Ban Non-English Media in America

Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic. Thank you so much Saudi Arabia for paying Clinton to play by coming up with Common Core to indoctrinate our Julias from K-adulthood. You do know who Julia is don't you?
Now you understand the push for free colleges. Name some free colleges, if you don't mind....

Yeah, I heard about a Sharia Law kindergarten the other day.

Apparently you haven't heard of Little Liberal Julia, and how she got that way...
Nor can you name a free college.
Nor are you familiar with "Calligraphy class".
Or the elementary schools that are being built with pharmacies in them.
Or that 51% of the Muslims the UN is forcing on us want Sharia Law to be the law of the land. <Our land.
Educate yourself, before the Muslims educate your children by way of your ignorance.
Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead. Thank you so much Saudi Arabia for paying Clinton to play by coming up with Common Core to indoctrinate our Julias from K-adulthood. You do know who Julia is don't you?
Now you understand the push for free colleges. Name some free colleges, if you don't mind....
They have also been dressing the kids up in Muslim garb, and taking them on field trips to mosques. All part of and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood's plan to destroy America "from within" and transform it into an Islamic state, without firing a shot. Led by Huma Abedin (Hillary's right hand girl)
They have also been taking our kids to Iran to terrorist training camps and teaching them how to fire RPGs and manufacture IEDs.

Every American kid is assigned to make a pro-ISIS video for homework, too, or they get an F-minus.

Plus the kids have to GoFundMe an intercontinental nuclear missile for North Korea before they can receive their high school diploma (which is written in Arabic, of course).
Yeah, we are not going start banning foreign language media in this country just b/c it offends the tissue paper thin constitution of a bunch of whiners. Get over it, it don't. Either way you can't do shit about it.
All media in America (radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, public songs, etc) that are not in the English language should be banned. The USA should establish it self as an English-speaking country, with English as the official national language, and all others banned from the public scene..

Yeah- nothing says "I love America" like pissing on the Bill of Rights like you propose.
Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead.
Step away from the crack pipe and get yourself to a treatment center.

Aug 10, 2011 - Critics are upset that cursive writing classes are being kicked out of more schools ... Another critic fears adults in the years to come will write like children; Autograph ... Educators warn of negative effects of not teaching cursive ... including, "American Cursive Handwriting," which was released last month.

The Washington Post
Dec 18, 2015 - Calligraphy assignment or statement of Muslim faith? ... A Virginia county closed all of its schools Friday because of intense backlash over a class assignment about Islam, with some parents alleging that their children were being subjected ... the shahada, an Islamic declaration of faith, in Arabic calligraphy.

Step away from stupidity before it consumes you..
They have also been dressing the kids up in Muslim garb, and taking them on field trips to mosques. All part of and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood's plan to destroy America "from within" and transform it into an Islamic state, without firing a shot. Led by Huma Abedin (Hillary's right hand girl)
Don't forget that in the mosques they teach mainly Communist propaganda, including readings from the collective works of Karl Marx and Mao's Little Red Book.
All media in America (radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, public songs, etc) that are not in the English language should be banned. The USA should establish it self as an English-speaking country, with English as the official national language, and all others banned from the public scene..

Yeah- nothing says "I love America" like pissing on the Bill of Rights like you propose.

Apparently you don't get the people in France speaking French, or the Italians speaking Italian, or Americans speaking English... Rights and native tongues are not the same thing. I learned the tongue of the nation I live in so that I can participate in the nation to which I belong.
I have the right to speak whatever language I desire, N'est-ce pas? Get the difference?
This is the US message board. And low and behold, it is in English, not Arabic. go figure...
All media in America (radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, public songs, etc) that are not in the English language should be banned. The USA should establish it self as an English-speaking country, with English as the official national language, and all others banned from the public scene.

The rise of non-English media has been concurrent with rises in immigration from non-English speaking countries, including a large influx of illegal aliens. These illegals are counter to the interests of Americans in many ways. Yet, their presence here is being encouraged by having TV stations in Spanish and possibly other languages, numerous AM radio stations, and even PA systems in WalMart play unAmerican songs in Spanish.

All of this encourages people to come here illegally, and then not learn English once they're here.

