Ban Non-English Media in America

Where in the Constitution does it say government gets to dictate what language a fucking song is in? Feliz Navidad, mother fucker.
I told you where it is said, you dumbshit. In Webster's Dictionary. Some people need to be told twice. :slap:
I've notice that Protectionist doesn't have any answers to my questions. He seems to be avoiding my posts because he's scared.

I'll ask again Protectionist....................YOU asked where in the Bill of Rights it says we have to be multicultural. Quick answer, it doesn't.


There is no place in the Bill of Rights where it says one way or the other. The founders intentionally left it open like that because they KNEW that there were going to be immigrants from other countries coming here. After all, THEY THEMSELVES in many cases, were immigrants as well.
As I recall, I asked you my question first. You DODGED it, by asking this question.

Bu since you are incapable I'll cut you slack. It's in Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition, as I told you early on in the thread. So whatever's impeding your brain, you need to cut it loose. :rolleyes:
What you propose would require us to amend the Constitution.
Not at all. It would just be another law, like thousands of laws we have (don't need any change to the Constitution)
Hispanics are taking over whether you like it or not. I'm white of Irish descent and I don't even care.
What does your being a bigot have to do with teaching me Geography? I called you a bigot because of you idiotic first post, and stated many times where I disagree with you.

Interestingly enough............since you're a former Geography teacher and should know this............did you know that many nations (especially in Europe or Africa), have more than one language as the official language?
Of course I know that many nations have more than one language (like Canada)....which is why thay are not true nations, but rather each of them is a multiculturalist mish-mash.

As for you idiotic reliance on the bigot card, which you hide behind, when you know you've encountered a reality you don't like and can't change, .....NOT MY PROBLEM. :biggrin:

Here's some education for you (et al) >>

NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition)
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Until you call a cab and the driver goes 10 miles in the wrong direction, because he couldn't understand you. And then expects you to pay the inflated tab. Or the store clerk who can't bring your the item you're looking for, because he can't understand English. Or the ticket seller who puts you in a wrong seat. Or the ER doctor who treats your foot, when it's your hand that is injured. Or ......or.....or.....or....or.....or......

There's a REASON why NATIONS are of ONE language, one distinct culture. It didn't happen that way by accident. Young people who are growing up with multiculturalism being dumped on us, don't get it. It's just for VOTES, folks.....and some other VESTED INTERESTS.

You mean like Canada where they speak French and English, or Switzerland where they speak French and German, or Belgium where they speak Dutch and Flemish, or Great Britain where they speak English and Welsh, and Gaellic?
What does your being a bigot have to do with teaching me Geography? I called you a bigot because of you idiotic first post, and stated many times where I disagree with you.

Interestingly enough............since you're a former Geography teacher and should know this............did you know that many nations (especially in Europe or Africa), have more than one language as the official language?
Of course I know that many nations have more than one language (like Canada)....which is why thay are not true nations, but rather each of them is a multiculturalist mish-mash.

As for you idiotic reliance on the bigot card, which you hide behind, when you know you've encountered a reality you don't like and can't change, .....NOT MY PROBLEM. :biggrin:

Once again (since you;'re a slow learner) >>

No, he's calling you a bigot because you are one. There are certain freedoms in the Constitution which you're completely ignoring, like Freedom of Expression, which gives you the right to express yourself in any way, and therefore in any language that you so desire.

And for the record, all of the European countries where multiple languages are spoken have been real countries for far longer than the United States.
OMG! Why don't you introduce this to ANY country in Europe, the concept of one language only. What a total rube. Like a second grader except stupider.
It was the rule for every country in Europe, until they started getting stupid and allowed themselves to be overtaken by Muslim hordes. They're probably beyond repair at this point. But that's what happens when you let globalist idiots like Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, and Hillary Clinton to run your country.

