Ban all guns?

Efforts to derail this thread and obfuscate the LIE which has been posted by NRA fellow travelers and others whose gun is more important than the lives of children is duly noted.

That was funny.

You lie, and complain when no one believes you,
You Betcha, as so many on this message board have claimed is the attempt by 'liberals' and The POTUS. Seems as is the case on most on all issues, the far right fringe is lying again. Over 2,200 firearms will remain legal if the Congress has the guts to pass responsible gun control/regulations.

Latest try at new assault weapons ban would exempt more than 2,200 specific firearms - The Washington Post

Actually, this latest attempt by the (D)'s is only the next steps in subjugating a people that once considered itself the "land of the free and the home of the brave". The goal of the elitist, regardless of what initial follows their name today, is to eliminate the threat they perceive from people they believe beneath them. Now which "party" finally breaks through and snatches away the 2nd Amendment is still yet to be determined.

Two parties... one philosophy... control of the people.

When, er if, you guys figure that out, we might just have a chance to save this once great nation.

I can seperate real world anger as opposed to online anger created by some nimrod such as yourself.
And comparing gun rights people to NK and Iran, two places were ALL legal weapons are controlled by the state is about as idiotic as you can get.

I dont CARE that 2200 types of guns will still be legal, I CARE that you are trying to ban semi automatic rifles that "look scary" based on the assumption that restricting law abiding gun owners will somehow miraculously make criminals stop breaking the law. The same applies to the idiotic magazine bans, considering the people who have recently used them to commit massacres 1) had his jam and forced him to go a secondary weapon and 2) had 15 minutes of unitterupted time to commit his massacre, thus making the point of a 5 10 30 or 100 round magazine moot.

Your second paragraph suggests you are too angry to read within context (feel good about that, your not as dumb as TN or Redbone).

I don't care that you don't care. Get it? BTW, all guns look scary when pointed directly at oneself.

The point of the thread was to expose the BIG LIE; it's unfortunate your emotions control you and retard your ability to respond with sagacity.

There is no big lie. The contention of gun rights people is that this is the first step towards further bans. What will happen is you will get your new shiny worthless gun control legislation, and then instead of reaching the proper conlcusion, that the laws don't work, you will next go with "well now we have to ban gun types X,Y and Z... THEN gun control will work, we promise!!!!"

My concern has always been the creation of two classes of citizens, one with rights, and one without. That is where my concern over police having access to weapons other cilvilans don't have comes from.

Also accusing someone's response as being soley based on emotion is the same copout as saying said person, "just doesnt UNDERSTAND" what the REAL concept is. Its the same typical progressive inability to fathom someones opposite opinion of something can be based on reasoning.

You didn't and don't understand. The thread is about the BIG LIE.
You Betcha, as so many on this message board have claimed is the attempt by 'liberals' and The POTUS. Seems as is the case on most on all issues, the far right fringe is lying again. Over 2,200 firearms will remain legal if the Congress has the guts to pass responsible gun control/regulations.

Latest try at new assault weapons ban would exempt more than 2,200 specific firearms - The Washington Post

You expect me to trust the government because you are stupid?

My being stupid or not stupid has no impact on you. Your paranoia is your own.
Who, on this thread and on this forum generally, truly believes that gun bans, or restrictions, will fail to skew the firearms balance in favour of the criminal ?

Are criminals going to be so 'law abiding' that they'll never consider getting illegal weapons ?

The tougher it becomes to qualify for legal gun ownership, so the tougher it'll become for the ordinary citizen to exercise control over his or her capacity for personal defence.

I come from a society that has some of the toughest gun laws on the planet .. and one where there is NO 'right to bear arms'. The result is that the criminal wins. And we've become a people almost totally dependent on our Authorities for our OWN means of defence.

Unfortunately, I haven't posted enough posts, yet, to qualify for being able to post Internet links to pages. So I just have to recommend that anyone reading this will do some research on 'Tony Martin', a farmer in the UK who suffered enormously just because he defended his farm from burglary with a shotgun.

See from that case what living in an 'anti' gun culture can lead to.

[Perhaps I'll come back to this thread at a later date and post it -]
Efforts to derail this thread and obfuscate the LIE...
There's no lie - the Obama and His ilk seek to ban rifles, shotguns and handguns.
Any reading of any version of their proposals for a new AWB will verify this.

I agree. One set of bans will lead to further bans. Obama and his Left-wing cronies are doing what Left-wingers typically do, namely, do all possible to de-arm law-abiding citizens, so that these citizens become increasingly dependent on State-run authorities for their defence.

Left wing agendas are all about de-empowering the individual, and empowering centralised authority. I believe that Obama's determination to force gun controls through are just part of his strategy to enforce, over time, an increased dependency culture on all Americans.
You Betcha, as so many on this message board have claimed is the attempt by 'liberals' and The POTUS. Seems as is the case on most on all issues, the far right fringe is lying again. Over 2,200 firearms will remain legal if the Congress has the guts to pass responsible gun control/regulations.

Latest try at new assault weapons ban would exempt more than 2,200 specific firearms - The Washington Post

You expect me to trust the government because you are stupid?

My being stupid or not stupid has no impact on you. Your paranoia is your own.

Did you actually read the law before trying to point out how paranoid other people are, or are you simply trying to prove you are intelligent by quoting other people? Her law bans all rifles that have a detachable magazine and one or more of six features. One of these features is a grip, or anything which can function as a grip. In other words, it bans any rifle with a detachable magazine that you can hold.

I repeat, do you expect me to trust the government just because you are stupid?
Efforts to derail this thread and obfuscate the LIE which has been posted by NRA fellow travelers and others whose gun is more important than the lives of children is duly noted.

