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you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT....the damage is done.....the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats....

The meeting had no effect. She said she would take the judgment of the FBI. Nobody can control what tea people might think, but as usual they are wrong.

Liar, Comey verified everything we've been saying, the lying bitch violated the law and lied to the American people about the whole thing. It's a big deal no matter what you idiots say.

That's it. Get it all out of your system. After a good cry you'll feel better.

Fuck off and die you unAmerican maggot.

Do you need a hug?

I get plenty thanks, they come from American patriots, not unAmerican maggots like you.
geezus CC are you that far gone?......this "But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid."....that is not even close to my point.....

Sure it is...You say that I should admit that people think she's protected so that means it should be taken as real.

Something that is real is dont have proof just begging.
geezus are you and bulldog that fucking dense?.....or am i right that only die hard lefties wont get this? you realize how many people,and not just righties,are looking at this as hillary,BECAUSE of who she being protected?...that has nothing to do if she is guilty or not,its how millions of people are looking at this because of the events that happened right before what the FBI had to say...IT DID NOT LOOK GOOD........take your head out clintons popo and you might see things differently....all this did is put more taint on her.....

Quit crying. They did not recommend charges be placed because they didn't find enough to gain a conviction. Most Dems will agree what she did was not a smart move, but they also don't believe it is worthy of sending her to prison. There just isn't much there. It's time to move on, because she is going to be the next president. Republicans better get used to the idea and start thinking about how they will work with her. Surprisingly, I think she will work better with Republicans than Barry has.
another one who cant grasp what im saying....take your head out auditor....everything you mentioned was something i never mentioned...

If you can't recognize that the FBI investigation was completely independent of the DOJ, then you should't be voting, but I do understand your point. Many clueless people will think "conspiracy" because they aren't intelligent enough to know better.
lots of people dont trust the govt or the rich and powerful has nothing to do how intelligent you many times have we seen rich people get off on something regular people would be fucked over ?...
According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?
its still yet another taint on her RW.....this whole thing was a very stupid thing for bill and lynch to do with the shit happening right now.....just more baggage on her already huge pile....just sayin.....

Based on the last two reports it shows that baggage was empty
you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT....the damage is done.....the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats....

The meeting had no effect. She said she would take the judgment of the FBI. Nobody can control what tea people might think, but as usual they are wrong.
Are you stupid or just a moron?

The meeting had no effect, how do you know?
The meeting had no effect. She said she would take the judgment of the FBI. Nobody can control what tea people might think, but as usual they are wrong.

Liar, Comey verified everything we've been saying, the lying bitch violated the law and lied to the American people about the whole thing. It's a big deal no matter what you idiots say.

That's it. Get it all out of your system. After a good cry you'll feel better.

Fuck off and die you unAmerican maggot.

Do you need a hug?

I get plenty thanks, they come from American patriots, not unAmerican maggots like you.

None of my business who you hug.
Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?
its still yet another taint on her RW.....this whole thing was a very stupid thing for bill and lynch to do with the shit happening right now.....just more baggage on her already huge pile....just sayin.....

Based on the last two reports it shows that baggage was empty
you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT....the damage is done.....the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats....

The meeting had no effect. She said she would take the judgment of the FBI. Nobody can control what tea people might think, but as usual they are wrong.
Are you stupid or just a moron?

The meeting had no effect, how do you know?

She is not the one who made the decision.
Liar, Comey verified everything we've been saying, the lying bitch violated the law and lied to the American people about the whole thing. It's a big deal no matter what you idiots say.

That's it. Get it all out of your system. After a good cry you'll feel better.

Fuck off and die you unAmerican maggot.

Do you need a hug?

I get plenty thanks, they come from American patriots, not unAmerican maggots like you.

None of my business who you hug.

See post #158
That's it. Get it all out of your system. After a good cry you'll feel better.

Fuck off and die you unAmerican maggot.

Do you need a hug?

I get plenty thanks, they come from American patriots, not unAmerican maggots like you.

None of my business who you hug.

