Ban Non-English Media in America

I've notice that Protectionist doesn't have any answers to my questions. He seems to be avoiding my posts because he's scared.

I'll ask again Protectionist....................YOU asked where in the Bill of Rights it says we have to be multicultural. Quick answer, it doesn't.


There is no place in the Bill of Rights where it says one way or the other. The founders intentionally left it open like that because they KNEW that there were going to be immigrants from other countries coming here. After all, THEY THEMSELVES in many cases, were immigrants as well.
Yeah, we are not going start banning foreign language media in this country just b/c it offends the tissue paper thin constitution of a bunch of whiners. Get over it, it don't. Either way you can't do shit about it.
The American people can do plenty about whatever they set their mind to. It's all a matter of getting rid of the wrong people in govt (Obama/Hillary/Kaine) and putting the right ones (Trump/Pence/Gingrich) in. And it's not a matter of "offends" It's simply a matter of you either have a NATION, or you have pizza with everything on it.

What you propose would require us to amend the Constitution.
You know, even when I was overseas and the cabbie didn't speak English, I was still able to get my point across and to my destination without much of an inflated price.

Matter of fact, the VA has doctors that are from other countries, and I've never had a problem talking to, or understanding them.

Never had a problem with any of the scenarios you outlined. Has this happened to you much, or are you just trying to scare people into being as bigoted as yourself?
1. You're are changing the subject. I have a primary care doctor in the VA who is from India, and she speaks better English than many Americans do. That's not the topic of this thread. The TOPIC here is the millions of immigrants (almost entirely illegal) who won't learn English), and are being assisted by media and other stuff in their native language - thereby helping them to steal millions of jobs from us, burglarize our economy - depriving US businesses of $133 Billion/year in lost sales, and raiding our treasuries for tax the tens of Billions also. + just deculturizing us of our American culture, by turning it into a multiculturalist MESS.

2. I was a Geography teacher in college, many years ago, and I instructed students on what a NATION is. If you had said in my class, the same idiotic thing >> "being as bigoted as yourself", as you just said here, I would have expelled you from the class, for being too much of an imbecile, that you could not understand simple concepts of Geography.
You know, even when I was overseas and the cabbie didn't speak English, I was still able to get my point across and to my destination without much of an inflated price.

Matter of fact, the VA has doctors that are from other countries, and I've never had a problem talking to, or understanding them.

Never had a problem with any of the scenarios you outlined. Has this happened to you much, or are you just trying to scare people into being as bigoted as yourself?
1. You're are changing the subject. I have a primary care doctor in the VA who is from India, and she speaks better English than many Americans do. That's not the topic of this thread. The TOPIC here is the millions of immigrants (almost entirely illegal) who won't learn English), and are being assisted by media and other stuff in their native language - thereby helping them to steal millions of jobs from us, burglarize our economy - depriving US businesses of $133 Billion/year in lost sales, and raiding our treasuries for tax the tens of Billions also. + just deculturizing us of our American culture, by turning it into a multiculturalist MESS.

2. I was a Geography teacher in college, many years ago, and I instructed students on what a NATION is. If you had said in my class, the same idiotic thing >> "being as bigoted as yourself", as you just said here, I would have expelled you from the class, for being too much of an imbecile, that you could not understand simple concepts of Geography.

What does your being a bigot have to do with teaching me Geography? I called you a bigot because of you idiotic first post, and stated many times where I disagree with you.

Interestingly enough............since you're a former Geography teacher and should know this............did you know that many nations (especially in Europe or Africa), have more than one language as the official language?
All media in America (radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, public songs, etc) that are not in the English language should be banned. The USA should establish it self as an English-speaking country, with English as the official national language, and all others banned from the public scene.

The rise of non-English media has been concurrent with rises in immigration from non-English speaking countries, including a large influx of illegal aliens. These illegals are counter to the interests of Americans in many ways. Yet, their presence here is being encouraged by having TV stations in Spanish and possibly other languages, numerous AM radio stations, and even PA systems in WalMart play unAmerican songs in Spanish.

All of this encourages people to come here illegally, and then not learn English once they're here.

There's no mystery to this. Democrats have been encouraging immigration (including illegal) for decades) and rely on the immigrants for votes. Instead, thus immigration should be DIScouraged, and what immigrants do come here (legally) should be encouraged to learn English and speak, as my mother's family did, when they arrived here in 1929.. They had no media for them in Danish. No voting ballots in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents likewise, learned English back in the 1890s. They had no Spanish newspapers or voting ballots in Spanish. They learned English. That is how it should be now too.

OMG! Why don't you introduce this to ANY country in Europe, the concept of one language only. What a total rube. Like a second grader except stupider.
You know, even when I was overseas and the cabbie didn't speak English, I was still able to get my point across and to my destination without much of an inflated price.

Matter of fact, the VA has doctors that are from other countries, and I've never had a problem talking to, or understanding them.

