltimore's infrastructure for generations:

"I moved to Baltimore in 1997. The city was losing 10,000 people a year. 10% of the city population was addicted to drugs. The jobs were leaving, the city was dying. That was an injustice then, and it still is today."

"America lost 8.8 million jobs between 2008 and 2009.

"We haven't gotten all of them back.

"And most Americans aren't making any more money today than they were 10 years ago. Thousands of small businesses failed.

"Oh, but the world has 852 new billionaires since the financial crisis."

Jobs out.
Guns & drugs in.
Who gets rich(er) from that?
Thug. What is a thug? I am Italian. Plenty of Italians have been called Thugs as have Jews and Irish. A thug is a criminal who thinks for himself, is a motivated by easy, theft, crime. There is no code word for the N-Bomb.
Who are the real Thugs in Baltimore? According to this account, published in Wealth Daily, some Thugs with black skins loot and burn because other Thugs with white skins have Looted Baltimore's infrastructure for generations:

"I moved to Baltimore in 1997. The city was losing 10,000 people a year. 10% of the city population was addicted to drugs. The jobs were leaving, the city was dying. That was an injustice then, and it still is today."

"America lost 8.8 million jobs between 2008 and 2009.

"We haven't gotten all of them back.

"And most Americans aren't making any more money today than they were 10 years ago. Thousands of small businesses failed.

"Oh, but the world has 852 new billionaires since the financial crisis."

Jobs out.
Guns & drugs in.
Who gets rich(er) from that?

Since 1997, we've seen big name retailers like CVS, Rite Aid, and Harris teeter come INTO the city and create jobs. I did not see the billionaires coming in and looting those stores killing jobs that won't be coming back. For the independent small business sporting goods store that has survived all these years of so called white billionaires looting, finally met their match Tuesday in Baltimore and won't be coming back.
Baltimore is my favorite city. Watching Thugs destroy neighborhood CVS and Rite Aid stores to score some toilet paper and then have so called pastors and national leaders tell the Nation to understand the youths' anger? Thug. What is a thug? I am Italian. Plenty of Italians have been called Thugs as have Jews and Irish. A thug is a criminal who thinks for himself, is a motivated by easy, theft, crime. There is no code word for the N-Bomb.

The selfish people are the thugs themselves as well as the politicos and national hustlers who cut them a pass are the ones to blame for the North Avenue and Fulton Avenue residents who cant get their medicine or diapers from the neighborhood CVS tonight. The thugs and the race hustlers and appeasing politicos are to blame for setting back Baltimore 40 years.

How did looting a 7-11 for slim jims and CVS for toilet paper bring justice for Freddie?
Baltimore's your favorite city? What?!

Did you know there are a whole bunch of other cities to choose from?

I live in Maryland. Mock me for loving and caring for Baltimore. What is your solution for cleaning up Baltimore? Appeasing thugs is a major false start. Thugs care more about a slim Jim vs. Justice for Freddie Gray.

holy moly

what if it turns out to not be the cops fault


could happen
They didn't riot before the police murdered another black man.

You don't want riots, get your police to stop murdering innocent black men.

It's people like you who jump to conclusions that fuel these riots. Your attitude is dangerous because you incite anger without regard to evidence. Maybe wait for facts, then allow the system to work and punish those officers. Protesting should come after the system fails, not before the investigation is complete. And rioting and destroying your own neighborhood is unacceptable no matter what the circumstances. How does harming more people than the police are accused of bring about justice?
I think most people agree/admit that the rioters/thugs are just criminals taking advantage of what they perceive to be an opportunity.

The problem I see is the way most on the Left are saying, "what these people are doing is wrong, but I can understand it".

What part of that sentence do we think the thugs (and future thugs) hear?

Both "ends" of this issue have some serous house-cleaning to do before pointing fingers, and neither is doing enough of it.


I can understand their frustration with the popo. I do not understand the urge to burn loot pillage and destroy the place, but I don't live there and I'm not black so.
Since 1997, we've seen big name retailers like CVS, Rite Aid, and Harris teeter come INTO the city and create jobs. I did not see the billionaires coming in and looting those stores killing jobs that won't be coming back.
Some of the 852 new billionaires who've acquired that level of private fortune since five million Americans lost their homes during the financial crisis are hoping to acquire the central city land where Freddy lived and died. That is making a lot of the residents who live there a little angry.