See post #158

You're one of the most entertaining teabaggers here.
its still yet another taint on her RW.....this whole thing was a very stupid thing for bill and lynch to do with the shit happening right now.....just more baggage on her already huge pile....just sayin.....

Based on the last two reports it shows that baggage was empty
you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT....the damage is done.....the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats....

The meeting had no effect. She said she would take the judgment of the FBI. Nobody can control what tea people might think, but as usual they are wrong.
read my last sentence you see where you are....i can see the distrust this meeting brought out,you cant even say you can understand people seeing it that way.....i wonder why?....

Because he meeting had nothing to do with the FBI's decision.
and you know this how?

It really is very gratifying to know that Hilary Clinton isn't a criminal.....she's simply incompetent.
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its still yet another taint on her RW.....this whole thing was a very stupid thing for bill and lynch to do with the shit happening right now.....just more baggage on her already huge pile....just sayin.....

Based on the last two reports it shows that baggage was empty
you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT....the damage is done.....the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats....

The meeting had no effect. She said she would take the judgment of the FBI. Nobody can control what tea people might think, but as usual they are wrong.
Are you stupid or just a moron?

The meeting had no effect, how do you know?

She is not the one who made the decision.
Really who does?
A Hilarybot cheer........." What do we want".........."Change!"......."When do we want it"........."Eventually!"......

We are perfectly happy with maintaining the policies of Obama
Who's we? Which policies were those? There seem to be a whole lot of Democrats who don't agree. And Hilary has done absolutely nothing to win them over.
We the People who elected Obama
the same people who will overwhelmingly elect Hillary
Typical mindless Hilarybot response. Does it ever bother you that you can't think of any good reasons to support Hilary? It's obviously that you haven't really spent any time thinking about it.

I'm voting against Donald Trump.
A Hilarybot cheer........." What do we want".........."Change!"......."When do we want it"........."Eventually!"......

We are perfectly happy with maintaining the policies of Obama
Who's we? Which policies were those? There seem to be a whole lot of Democrats who don't agree. And Hilary has done absolutely nothing to win them over.
We the People who elected Obama
the same people who will overwhelmingly elect Hillary
Typical mindless Hilarybot response. Does it ever bother you that you can't think of any good reasons to support Hilary? It's obviously that you haven't really spent any time thinking about it.

I'm voting against Donald Trump.
Seems to be the one and only thing Hilary has going for her.
We are perfectly happy with maintaining the policies of Obama
Who's we? Which policies were those? There seem to be a whole lot of Democrats who don't agree. And Hilary has done absolutely nothing to win them over.
We the People who elected Obama
the same people who will overwhelmingly elect Hillary
Typical mindless Hilarybot response. Does it ever bother you that you can't think of any good reasons to support Hilary? It's obviously that you haven't really spent any time thinking about it.

I'm voting against Donald Trump.
Seems to be the one and only thing Hilary has going for her.

She was not my first choice, but I'll vote for her to keep Trump out. Yes, I certainly will.
Who's we? Which policies were those? There seem to be a whole lot of Democrats who don't agree. And Hilary has done absolutely nothing to win them over.
We the People who elected Obama
the same people who will overwhelmingly elect Hillary
Typical mindless Hilarybot response. Does it ever bother you that you can't think of any good reasons to support Hilary? It's obviously that you haven't really spent any time thinking about it.

I'm voting against Donald Trump.
Seems to be the one and only thing Hilary has going for her.

She was not my first choice, but I'll vote for her to keep Trump out. Yes, I certainly will.
So who is you preferred candidate?
Who's we? Which policies were those? There seem to be a whole lot of Democrats who don't agree. And Hilary has done absolutely nothing to win them over.
We the People who elected Obama
the same people who will overwhelmingly elect Hillary
Typical mindless Hilarybot response. Does it ever bother you that you can't think of any good reasons to support Hilary? It's obviously that you haven't really spent any time thinking about it.

I'm voting against Donald Trump.
Seems to be the one and only thing Hilary has going for her.