Never had a problem with any of the scenarios you outlined. Has this happened to you much, or are you just trying to scare people into being as bigoted as yourself?
1. You're are changing the subject. I have a primary care doctor in the VA who is from India, and she speaks better English than many Americans do. That's not the topic of this thread. The TOPIC here is the millions of immigrants (almost entirely illegal) who won't learn English), and are being assisted by media and other stuff in their native language - thereby helping them to steal millions of jobs from us, burglarize our economy - depriving US businesses of $133 Billion/year in lost sales, and raiding our treasuries for tax the tens of Billions also. + just deculturizing us of our American culture, by turning it into a multiculturalist MESS.

2. I was a Geography teacher in college, many years ago, and I instructed students on what a NATION is. If you had said in my class, the same idiotic thing >> "being as bigoted as yourself", as you just said here, I would have expelled you from the class, for being too much of an imbecile, that you could not understand simple concepts of Geography.

What does your being a bigot have to do with teaching me Geography? I called you a bigot because of you idiotic first post, and stated many times where I disagree with you.

Interestingly enough............since you're a former Geography teacher and should know this............did you know that many nations (especially in Europe or Africa), have more than one language as the official language?
A former geography teacher? Yeah, thankfully somebody fired his ass.
And yet this is the same kind of moron who fears globalization. Who fears one world order without knowing that he is promoting the very same thing.
Guess the point flew right over the top of your tiny little skull. G5000 was being sarcastic and trying to sound as paranoid as yourself.

You don't get sarcasm, satire, or humor, do you?
You mean he's as much of a multiculturalist idiot as you are ? Poor guy. Actually I often don't get the points coming from multiculturalist liberal looneytunes. Because my brain doesn't receive the looneytune channel, where looneybirds call simple essence of a NATION >> "paranoid"..."Marxism"....LOL.....and even resort to foul language...all over the definition of a NATION. And I sure would want my brain to receive that gobbledegook.
If the sarcasm was intelligent and was making a good point, it would have been understood.

I guess some people are Hillaryists. IE. They are GLOBALISTS, INTERNATIONALISTS, Open borders (or no borders) freaks. But the fact is the USA is a NATION. It was created that way, and there is no reason it should change from that - certainly not to facilitate the VESTED INTERESTS who profit in various ways, by stacking the US population with immigrants (legal; or illegal)
Hey Protectionist...............if you're so interested in making the US a one language nation, then why don't you get on it and start lobbying your congress critter? There is currently no law that states that America has ANY language as it's official language.

If you're scared to go national, then check into your state and see if they have an official language in their constitution, because I bet they don't. You can start at the state level and then take it national.

That is.................unless you're scared.....................
You know, even when I was overseas and the cabbie didn't speak English, I was still able to get my point across and to my destination without much of an inflated price.

Matter of fact, the VA has doctors that are from other countries, and I've never had a problem talking to, or understanding them.

Never had a problem with any of the scenarios you outlined. Has this happened to you much, or are you just trying to scare people into being as bigoted as yourself?
1. You're are changing the subject. I have a primary care doctor in the VA who is from India, and she speaks better English than many Americans do. That's not the topic of this thread. The TOPIC here is the millions of immigrants (almost entirely illegal) who won't learn English), and are being assisted by media and other stuff in their native language - thereby helping them to steal millions of jobs from us, burglarize our economy - depriving US businesses of $133 Billion/year in lost sales, and raiding our treasuries for tax the tens of Billions also. + just deculturizing us of our American culture, by turning it into a multiculturalist MESS.

2. I was a Geography teacher in college, many years ago, and I instructed students on what a NATION is. If you had said in my class, the same idiotic thing >> "being as bigoted as yourself", as you just said here, I would have expelled you from the class, for being too much of an imbecile, that you could not understand simple concepts of Geography.

Yeah, you taught at the kommunity kollege in your holler.
Hey Protectionist...............if you're so interested in making the US a one language nation, then why don't you get on it and start lobbying your congress critter? There is currently no law that states that America has ANY language as it's official language.

If you're scared to go national, then check into your state and see if they have an official language in their constitution, because I bet they don't. You can start at the state level and then take it national.

That is.................unless you're scared.....................

Like a bunny wabbit.
A former geography teacher? Yeah, thankfully somebody fired his ass.
Just make up things as you go along, huh? You could get a job in the Clinton campaign. Give them a call.

Hey, I take my cue from you and the other incredibly ignorant people who have no grasp of the freedoms and laws of this land.

Go find yourself a dictator and drop your trousers. You belong in some rat hole 3rd world country, not this one.

P.S. Hillary doesn't need my help. She's kicking ass even though she's got pneumonia and a shitload of emails on Wikileaks.
Get over it, morons. 1st generation immigrants learn enough English to get by. 2nd gen are usually fluent in both and by 3rd they're pretty much English only. Bilingual information isn't hurting you. Press 1 for English and find a fucking hobby.

First generation immigrants spoke English with no accent, and then taught English to their parents who spoke it with an accent.
Sorry to disappoint all you incapables, unawarables, but it's dinner time. I'll be back later to educate you some more, whether you cover yourselves in liberal loon shields or not. I'm not responsible for your indoctrinated insanities. I'm not getting paid to DEPROGRAM. I just happen to be among the undeniables. That's all. Your situation is >> NOT MY PROBLEM. :biggrin:

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