"Over 5 million Americans lost their homes during the financial crisis. Many of these homes were bought by Blackstone and Berkshire Hathaway and are now being offered for rent by these firms.

In 2009 — the height of the crisis — Goldman Sachs had a $16 billion compensation pool, just a year after a $10 billion government bailout. On average, Goldman employees made $498,000 in 2009, up from $317,000 in 2008.

Not one banker went to jail, not one Wall Street CEO got more than a slap on the wrist. Smug congressmen sat on investigative subcommittees, lobbing softball questions and expressing their outrage at their Wall Street accomplices...

You're damn right people are angry."

Baltimore is Burning
Since 1997, we've seen big name retailers like CVS, Rite Aid, and Harris teeter come INTO the city and create jobs. I did not see the billionaires coming in and looting those stores killing jobs that won't be coming back.
Some of the 852 new billionaires who've acquired that level of private fortune since five million Americans lost their homes during the financial crisis are hoping to acquire the central city land where Freddy lived and died. That is making a lot of the residents who live there a little angry.

"Over 5 million Americans lost their homes during the financial crisis. Many of these homes were bought by Blackstone and Berkshire Hathaway and are now being offered for rent by these firms.

In 2009 — the height of the crisis — Goldman Sachs had a $16 billion compensation pool, just a year after a $10 billion government bailout. On average, Goldman employees made $498,000 in 2009, up from $317,000 in 2008.

Not one banker went to jail, not one Wall Street CEO got more than a slap on the wrist. Smug congressmen sat on investigative subcommittees, lobbing softball questions and expressing their outrage at their Wall Street accomplices...

You're damn right people are angry."

Baltimore is Burning

Based on your logic, it's the billionaires' fault and anger should be taken out by destroying the local CVS and killing jobs and local residents' ability to get medicine or diapers and baby formula? Go tell a local resident that can't walk to their job, or the elderly that can't get their medicine or the mother that needs formula. They don't give a flying fuck about billionaires. Get local and relevant Goddamnit.
I think most people agree/admit that the rioters/thugs are just criminals taking advantage of what they perceive to be an opportunity.

The problem I see is the way most on the Left are saying, "what these people are doing is wrong, but I can understand it".

What part of that sentence do we think the thugs (and future thugs) hear?

Both "ends" of this issue have some serous house-cleaning to do before pointing fingers, and neither is doing enough of it.


I can understand their frustration with the popo. I do not understand the urge to burn loot pillage and destroy the place, but I don't live there and I'm not black so.

Are you human? Do you have a sense of decency and civility? If you answered, YES, then I think you would know not to loot pillage and destroy the place.....if not for anything, you would be hurting yourself and family.
Based on your logic, it's the billionaires' fault and anger should be taken out by destroying the local CVS and killing jobs and local residents' ability to get medicine or diapers and baby formula? Go tell a local resident that can't walk to their job, or the elderly that can't get their medicine or the mother that needs formula. They don't give a flying fuck about billionaires. Get local and relevant Goddamnit.
Tell those same local residents they won't be able to afford living in their homes after greedy billionaires "gentrify" the projects Freddy Gray died in, as if you give a flying fuck about those "living" there? Class war is global, local, and relevant!

"'Oh, definitely. I mean, what it is is young boys, the young folks of this community showing decades old of anger, frustration for a system that's failed them. I mean, this is bigger than Freddie Gray, this is about the socioeconomics of poor, urban America. And you know, these young guys are frustrated, they're upset. And unfortunately they're displaying it in a very destructive manner.'"

Media Focuses on Violence Ignores Poverty and Policy in Baltimore
They didn't riot before the police murdered another black man.

You don't want riots, get your police to stop murdering innocent black men.

It's a fact that police kill far more Whites than Blacks each year, about twice as many. Don't embarrass yourself by asking for a link because all you will prove is that you are totally uninformed. There have been a number of threads on this site showing the real numbers issued by the US Government . Do you know how the “police are targeting Blacks” crowd responds to the official numbers? Their defense is: Well, the reason that more Whites are killed is that there are far more Whites than Blacks in this country.