There's no mystery to this. Democrats have been encouraging immigration (including illegal) for decades) and rely on the immigrants for votes. Instead, thus immigration should be DIScouraged, and what immigrants do come here (legally) should be encouraged to learn English and speak, as my mother's family did, when they arrived here in 1929.. They had no media for them in Danish. No voting ballots in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents likewise, learned English back in the 1890s. They had no Spanish newspapers or voting ballots in Spanish. They learned English. That is how it should be now too.

Good luck with that, Sparky.
Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead.
Step away from the crack pipe and get yourself to a treatment center.

Aug 10, 2011 - Critics are upset that cursive writing classes are being kicked out of more schools ... Another critic fears adults in the years to come will write like children; Autograph ... Educators warn of negative effects of not teaching cursive ... including, "American Cursive Handwriting," which was released last month.

The Washington Post
Dec 18, 2015 - Calligraphy assignment or statement of Muslim faith? ... A Virginia county closed all of its schools Friday because of intense backlash over a class assignment about Islam, with some parents alleging that their children were being subjected ... the shahada, an Islamic declaration of faith, in Arabic calligraphy.

Step away from stupidity before it consumes you..

Why should children learn cursive? You might as well teach them Morse Code. It's about as useful today.
They have also been dressing the kids up in Muslim garb, and taking them on field trips to mosques. All part of and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood's plan to destroy America "from within" and transform it into an Islamic state, without firing a shot. Led by Huma Abedin (Hillary's right hand girl)
Don't forget that in the mosques they teach mainly Communist propaganda, including readings from the collective works of Karl Marx and Mao's Little Red Book.

You know this how?
Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead. Thank you so much Saudi Arabia for paying Clinton to play by coming up with Common Core to indoctrinate our Julias from K-adulthood. You do know who Julia is don't you?
Now you understand the push for free colleges. Name some free colleges, if you don't mind....
They have also been dressing the kids up in Muslim garb, and taking them on field trips to mosques. All part of and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood's plan to destroy America "from within" and transform it into an Islamic state, without firing a shot. Led by Huma Abedin (Hillary's right hand girl)
They have also been taking our kids to Iran to terrorist training camps and teaching them how to fire RPGs and manufacture IEDs.

Every American kid is assigned to make a pro-ISIS video for homework, too, or they get an F-minus.

Plus the kids have to GoFundMe an intercontinental nuclear missile for North Korea before they can receive their high school diploma (which is written in Arabic, of course).

No need. Just import them to kill us here. "Stay and kill them where you are" is the Muslim dictate of late.
You are the stupid that they count on. "Calligraphy, what's that?" :eusa_doh:
Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead.
Step away from the crack pipe and get yourself to a treatment center.

Aug 10, 2011 - Critics are upset that cursive writing classes are being kicked out of more schools ... Another critic fears adults in the years to come will write like children; Autograph ... Educators warn of negative effects of not teaching cursive ... including, "American Cursive Handwriting," which was released last month.

The Washington Post
Dec 18, 2015 - Calligraphy assignment or statement of Muslim faith? ... A Virginia county closed all of its schools Friday because of intense backlash over a class assignment about Islam, with some parents alleging that their children were being subjected ... the shahada, an Islamic declaration of faith, in Arabic calligraphy.

Step away from stupidity before it consumes you..

Why should children learn cursive? You might as well teach them Morse Code. It's about as useful today.

So they can write when they grow up.
It's like suggesting that we not teach a child to walk because we make hover boards now......
They have also been dressing the kids up in Muslim garb, and taking them on field trips to mosques. All part of and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood's plan to destroy America "from within" and transform it into an Islamic state, without firing a shot. Led by Huma Abedin (Hillary's right hand girl)
Don't forget that in the mosques they teach mainly Communist propaganda, including readings from the collective works of Karl Marx and Mao's Little Red Book.

You know this how?
Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead.
Step away from the crack pipe and get yourself to a treatment center.

Aug 10, 2011 - Critics are upset that cursive writing classes are being kicked out of more schools ... Another critic fears adults in the years to come will write like children; Autograph ... Educators warn of negative effects of not teaching cursive ... including, "American Cursive Handwriting," which was released last month.

