Ban air conditioners in public places and offices

In the southeast, the heat and humidity can be hazardous to your health.

And the idea of working in an office with no air conditioning, in Atlanta, is pure hell. I doubt many people would wear business attire, even business casual, if the temps in the office were in the high 80s or in the 90s. I am not going to sweat my ass off because someone in a cooler climate thinks it is a good idea.
There are dehumidifiers to combat moisture. And besides, the fucking greenpeace are to blame, because burning coal, gas and oil products reduces humidity. Humidity is the same problem as A/C. And the very cooling of the air only exacerbates this.
no one gets sick from horse shit. There is no evidence that people on ranches and horse farms are sick people, on the contrary, they are healthy. Perhaps horse manure is healing. The biggest problems from dog shit.
/———/ You have no idea what you are talking about. No farm has 100,000 horses. Here is just one source.

“It was estimated that New York City in 1900 had 100,000 horses producing 2.5-million pounds of horse manure every day. Horse carcasses rotted in the streets.

Image result for george waring new york city streets

The public suffered severely from epidemics that included three massive contagious diseases: cholera, typhus and influenza. These infectious diseases were often fatal or left its victim weakened in their defense against other diseases. The main cause of these illnesses was attributed to the poor sanitation
A/C extracts heat from the air and also produces water as a by product ducted off to the ground. Since water droplets are not transferred to the ducting, the transmission of droplets containing viruses is nominal in AC systems. Evaporative cooking is more likely to transmit viral content in the form of water droplets.
In fact, moisture always tends to cold places. No matter how much moisture is removed to the ground, it still comes from hotter air. Therefore, there is always condensation on cold pipes. And then it evaporates from the ground. Therefore, air conditioners exacerbate the moisture on the surface of the earth.
/———/ You have no idea what you are talking about. No farm has 100,000 horses. Here is just one source.

“It was estimated that New York City in 1900 had 100,000 horses producing 2.5-million pounds of horse manure every day. Horse carcasses rotted in the streets.

Image result for george waring new york city streets

The public suffered severely from epidemics that included three massive contagious diseases: cholera, typhus and influenza. These infectious diseases were often fatal or left its victim weakened in their defense against other diseases. The main cause of these illnesses was attributed to the poor sanitation
this is a political lie. If the horses died and excreted cadaveric poison, then this could be, but in general there is no harm. The cowboys look healthier than the rest of the men.
this is a political lie. If the horses died and excreted cadaveric poison, then this could be, but in general there is no harm. The cowboys look healthier than the rest of the men.
More of your fixation with cowboys. They work in large open areas. Not at all like the cities in question.
More of your fixation with cowboys. They work in large open areas. Not at all like the cities in question.
Сowboys don't disdain horseshit, they clean stables, and they are healthy men, and Trump, who does not come into contact with horseshit, has a dull head, a fat ass, a yellow face and poor health. He probably spends all his profits on drugs so as not to die from metabolic syndrome.
There are dehumidifiers to combat moisture. And besides, the fucking greenpeace are to blame, because burning coal, gas and oil products reduces humidity. Humidity is the same problem as A/C. And the very cooling of the air only exacerbates this.

A/C removes much of the moisture from the air. And a dehumidifier and a fan can help, if the temps aren't high and don't stay high.

But in the southeast, the temps hit 95 to 100 degrees, with high humidity. And at night you're lucky if it cools down to 80 or 85.

Nobody is working in an office in those temps. I don't need a wet dress shirt clinging to me while I try to do my job.
Сowboys don't disdain horseshit, they clean stables, and they are healthy men, and Trump, who does not come into contact with horseshit, has a dull head, a fat ass, a yellow face and poor health. He probably spends all his profits on drugs so as not to die from metabolic syndrome.

You don't know a damn thing about cowboys. Yes, the stables have to be cleaned. That job is given to the lowest cowboy on the ranch.
A/C removes much of the moisture from the air. And a dehumidifier and a fan can help, if the temps aren't high and don't stay high.
No, and I said why. Cold air sucks moisture from warm air, cretin. The closer the cold place, the more moisture. Therefore, swamps form in the shade of forests.
No, and I said why. Cold air sucks moisture from warm air, cretin. The closer the cold place, the more moisture. Therefore, swamps form in the shade of forests.

And in the case of A/C the moisture is released outside, moron.
If you think you're healthier than a cowboy, do what they do and prove to us that you can do it better, weakling.

