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According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?

And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.

Hillary was reprimanded for her security practices while Secretary of State as she should have been

Time to move on buddy

She needs to have clearances yanked like anyone else who did that long list of stupid, lazy, arrogant manuvuers for her personal convenience. The FBI can do that without any legal proceeding and they should. Because the millions of people who have HAD clearances know that is the minimum consequence for such blatant disregard for Nat. Security. She should NEVER have a TSSCI clearance ever again. Unless she is coronated. In which case, there will be a constant brawl between her and the security agencies. ALL of them.

I'm sure Hillary's email server will be carefully monitored once she becomes President

That will help ease your concerns

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Based on the last two reports it shows that baggage was empty
you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT....the damage is done.....the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats....

The meeting had no effect. She said she would take the judgment of the FBI. Nobody can control what tea people might think, but as usual they are wrong.
Are you stupid or just a moron?

The meeting had no effect, how do you know?

She is not the one who made the decision.
Really who does?

Didn't you see the man make that speech yesterday? He does.
And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.

Hillary was reprimanded for her security practices while Secretary of State as she should have been

Time to move on buddy

Right, let's move on and elect a person the FBI director said violated national security laws to the presidency. He also said any reasonable person would have known better than to have those conversations on insecure systems. So the FBI says she's not a reasonable person, who broke national security laws, yep, sounds like the perfect commiecrat candidate to me. I just wonder how you manage to type with all the spinning you're doing. The hildabitch and her supporters are just un-American assholes that have no concern for the rule of law or the security of this nation. I'm sure Carl Max would be very proud of you all.
No harm, no foul
No crime was more so than previous Secretary's of State

Liar, Comey said laws were broken, item were sent and received that had classified markings on them and her emails were likely compromised. Stop the spin and look at what he said.

Quote director Comey saying “laws were broken” please.

"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information...."

Comey Recommends No Charges in Clinton Email Probe - NBC News

That evidence should be presented to a grand jury and let them decide if charges are warranted, not career bureaucrats, that's why we have the grand jury system.
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Would you care to go over some of the details of what she actually accomplished while gaining this impressive resume? Or would you prefer to keep the discussion to job titles?
As opposed to who? Name a recent/current politician who has the resume you'd like to see in someone like Hillary and/or your candidate of choice.
So tell me Hilarybot dumbshits.....what's your candidate's plan to convince Sanders supporters to follow her? Oh wait, I remember now; she's been soliciting donations from former Bush, Rubio, and Cruz supporters......that ought to do it.
Most of Bernie's supporters are already supporting Hillary.

Poll: 1 in 4 Sanders supporters won't vote for Clinton

That's 75% in case you didn't know, IN support of Hillary, from Bernie's camp, before Bernie's officially out and/or endorsed Hillary.
There is nothing worse than going on a fishing expedition and coming back with nothing. But hey, they got some nice stories to tell I guess
They came back with the limit.

To all intelligent people, Hillary is proven beyond any doubt to be an incompetent liar.

Of course there are a lot of stupid and naive people out there who will vote for her anyways, so it will still be a close race.

That is why I advocate raising the voting age to at least 25 and requiring voters to do above average on an IQ test. That would decimate the Democratic party get rid of that evil entity.
Of course you advocate that...start your petition to create an
There is nothing worse than going on a fishing expedition and coming back with nothing. But hey, they got some nice stories to tell I guess
They came back with the limit.

To all intelligent people, Hillary is proven beyond any doubt to be an incompetent liar.

Of course there are a lot of stupid and naive people out there who will vote for her anyways, so it will still be a close race.

That is why I advocate raising the voting age to at least 25 and requiring voters to do above average on an IQ test. That would decimate the Democratic party get rid of that evil entity.

Coming from the party that thinks Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, tax cuts pay for themselves and evolution is a myth

The Party of Trump
Of course you are simply lying.

Most Democrats believe in ghosts and space aliens visiting Earth. They have trouble with reality. They also have trouble discerning science from science fiction.
Fascinating...tell us more...
According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


And the Libs here are celebrating a huge Hillary win for some reason...
Well they are the same ones who are boastful about a tremendous vibrant robust
Obama economy.....

The current economy has been very good to me and mine...sorry to hear you aren't making it.
According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?