Quite amazing the departure from reality that our youth have had instilled in them by leftist looneys in our degraded education system. (correction: our MISeducation sytem) Buy yourselves dictionaries, poor misguided kids. You simply don't know how miseducated you are >> multiculturalist loons.
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Donald is going to toss out the 1rst Amendment and free speech?
I don't answer idiot questions.
It isn't an idiot question, you are an idiot and don't have an answer. Free speech is self-explanatory. You are suggesting that speaking in a language other than the one you select, be illegal. Where in the Constitution does it say free speech is only free if it is in English?
And yet this is the same kind of moron who fears globalization. Who fears one world order without knowing that he is promoting the very same thing.
That's a good one. Advocating simple nationalism, with distinctive language for each nation is promoting a one world order ? Pheeeew!! (high-pitched whistle) :rolleyes:
Hey Protectionist...............if you're so interested in making the US a one language nation, then why don't you get on it and start lobbying your congress critter? There is currently no law that states that America has ANY language as it's official language.

If you're scared to go national, then check into your state and see if they have an official language in their constitution, because I bet they don't. You can start at the state level and then take it national.

That is.................unless you're scared.....................
What's there to be scared of ? :dunno: You contact your Congressman and ask for a ban on non-English media. I've been doing it since 1978.
WTF was that? Some crazy woman ranting is not proof of the claim you made:

"Don't forget that in the mosques they teach mainly Communist propaganda, including readings from the collective works of Karl Marx and Mao's Little Red Book"

To be fair though, I didn't get that idea from there, but from this crazy woman I visited a couple of years ago, who was a Tea Party supporter and had all these videos, including one with Obama saying something like "from now on nothing will be the same." Then a narrator talked, saying things to the effect that that means he is a Muslim, and a Communist, and the whole thing repeated over and over for more than 10 minutes. An attempt at brainwashing basically.

Now back to the actual topic, banning all other languages in the USA is a great idea, if you want Americans to be the dumbest nation on Earth. They'll never be able to understand anything but propaganda which is force fed to them, and will never be able to learn any foreign language because they will be too immersed in English.
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Hey, I take my cue from you and the other incredibly ignorant people who have no grasp of the freedoms and laws of this land.

Go find yourself a dictator and drop your trousers. You belong in some rat hole 3rd world country, not this one.

P.S. Hillary doesn't need my help. She's kicking ass even though she's got pneumonia and a shitload of emails on Wikileaks.
I belong in a 3rd world rathole because I told you about a universally accepted definition of something ? (NATION) So this is how far down the university fringe freaks have got you now, huh ? Hard to believe. But then when it comes to them and the distortion they dish out, noting much surprises me anymore.

EARTH TO THE CLUELESS, INDOCTRINATED: That a NATION is a community of people with a distinctive language and culture, is just a description of what a NATION is. Freedoms and laws are a relatively separate issue. In this case I call for a law, because people have been turning the county into a bastion of multiculturalism, to feed some special interests of theirs, at the expense of te nation as a whole, that's all.
Now back to the actual topic, banning all other languages in the USA is a great idea, if you want Americans to be the dumbest nation on Earth. They'll never be able to understand anything but propaganda which is force fed to them, and will never be able to learn any foreign language because they will be too immersed in English.
What need is there to learn a foreign language ? :dunno: It's like telling a banjo player he needs to learn how to play a fiddle. He doesn't.
Why, do you need a spelling lesson too?
The reason why is because you aren't accepting the definition of a NATION from the Websters New World College Dictionary, 4th ed., so one would tend to think you are being guided by some other dictionary which says something different. If that the case, then the question would be, what dictionary is that ? If you know of one, let's hear it.
It isn't an idiot question, you are an idiot and don't have an answer. Free speech is self-explanatory. You are suggesting that speaking in a language other than the one you select, be illegal. Where in the Constitution does it say free speech is only free if it is in English?
The Constitution says nothing about what language may be spoken in the USA. Nothing for or against. Thus, it is perfectly permissable to enact a law which would make English the official language, and have all speech be in English. It's not a Constitutional issue. You're an idiot.
Now back to the actual topic, banning all other languages in the USA is a great idea, if you want Americans to be the dumbest nation on Earth. They'll never be able to understand anything but propaganda which is force fed to them, and will never be able to learn any foreign language because they will be too immersed in English.
Who needs to learn a foreign language ? We have English. We need nothing else.

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