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Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?
its still yet another taint on her RW.....this whole thing was a very stupid thing for bill and lynch to do with the shit happening right now.....just more baggage on her already huge pile....just sayin.....

Based on the last two reports it shows that baggage was empty
you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT....the damage is done.....the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats....

The meeting had no effect. She said she would take the judgment of the FBI. Nobody can control what tea people might think, but as usual they are wrong.

Liar, Comey verified everything we've been saying, the lying bitch violated the law and lied to the American people about the whole thing. It's a big deal no matter what you idiots say.

That's it. Get it all out of your system. After a good cry you'll feel better.
The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
like a broken muppet, sometimes a smack to the head solves all the problems. welcome back, polly.

And the far left drones continue prove their are irony impaired!

And you drones continue prove my point..

These drones do not understand that they are second class citizens to those they support.
continually prove or continue to prove.
they are etc.

but you are awesomely equipped for this board, being a parrot and all.

Says the irony impaired far left drone that enjoys being a second class citizen and political slave!

And they will always prove my point!
According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?

And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.

Hillary was reprimanded for her security practices while Secretary of State as she should have been

Time to move on buddy

She needs to have clearances yanked like anyone else who did that long list of stupid, lazy, arrogant manuvuers for her personal convenience. The FBI can do that without any legal proceeding and they should. Because the millions of people who have HAD clearances know that is the minimum consequence for such blatant disregard for Nat. Security. She should NEVER have a TSSCI clearance ever again. Unless she is coronated. In which case, there will be a constant brawl between her and the security agencies. ALL of them.
Oh I can admit there are people who think Hillary did something. But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid. I never watch Bigfoot hunters and go "Well, it must be a Bigfoot out there because they seem to really believe it" lol

Using the old..."Everyone who is smart can see it and I'm one of them" is the usual bullshit. Everyone can see you're a fool and only the stupid people cant see it.

Now does that statement mean you are stupid? According to you as soon as I said it its valid
geezus CC are you that far gone?......this "But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid."....that is not even close to my point.....

Sure it is...You say that I should admit that people think she's protected so that means it should be taken as real.

Something that is real is dont have proof just begging.
geezus are you and bulldog that fucking dense?.....or am i right that only die hard lefties wont get this? you realize how many people,and not just righties,are looking at this as hillary,BECAUSE of who she being protected?...that has nothing to do if she is guilty or not,its how millions of people are looking at this because of the events that happened right before what the FBI had to say...IT DID NOT LOOK GOOD........take your head out clintons popo and you might see things differently....all this did is put more taint on her.....

Quit crying. They did not recommend charges be placed because they didn't find enough to gain a conviction. Most Dems will agree what she did was not a smart move, but they also don't believe it is worthy of sending her to prison. There just isn't much there. It's time to move on, because she is going to be the next president. Republicans better get used to the idea and start thinking about how they will work with her. Surprisingly, I think she will work better with Republicans than Barry has.
another one who cant grasp what im saying....take your head out auditor....everything you mentioned was something i never mentioned...

If you can't recognize that the FBI investigation was completely independent of the DOJ, then you should't be voting, but I do understand your point. Many clueless people will think "conspiracy" because they aren't intelligent enough to know better.
According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


and? still not a crime.

poor babies.
According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?

And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.

Hillary was reprimanded for her security practices while Secretary of State as she should have been

Time to move on buddy

She needs to have clearances yanked like anyone else who did that long list of stupid, lazy, arrogant manuvuers for her personal convenience. The FBI can do that without any legal proceeding and they should. Because the millions of people who have HAD clearances know that is the minimum consequence for such blatant disregard for Nat. Security. She should NEVER have a TSSCI clearance ever again. Unless she is coronated. In which case, there will be a constant brawl between her and the security agencies. ALL of them.

that isn't happening. but no doubt the desperate right would like to see that.

want to talk about what *shoud* be?

trump should be indicted for paying off prosecutors in florida and texas to drop their investigations of his scams.
geezus CC are you that far gone?......this "But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid."....that is not even close to my point.....

Sure it is...You say that I should admit that people think she's protected so that means it should be taken as real.

Something that is real is dont have proof just begging.
geezus are you and bulldog that fucking dense?.....or am i right that only die hard lefties wont get this? you realize how many people,and not just righties,are looking at this as hillary,BECAUSE of who she being protected?...that has nothing to do if she is guilty or not,its how millions of people are looking at this because of the events that happened right before what the FBI had to say...IT DID NOT LOOK GOOD........take your head out clintons popo and you might see things differently....all this did is put more taint on her.....

Quit crying. They did not recommend charges be placed because they didn't find enough to gain a conviction. Most Dems will agree what she did was not a smart move, but they also don't believe it is worthy of sending her to prison. There just isn't much there. It's time to move on, because she is going to be the next president. Republicans better get used to the idea and start thinking about how they will work with her. Surprisingly, I think she will work better with Republicans than Barry has.
another one who cant grasp what im saying....take your head out auditor....everything you mentioned was something i never mentioned...