She was not my first choice, but I'll vote for her to keep Trump out. Yes, I certainly will.
I'll never vote for the lesser of two evils again. I'll vote out of principle or not at all. I predict the lowest voter turnout in Presidential election history.
We the People who elected Obama
the same people who will overwhelmingly elect Hillary
Typical mindless Hilarybot response. Does it ever bother you that you can't think of any good reasons to support Hilary? It's obviously that you haven't really spent any time thinking about it.

I'm voting against Donald Trump.
Seems to be the one and only thing Hilary has going for her.

She was not my first choice, but I'll vote for her to keep Trump out. Yes, I certainly will.
I'll never vote for the lesser of two evils again. I'll vote out of principle or not at all. I predict the lowest voter turnout in Presidential election history.

Lesser is less, and the only way to keep Trump out is to vote against him.
Who's we? Which policies were those? There seem to be a whole lot of Democrats who don't agree. And Hilary has done absolutely nothing to win them over.
We the People who elected Obama
the same people who will overwhelmingly elect Hillary
Typical mindless Hilarybot response. Does it ever bother you that you can't think of any good reasons to support Hilary? It's obviously that you haven't really spent any time thinking about it.

I have many reasons to elect Hillary. She is the most experienced candidate in the race with extensive experience in the Oval Office and in foreign policy. She will also promote Democratic objectives in the economy, education, healthcare and social services. She will name three and maybe four justices to the Supreme Court
But mostly, she will piss conservative Anerica off like no other
Appointments to the Federal courts – most importantly the Supreme Court – is the most compelling reason to vote for Clinton.

The last thing America needs, the last thing America wants, are reactionary conservative ideologues on the Court hostile to the privacy rights of women, the equal protection rights of gay Americans, the due process rights of those transgender, and the First Amendment rights of religious minorities.
.....and do nothing about any economic justice issues. She is the candidate of Wall Street and the Democrats are the new right wing. Hold up some petty social issues for distraction while destroying the middle class, increasing corporate control over our political process, and widening the scope of authority for the security state apparatus. Maybe we should thank Hilary Clinton for all she's done for the Forth Amendment too.

What do you think a Conservative SC is going to do to all those points you make...

Yes you may have prefered another candidate but your choice right now is Clinton or Trump...

Trump is grossly unqualified. Do you remember Bush? That what happens when you put someone in the white house who was uncapable to do the job...

Trump hasn't the ability to keep US out of more wars... His rhetoric about Muslims is just plain to see that... He alienates the moderate Muslims and plays right into extremists hands...
Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?

And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.

Hillary was reprimanded for her security practices while Secretary of State as she should have been

Time to move on buddy

Right, let's move on and elect a person the FBI director said violated national security laws to the presidency. He also said any reasonable person would have known better than to have those conversations on insecure systems. So the FBI says she's not a reasonable person, who broke national security laws, yep, sounds like the perfect commiecrat candidate to me. I just wonder how you manage to type with all the spinning you're doing. The hildabitch and her supporters are just un-American assholes that have no concern for the rule of law or the security of this nation. I'm sure Carl Max would be very proud of you all.
No harm, no foul
No crime was more so than previous Secretary's of State

Liar, Comey said laws were broken, item were sent and received that had classified markings on them and her emails were likely compromised. Stop the spin and look at what he said.

Quote director Comey saying “laws were broken” please.
The world of Republican politics comes crashing down as Trey Gowdy releases his long awaited Benghazi report and comes up with......nothing

Then, minutes ago, the FBI releases their investigation of Hillary's email server and recommends no prosecution

But look at the bright side still got Trump


Of course there will be no prosecution. Did you really think there was a chance of that??

Oh and gotta wonder what that little meeting between Bill and Lynch was about. Wanna take a few bets on the subject matter??

Really You are one blind fool.
You can SPECULATE from now to the cows come home, at this point, what difference does it make?

Well you have no problem speculating how innocent your hero is. That meeting sure brings up questions don't you think.

Kinda funny how Lynch said she would go with whatever the FBI recommended. Kinda sorta looks like she knew what they would recommend.

She is the AG after all. You should open your eyes and take a good look at the whole deal. I sure did.

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