The defense given for the disproportionately higher number of Whites being killed by police is laughable. The proper comparison is not the entire White population versus the entire Black population but rather the number of Blacks versus White who are involved in police interventions. Duh!!! Since Blacks commit as much or more crimes than Whites, it is reasonable to assume they are involved in the same number of police interventions. Duh!! ! When you compare similarly situated Blacks and Whites, the inescapable conclusion is that police kill twice as many Whites as Blacks. Period.

Now as far as police killing INNOCENT Blacks, please name them. There must be thousands or at least hundreds of such innocent Blacks so you shouldn't have a problem naming at least a few dozen, right? Are you suggesting that the thug named Michael Brown was innocent? The 300-pound thug robbed a convenience store and assaulted the 100-pound owner. Then he punched a cop in the face and tried to take his gun. Finally, when ordered to stop and get on the ground he continued to advance towards the officer that he had just assaulted. Innocent my ass! The officer was justified using deadly force to stop the threat; however, this is not the outcome I would have preferred. I would much rather have the thug survive and spend the next decade or two in a prison where he belonged.
Baltimore is my favorite city. Watching Thugs destroy neighborhood CVS and Rite Aid stores to score some toilet paper and then have so called pastors and national leaders tell the Nation to understand the youths' anger? Thug. What is a thug? I am Italian. Plenty of Italians have been called Thugs as have Jews and Irish. A thug is a criminal who thinks for himself, is a motivated by easy, theft, crime. There is no code word for the N-Bomb.

The selfish people are the thugs themselves as well as the politicos and national hustlers who cut them a pass are the ones to blame for the North Avenue and Fulton Avenue residents who cant get their medicine or diapers from the neighborhood CVS tonight. The thugs and the race hustlers and appeasing politicos are to blame for setting back Baltimore 40 years.

How did looting a 7-11 for slim jims and CVS for toilet paper bring justice for Freddie?

You hit the nail on the head!

Why do liberals attempt to cure the symptom and not the problem?
Until they stop being held hostage by Drug Lords and/or Gangs, nothing will ever change. Obviously, that is the problem they need to ask the AG to investigate.
I loved how the media played up the 'summit' held between the Crips and the Bloods and how they were
setting aside their differences and joined forces to unite to help settle down the angry horde.....
Would have loved to have been a fly on the wall listening to that brain trust.

And they were so serious in their coverage....

Really funny....

Thugs trying to lead other thugs.....
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Why do liberals attempt to cure the symptom and not the problem?
Until they stop being held hostage by Drug Lords and/or Gangs, nothing will ever change. Obviously, that is the problem they need to ask the AG to investigate.
Liberals define the problem in terms of globalization's winners and losers. Among the latter are the manufacturing jobs that have disappeared from Baltimore since 1970 with all the resulting profits going to shareholders and corporate executives. The government could have taxed those profits and used the money to retrain the 25% of Baltimore's manufacturing workers who've lost their jobs since 1970.
Libreprensa - San Jose Mercury News - E.J. Dionne Jr. The roots of Baltimore s anguish
Why do liberals attempt to cure the symptom and not the problem?
Until they stop being held hostage by Drug Lords and/or Gangs, nothing will ever change. Obviously, that is the problem they need to ask the AG to investigate.
Liberals define the problem in terms of globalization's winners and losers. Among the latter are the manufacturing jobs that have disappeared from Baltimore since 1970 with all the resulting profits going to shareholders and corporate executives. The government could have taxed those profits and used the money to retrain the 25% of Baltimore's manufacturing workers who've lost their jobs since 1970.
Libreprensa - San Jose Mercury News - E.J. Dionne Jr. The roots of Baltimore s anguish

The government could have taxed those profits and used the money to retrain the 25% of Baltimore's manufacturing workers who've lost their jobs since 1970.

Much better to blame it on Republicans and instead of training get the folks hooked on government assistance,blame the white Republican scumbags
and keep the democrat voter base strong.
They didn't riot before the police murdered another black man.

You don't want riots, get your police to stop murdering innocent black men.

Police kill white men all the time. You don't see white people rioting about it. The black Baltimore hooligans have been steadily egged on by white liberals and thug politicians like Obama and Eric Holder.
Much better to blame it on Republicans and instead of training get the folks hooked on government assistance,blame the white Republican scumbags
and keep the democrat voter base strong.
It's even better to blame it on rich Republicans AND Democrats who get richer by privatizing the profits of globalization while socializing its costs on cities like Baltimore and its poorest citizens like Freddy Gray.

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