If you can't recognize that the FBI investigation was completely independent of the DOJ, then you should't be voting, but I do understand your point. Many clueless people will think "conspiracy" because they aren't intelligent enough to know better.
FYI the FBI is under the DOJ. So I'll vote. You shouldn't.
Sure it is...You say that I should admit that people think she's protected so that means it should be taken as real.

Something that is real is dont have proof just begging.
geezus are you and bulldog that fucking dense?.....or am i right that only die hard lefties wont get this? you realize how many people,and not just righties,are looking at this as hillary,BECAUSE of who she being protected?...that has nothing to do if she is guilty or not,its how millions of people are looking at this because of the events that happened right before what the FBI had to say...IT DID NOT LOOK GOOD........take your head out clintons popo and you might see things differently....all this did is put more taint on her.....

Quit crying. They did not recommend charges be placed because they didn't find enough to gain a conviction. Most Dems will agree what she did was not a smart move, but they also don't believe it is worthy of sending her to prison. There just isn't much there. It's time to move on, because she is going to be the next president. Republicans better get used to the idea and start thinking about how they will work with her. Surprisingly, I think she will work better with Republicans than Barry has.
another one who cant grasp what im saying....take your head out auditor....everything you mentioned was something i never mentioned...

If you can't recognize that the FBI investigation was completely independent of the DOJ, then you should't be voting, but I do understand your point. Many clueless people will think "conspiracy" because they aren't intelligent enough to know better.
FYI the FBI is under the DOJ. So I'll vote. You shouldn't.

So you are asserting that director Comey was ordered by Loretta Lynch to come to this determination and that the FBI investigation was compromised? Do you really believe that Comey came to this conclusion on his own without the help of others within the FBI? How stupid are you?
geezus are you and bulldog that fucking dense?.....or am i right that only die hard lefties wont get this? you realize how many people,and not just righties,are looking at this as hillary,BECAUSE of who she being protected?...that has nothing to do if she is guilty or not,its how millions of people are looking at this because of the events that happened right before what the FBI had to say...IT DID NOT LOOK GOOD........take your head out clintons popo and you might see things differently....all this did is put more taint on her.....

Quit crying. They did not recommend charges be placed because they didn't find enough to gain a conviction. Most Dems will agree what she did was not a smart move, but they also don't believe it is worthy of sending her to prison. There just isn't much there. It's time to move on, because she is going to be the next president. Republicans better get used to the idea and start thinking about how they will work with her. Surprisingly, I think she will work better with Republicans than Barry has.
another one who cant grasp what im saying....take your head out auditor....everything you mentioned was something i never mentioned...

If you can't recognize that the FBI investigation was completely independent of the DOJ, then you should't be voting, but I do understand your point. Many clueless people will think "conspiracy" because they aren't intelligent enough to know better.
FYI the FBI is under the DOJ. So I'll vote. You shouldn't.

So you are asserting that director Comey was ordered by Loretta Lynch to come to this determination and that the FBI investigation was compromised? Do you really believe that Comey came to this conclusion on his own without the help of others within the FBI? How stupid are you?
You're doing all the talking and everything I said was in reply your first statement you uneducated peckerhead. The rest of your diatribe is pure speculation and bullshit.
Quit crying. They did not recommend charges be placed because they didn't find enough to gain a conviction. Most Dems will agree what she did was not a smart move, but they also don't believe it is worthy of sending her to prison. There just isn't much there. It's time to move on, because she is going to be the next president. Republicans better get used to the idea and start thinking about how they will work with her. Surprisingly, I think she will work better with Republicans than Barry has.
another one who cant grasp what im saying....take your head out auditor....everything you mentioned was something i never mentioned...

If you can't recognize that the FBI investigation was completely independent of the DOJ, then you should't be voting, but I do understand your point. Many clueless people will think "conspiracy" because they aren't intelligent enough to know better.
FYI the FBI is under the DOJ. So I'll vote. You shouldn't.

So you are asserting that director Comey was ordered by Loretta Lynch to come to this determination and that the FBI investigation was compromised? Do you really believe that Comey came to this conclusion on his own without the help of others within the FBI? How stupid are you?
You're doing all the talking and everything I said was in reply your first statement you uneducated peckerhead. The rest of your diatribe is pure speculation and bullshit.

Oh, you called me a peckerhead. I'm so hurt. Go bite one.
another one who cant grasp what im saying....take your head out auditor....everything you mentioned was something i never mentioned...

If you can't recognize that the FBI investigation was completely independent of the DOJ, then you should't be voting, but I do understand your point. Many clueless people will think "conspiracy" because they aren't intelligent enough to know better.
FYI the FBI is under the DOJ. So I'll vote. You shouldn't.

So you are asserting that director Comey was ordered by Loretta Lynch to come to this determination and that the FBI investigation was compromised? Do you really believe that Comey came to this conclusion on his own without the help of others within the FBI? How stupid are you?
You're doing all the talking and everything I said was in reply your first statement you uneducated peckerhead. The rest of your diatribe is pure speculation and bullshit.

Oh, you called me a peckerhead. I'm so hurt. Go bite one.
Fuken sissy.
According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?

And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.