The Washington Post
Dec 18, 2015 - Calligraphy assignment or statement of Muslim faith? ... A Virginia county closed all of its schools Friday because of intense backlash over a class assignment about Islam, with some parents alleging that their children were being subjected ... the shahada, an Islamic declaration of faith, in Arabic calligraphy.

Step away from stupidity before it consumes you..

Why should children learn cursive? You might as well teach them Morse Code. It's about as useful today.

So they can write when they grow up.
It's like suggesting that we not teach a child to walk because we make hover boards now......

Write who for what? Why is cursive necessary? They learn to print fine, but seldom use it.
All media in America (radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, public songs, etc) that are not in the English language should be banned. The USA should establish it self as an English-speaking country, with English as the official national language, and all others banned from the public scene.

The rise of non-English media has been concurrent with rises in immigration from non-English speaking countries, including a large influx of illegal aliens. These illegals are counter to the interests of Americans in many ways. Yet, their presence here is being encouraged by having TV stations in Spanish and possibly other languages, numerous AM radio stations, and even PA systems in WalMart play unAmerican songs in Spanish.

All of this encourages people to come here illegally, and then not learn English once they're here.

There's no mystery to this. Democrats have been encouraging immigration (including illegal) for decades) and rely on the immigrants for votes. Instead, thus immigration should be DIScouraged, and what immigrants do come here (legally) should be encouraged to learn English and speak, as my mother's family did, when they arrived here in 1929.. They had no media for them in Danish. No voting ballots in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents likewise, learned English back in the 1890s. They had no Spanish newspapers or voting ballots in Spanish. They learned English. That is how it should be now too.
As long as Puerto Rico is an American possession and its citizens are American citizens, Spanish IS an American language.
They have also been dressing the kids up in Muslim garb, and taking them on field trips to mosques. All part of and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood's plan to destroy America "from within" and transform it into an Islamic state, without firing a shot. Led by Huma Abedin (Hillary's right hand girl)
Don't forget that in the mosques they teach mainly Communist propaganda, including readings from the collective works of Karl Marx and Mao's Little Red Book.

You know this how?

WTF was that? Some crazy woman ranting is not proof of the claim you made:

"Don't forget that in the mosques they teach mainly Communist propaganda, including readings from the collective works of Karl Marx and Mao's Little Red Book"
You know.............on my cable provider (Suddenlink in Amarillo TX), there are over 400 channels on the cable (200 regular and 200 HD), and out of those 400 channels, there are only about 5 or 8 Spanish channels on it.

Me? I have no problem with having only a few Spanish channels on my cable provider. Why? Sometimes I watch shows in Spanish to see if I can pick up on the conversations and try to teach myself a bit of Spanish.

Besides.................this country was built by immigrants.
immigrants that had enough respect to learn English.
I speak Spanish, but I refuse to when I'm in the country, When I travel to Puerto Rico to see my wifes side of the family, then I will speak Spanish, I'm in their country, It would be disrespectful for me to do anything else, but here? English or I don't have a damn clue what you are trying to say.
Get over it, morons. 1st generation immigrants learn enough English to get by. 2nd gen are usually fluent in both and by 3rd they're pretty much English only. Bilingual information isn't hurting you. Press 1 for English and find a fucking hobby.
Get over it, morons. 1st generation immigrants learn enough English to get by. 2nd gen are usually fluent in both and by 3rd they're pretty much English only. Bilingual information isn't hurting you. Press 1 for English and find a fucking hobby.
actually this bilingual bullshit is costing us plenty. just consider how much is wasted by the Government Printing office by having to publish all of their stuff in Spanish too. Or, all that extra signage in stores, or owners manuals for anything you buy.
Fuck the non English speakers, basic English is a requirement for citizenship, if the refuse to learn, that means they have no desire to become U.S citizens and should be quickly shown the door back to their own country.
First the English Enforce-ers will police the country. (If you hear someone speaking in public in language you can't understand call.....) Then the Grammar Cops will want a piece of the action. Then before you know it the Punctuation Pigs will be at your door.

Needless to say I completely disagree with that whole concept.

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