That was funny.

You lie, and complain when no one believes you,

Really? Thanks for sharing. To bad I don't care what you post or write. Stating that some on this board have discounted the victims at Sandy Hook is untrue makes you the liar. It's too bad you confuse complaining with a statement the facts.
You expect me to trust the government because you are stupid?

My being stupid or not stupid has no impact on you. Your paranoia is your own.

Did you actually read the law before trying to point out how paranoid other people are, or are you simply trying to prove you are intelligent by quoting other people? Her law bans all rifles that have a detachable magazine and one or more of six features. One of these features is a grip, or anything which can function as a grip. In other words, it bans any rifle with a detachable magazine that you can hold.

I repeat, do you expect me to trust the government just because you are stupid?

Pistol grips and magazines which hold more than nine rounds, if I recall correctly. The point is plenty of guns with both will remain in the public domain, so paranoid little guys can feel safe.

You sure like to use the word stupid; Tourette's syndrome or immaturity and poor social skills?
My being stupid or not stupid has no impact on you. Your paranoia is your own.

Did you actually read the law before trying to point out how paranoid other people are, or are you simply trying to prove you are intelligent by quoting other people? Her law bans all rifles that have a detachable magazine and one or more of six features. One of these features is a grip, or anything which can function as a grip. In other words, it bans any rifle with a detachable magazine that you can hold.

I repeat, do you expect me to trust the government just because you are stupid?

Pistol grips and magazines which hold more than nine rounds, if I recall correctly. The point is plenty of guns with both will remain in the public domain...
Banning any gun that is protected under the 2nd amendment violates the 2nd regardless of how many guns remain unbannned.

Banning handguns violates the constitution, period. paranoid little guys can feel safe....
Wait.... gun-related violent crime is so bad that we need to ban guns, but not so bad that anyone that wants a gun for self-defense is paranoid?
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You expect me to trust the government because you are stupid?

My being stupid or not stupid has no impact on you. Your paranoia is your own.

Did you actually read the law before trying to point out how paranoid other people are, or are you simply trying to prove you are intelligent by quoting other people? Her law bans all rifles that have a detachable magazine and one or more of six features. One of these features is a grip, or anything which can function as a grip. In other words, it bans any rifle with a detachable magazine that you can hold.

I repeat, do you expect me to trust the government just because you are stupid?

How about that folks, we now have a Federal Government that is going to ALLOW you to have things...

I hope they ban abortions next, no one should be ALLOWED to have one since they KILL more children DAILY than guns do

Lets all call and suggest it to this fascist administration
My being stupid or not stupid has no impact on you. Your paranoia is your own.

Did you actually read the law before trying to point out how paranoid other people are, or are you simply trying to prove you are intelligent by quoting other people? Her law bans all rifles that have a detachable magazine and one or more of six features. One of these features is a grip, or anything which can function as a grip. In other words, it bans any rifle with a detachable magazine that you can hold.

I repeat, do you expect me to trust the government just because you are stupid?

Pistol grips and magazines which hold more than nine rounds, if I recall correctly. The point is plenty of guns with both will remain in the public domain, so paranoid little guys can feel safe.

You sure like to use the word stupid; Tourette's syndrome or immaturity and poor social skills?

You didn't read the bill, good to know. I suggest you take the time to read it before you comment again. It clearly bans rifles with detachable magazines and one other feature, including any way you can hold the rifle. It also bans magazines with a capacity of more than 9 rounds separately.

By the way, do you intend to answer my question, do you expect me to trust the government just because you are stupid?
My being stupid or not stupid has no impact on you. Your paranoia is your own.

Did you actually read the law before trying to point out how paranoid other people are, or are you simply trying to prove you are intelligent by quoting other people? Her law bans all rifles that have a detachable magazine and one or more of six features. One of these features is a grip, or anything which can function as a grip. In other words, it bans any rifle with a detachable magazine that you can hold.

I repeat, do you expect me to trust the government just because you are stupid?


So far the only person I have quoted in this thread is Dianne Feistein. If I was trying to prove how smart I am she would be the last person I would quote.
That particular law exempts police, retired police, government officials, government employees, and a lot of other people who are more privileged than the citizens.

Well, you'd never want to restrict people like Chris Dorner from getting weapons, just the peasants.

Dorner was fired, he was not a retired police officer. I can't speak to the other exceptions. IMO only active duty LE personnel should have legal access to high velocity high volume guns which are easily concealable.
That particular law exempts police, retired police, government officials, government employees, and a lot of other people who are more privileged than the citizens.

Well, you'd never want to restrict people like Chris Dorner from getting weapons, just the peasants.

Dorner was fired, he was not a retired police officer. I can't speak to the other exceptions. IMO only active duty LE personnel should have legal access to high velocity high volume guns which are easily concealable.

of course you liberals want to restrict what other have, it's the red in you
but talk about resticting abortions..all hell breaks loose
Did you actually read the law before trying to point out how paranoid other people are, or are you simply trying to prove you are intelligent by quoting other people? Her law bans all rifles that have a detachable magazine and one or more of six features. One of these features is a grip, or anything which can function as a grip. In other words, it bans any rifle with a detachable magazine that you can hold.

I repeat, do you expect me to trust the government just because you are stupid?


So far the only person I have quoted in this thread is Dianne Feistein. If I was trying to prove how smart I am she would be the last person I would quote.

It's Diane Feinstein; I suspect it would be a good idea to know something about those you choose to call stupid. Spelling their name properly is also a good idea under that circumstance.

Dianne Feinstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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