Hillary was reprimanded for her security practices while Secretary of State as she should have been

Time to move on buddy

Right, let's move on and elect a person the FBI director said violated national security laws to the presidency. He also said any reasonable person would have known better than to have those conversations on insecure systems. So the FBI says she's not a reasonable person, who broke national security laws, yep, sounds like the perfect commiecrat candidate to me. I just wonder how you manage to type with all the spinning you're doing. The hildabitch and her supporters are just un-American assholes that have no concern for the rule of law or the security of this nation. I'm sure Carl Max would be very proud of you all.
No harm, no foul
No crime was more so than previous Secretary's of State

Liar, Comey said laws were broken, item were sent and received that had classified markings on them and her emails were likely compromised. Stop the spin and look at what he said.
Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?

And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.

Hillary was reprimanded for her security practices while Secretary of State as she should have been

Time to move on buddy

Right, let's move on and elect a person the FBI director said violated national security laws to the presidency. He also said any reasonable person would have known better than to have those conversations on insecure systems. So the FBI says she's not a reasonable person, who broke national security laws, yep, sounds like the perfect commiecrat candidate to me. I just wonder how you manage to type with all the spinning you're doing. The hildabitch and her supporters are just un-American assholes that have no concern for the rule of law or the security of this nation. I'm sure Carl Max would be very proud of you all.
No harm, no foul
No crime was more so than previous Secretary's of State

Liar, Comey said laws were broken, item were sent and received that had classified markings on them and her emails were likely compromised. Stop the spin and look at what he said.
Left headed dolts won't read things because they're afraid of what they'll find and they don't want to shatter their illusions..
A Hilarybot cheer........." What do we want".........."Change!"......."When do we want it"........."Eventually!"......

We are perfectly happy with maintaining the policies of Obama

And I would have been perfectly happy if AF1 had crashed today on its way to NC and both those dirtbags were put in body bags. Everything the hildabitch said about her server was a lie.
Liberals have fucked up America beyond all repair. Stick a fork in her she's done


So The Bush Great Recession in 2008 was no concern to you. And the Republicans controlled the White House, Senate and House from 2003-2007. Why exactly didn't they 'save' the country when they had absolute power? 9/11 happened under Bush.

What calamity has been caused by the Democrats or happened while the Democrats held absolute power? Obamacare in 2009 that provided millions of humans with healthcare? What bizarro world do you live in?
The world of Republican politics comes crashing down as Trey Gowdy releases his long awaited Benghazi report and comes up with......nothing

Then, minutes ago, the FBI releases their investigation of Hillary's email server and recommends no prosecution

But look at the bright side still got Trump

Republicans have only themselves to blame.

Bullshit, Comey laid out everything needed for an indictment and then back peddled.
its still yet another taint on her RW.....this whole thing was a very stupid thing for bill and lynch to do with the shit happening right now.....just more baggage on her already huge pile....just sayin.....

Based on the last two reports it shows that baggage was empty
you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT....the damage is done.....the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats....

The meeting had no effect. She said she would take the judgment of the FBI. Nobody can control what tea people might think, but as usual they are wrong.

Liar, Comey verified everything we've been saying, the lying bitch violated the law and lied to the American people about the whole thing. It's a big deal no matter what you idiots say.

That's it. Get it all out of your system. After a good cry you'll feel better.

Fuck off and die you unAmerican maggot.
Based on the last two reports it shows that baggage was empty
you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT....the damage is done.....the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats....

The meeting had no effect. She said she would take the judgment of the FBI. Nobody can control what tea people might think, but as usual they are wrong.

Liar, Comey verified everything we've been saying, the lying bitch violated the law and lied to the American people about the whole thing. It's a big deal no matter what you idiots say.

That's it. Get it all out of your system. After a good cry you'll feel better.

Fuck off and die you unAmerican maggot.

Do you need a hug?
And you still ignore the fact that the FBI report proves the hildabitch absolutely lied about the handling of classified information and there was evidence that laws were broken. Given just these facts she should never be allowed to have access to classified information. She's too fucking stupid not to be extremely careless with it. Anyone else would immediately have their clearance revoked. But hey, feel free to excuse lawless behavior of your royalty.

Hillary was reprimanded for her security practices while Secretary of State as she should have been

Time to move on buddy

Right, let's move on and elect a person the FBI director said violated national security laws to the presidency. He also said any reasonable person would have known better than to have those conversations on insecure systems. So the FBI says she's not a reasonable person, who broke national security laws, yep, sounds like the perfect commiecrat candidate to me. I just wonder how you manage to type with all the spinning you're doing. The hildabitch and her supporters are just un-American assholes that have no concern for the rule of law or the security of this nation. I'm sure Carl Max would be very proud of you all.
No harm, no foul
No crime was more so than previous Secretary's of State

Liar, Comey said laws were broken, item were sent and received that had classified markings on them and her emails were likely compromised. Stop the spin and look at what he said.
Left headed dolts won't read things because they're afraid of what they'll find and they don't want to shatter their illusions..

No shattered illusions. She could shit on the hood of your car, and still be better for the country than trump could possibly be.

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