And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.
Then...don't vote for her...problem solved.
The world of Republican politics comes crashing down as Trey Gowdy releases his long awaited Benghazi report and comes up with......nothing

Then, minutes ago, the FBI releases their investigation of Hillary's email server and recommends no prosecution

But look at the bright side still got Trump


Yes, they released their investigation and lo and behold the corrupt government won't indict their corruptocrat. All this proves is that YOU are a lesser human being than the political elite. The political party are superior creatures to us peons and this is now them telling it to your face. Enjoy the now certain decent into totalitarianism. You deserve the government you support.

I just hope you survive long enough to learn how catastrophic your support was.
"Survive long enough"...oh the Drama!
Well you have no problem speculating how innocent your hero is. That meeting sure brings up questions don't you think.

Kinda funny how Lynch said she would go with whatever the FBI recommended. Kinda sorta looks like she knew what they would recommend.

She is the AG after all. You should open your eyes and take a good look at the whole deal. I sure did.
Of course you took a good look at the whole deal. You took your time, examined all the facts and came to fair, unbiased, level-headed and non-partisan conclusion.
According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?

And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.
Then...don't vote for her...problem solved.

The real question is how can people ignore the evidence laid out by Comey? I guess regressivism is a mental disorder. Kind of like ignorerealityitus.
According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?

And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.

Hillary was reprimanded for her security practices while Secretary of State as she should have been

Time to move on buddy

She needs to have clearances yanked like anyone else who did that long list of stupid, lazy, arrogant manuvuers for her personal convenience. The FBI can do that without any legal proceeding and they should. Because the millions of people who have HAD clearances know that is the minimum consequence for such blatant disregard for Nat. Security. She should NEVER have a TSSCI clearance ever again. Unless she is coronated. In which case, there will be a constant brawl between her and the security agencies. ALL of them.

I'm sure Hillary's email server will be carefully monitored once she becomes President

That will help ease your concerns


She refused to use AUTHORIZED comm links. Did not want "the crap" in her highly secured office. Did her crackberry thing from a lower UNSECURED floor in State Dept. What makes you think she respects ANYTHING about securing national secrets??

90% of her of entire WORK for STATE was on that bastardized link she created for her arrogant convenience. It's a kick in the teeth for ANYONE who has carried or communicated Secure info. If I let a briefcase leave my hands with even SECRET info inside -- even to take a piss --- or have dinner with a sister-in-law in Chevy Chase, I would have been called on the carpet and that information would have been considered "compromised"..

You keep up the fanfare. The anger is raging..
Hillary was reprimanded for her security practices while Secretary of State as she should have been

Time to move on buddy

Right, let's move on and elect a person the FBI director said violated national security laws to the presidency. He also said any reasonable person would have known better than to have those conversations on insecure systems. So the FBI says she's not a reasonable person, who broke national security laws, yep, sounds like the perfect commiecrat candidate to me. I just wonder how you manage to type with all the spinning you're doing. The hildabitch and her supporters are just un-American assholes that have no concern for the rule of law or the security of this nation. I'm sure Carl Max would be very proud of you all.
No harm, no foul
No crime was more so than previous Secretary's of State

Liar, Comey said laws were broken, item were sent and received that had classified markings on them and her emails were likely compromised. Stop the spin and look at what he said.

Quote director Comey saying “laws were broken” please.

"Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information...."

Comey Recommends No Charges in Clinton Email Probe - NBC News

That evidence should be presented to a grand jury and let them decide if charges are warranted, not career bureaucrats, that's why we have the grand jury system.

So you can’t quote him saying it. Typical.
It's funny, all the little puzzle pieces of this tragic-comedy all seem to add up to different things to different people. To me, Hillary has bad case of HUBRIS. And she won't ever get my vote.
It's funny, all the little puzzle pieces of this tragic-comedy all seem to add up to different things to different people. To me, Hillary has bad case of HUBRIS. And she won't ever get my vote.

A bad case of HUBRIS?

Can Republicans prosecute off of that?
Hillary Clinton Email Investigation Brings No Charges: Attorney General Loretta Lynch

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said on Wednesday she had accepted the FBI’s recommendation that no charges should be brought in the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s personal email system.

“I received and accepted their unanimous recommendation that the thorough, year-long investigation be closed and that no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation,” Lynch said in a statement.

CASE CLOSED: No Charges For Clinton In Email Probe

BAM!!!!! It's over...

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