Did I say I was healthier than a cowboy?

And, once again you dodge the topic. Are you talking about working cowboys or rodeo cowboys?

Personally, if a 1,500 lb animal doesn't want me to ride him, I will save us both the trouble and not get on his back. Bull riding is the most worthless of skills for a cowboy.

But feel free to let me know the name of any 62 year old cowboys who still ride bulls or bust broncs. I was going to ask if you knew any, but you don't actually KNOW any cowboys beyond the actors who portrayed them in the movies.

Now, if you would like to get back to your claim that cowboys don't disdain horseshit......
this is a political lie. If the horses died and excreted cadaveric poison, then this could be, but in general there is no harm. The cowboys look healthier than the rest of the men.
/——-/ What part is a lie? Dead horses left in the street like in the photo, or NYC had 100,000 horses leaving 2.5 tons of manure and piss in the street everyday? You know there are plenary of other sources to back this up, and you offer both other than I’ll informed opinion.
In fact, moisture always tends to cold places. No matter how much moisture is removed to the ground, it still comes from hotter air. Therefore, there is always condensation on cold pipes. And then it evaporates from the ground. Therefore, air conditioners exacerbate the moisture on the surface of the earth.
Wow. You should abide by the adage about not continuing to dig when you are in a hole.
What kind of brainwashing is taking place in schools that produce radicals like you?

Air conditioning is a blessing to modern man just as fire was to ancient humans

Fire was given to us by the Neanderthal ... and it wasn't in school, it was NPR ... and it's not brainwashing to kill your radio ... sometimes I think I listen to that damn liberal puke just to get pissed enough to beat my radio with a baseball bat ...

Would you burn pressure-treated wood and let some kids breath the smoke? ... of course not, you're very very careful with fire ... anybody who has been burnt is going to be careful ... most landlords have one rental unit burn down during their careers ... so I think we can agree that fire is quite useful but is very dangerous ... it's a blessing but it comes with a price ... your home can burn down if you're not super careful ...

Is your A/C as useful? ... and what do roofers do in Las Vegas during summer? ... keep warm by the fire? ... a wood fire? ... a carbon-neutral nature-loving ecological-beneficial fire ... the only thing your A/C does is kill birds, slice up fish and MURDER BAMBI'S MOTHER !!! ...
Okay but putting a humidifer and fan blowing over an open deep freezer packed with ice in every room will probably hurt the environment more than my one AC unit will. Just a theory. I will redneck that shit if I have to.
In fact, moisture always tends to cold places. No matter how much moisture is removed to the ground, it still comes from hotter air. Therefore, there is always condensation on cold pipes. And then it evaporates from the ground. Therefore, air conditioners exacerbate the moisture on the surface of the earth.
Not what I was talking about.
Fire was given to us by the Neanderthal ... and it wasn't in school, it was NPR ... and it's not brainwashing to kill your radio ... sometimes I think I listen to that damn liberal puke just to get pissed enough to beat my radio with a baseball bat ...

Would you burn pressure-treated wood and let some kids breath the smoke? ... of course not, you're very very careful with fire ... anybody who has been burnt is going to be careful ... most landlords have one rental unit burn down during their careers ... so I think we can agree that fire is quite useful but is very dangerous ... it's a blessing but it comes with a price ... your home can burn down if you're not super careful ...

Is your A/C as useful? ... and what do roofers do in Las Vegas during summer? ... keep warm by the fire? ... a wood fire? ... a carbon-neutral nature-loving ecological-beneficial fire ... the only thing your A/C does is kill birds, slice up fish and MURDER BAMBI'S MOTHER !!! ...
I am trying blend that weird collection of words and thoughts into something I can make sense of

Such as roofers in las vegas building fires in the summer TO KEEP WARM

Then you tell air conditioning is bad because all it does is kill birds, fish and “slice up Bambi’s mother”

And its why I say you arent making any sense
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I am trying blend that weird collection of words and thoughts into something I can make sense of

Such as roofers in las vegas building fires in the summer TO KEEP WARM

Then you tell air conditioning is bad because all it does is kill birds, fish and “slice up Bambi’s mother”

And its why I say you arent making any sense

You're proud you run your A/C ... brag about it over the internet ... so there's a lot you don't understand ...
You're proud you run your A/C ... brag about it over the internet ... so there's a lot you don't understand ...
I understand that hating a/c is just the tip of liberal mental disorder that seems to infect a growing number of people

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