Ban Non-English Media in America

Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead.
Step away from the crack pipe and get yourself to a treatment center.

Aug 10, 2011 - Critics are upset that cursive writing classes are being kicked out of more schools ... Another critic fears adults in the years to come will write like children; Autograph ... Educators warn of negative effects of not teaching cursive ... including, "American Cursive Handwriting," which was released last month.

The Washington Post
Dec 18, 2015 - Calligraphy assignment or statement of Muslim faith? ... A Virginia county closed all of its schools Friday because of intense backlash over a class assignment about Islam, with some parents alleging that their children were being subjected ... the shahada, an Islamic declaration of faith, in Arabic calligraphy.

Step away from stupidity before it consumes you..

Why should children learn cursive? You might as well teach them Morse Code. It's about as useful today.

Cursive is a dying art- but it is still worth teaching and they still teach it in our school district.

Why? Why is it worth teaching? Why is cursive any more necessary than teaching Morse Code? Nobody writes anymore.
Nobody writes anymore? Are you kidding me? :)
When you were in school what did you do? ;)
Step away from the crack pipe and get yourself to a treatment center.

Aug 10, 2011 - Critics are upset that cursive writing classes are being kicked out of more schools ... Another critic fears adults in the years to come will write like children; Autograph ... Educators warn of negative effects of not teaching cursive ... including, "American Cursive Handwriting," which was released last month.

The Washington Post
Dec 18, 2015 - Calligraphy assignment or statement of Muslim faith? ... A Virginia county closed all of its schools Friday because of intense backlash over a class assignment about Islam, with some parents alleging that their children were being subjected ... the shahada, an Islamic declaration of faith, in Arabic calligraphy.

Step away from stupidity before it consumes you..

Why should children learn cursive? You might as well teach them Morse Code. It's about as useful today.

Cursive is a dying art- but it is still worth teaching and they still teach it in our school district.

Why? Why is it worth teaching? Why is cursive any more necessary than teaching Morse Code? Nobody writes anymore.
Nobody writes anymore? Are you kidding me? :)
When you were in school what did you do? ;)

I'm 51. We did not have computers or iphones when I was in school. I have two teenagers. They don't write. Everything is done on the computer. Homework exists in the cloud. It's a brave new world...that doesn't need cursive.
But writing is so beautiful!
you can't compare in a million years writing in cursive and using a computer! :)
I like use pens and sheets of paper!
Some people says many young boys and girls are semiliterate nowadays because they don't write with their own hands anymore :eusa_think:
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I'll listen to whatever language media I feel like. This is the united States of America. A beacon of freedom even if you want to make it an oppressive regime
But writing is so beautiful!
you can't compare in a million years writing in cursive and using a computer! :)
I like use pens and sheets of paper!
Some people says many young boys and girls are semiliterate nowadays because they don't write with your own hands anymore :eusa_think:

Paintings are so beautiful. Sculptures are so beautiful. Again...not things that need to be taught in schools. They still learn how to print, they simply don't learn cursive. And "some people" saying that not learning cursive is making kids illiterate, don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
I'll listen to whatever language media I feel like. This is the united States of America. A beacon of freedom even if you want to make it an oppressive regime

By the OP's fractured logic we'd also have to ban pizza and stromboli. They're Italian, not English.. As well as Pad Thai, curry, weiners and hamburgers, kielbasa and pierogies, borscht, hummus and tabbouleh and coffee and chocolate. Then we'd have to add those non-English native American plants like tomatoes and corn, and then there's all the African imports from yams and okra to the whole concept of fried chicken.

Ever try to live in English food? It's an oxymoron. That's why they became colonizers --- nothing interesting to eat at home and no imagination.
Ban Non-English Media in America

WHY? Sometimes watching / reading certain foreign media is the only way I can get what's REALLY going on in this country because of the massive biased media in this country. As Wikileaks has demonstrated, there are a LOT of media outlets and reporters 'in the tank' for Hillary this election, and just about every media site, newspaper, etc is biased one way or the other.
“Ban Non-English Media in America”

Such is the authoritarian right and the contempt most conservatives have for the First Amendment.

As has likely already been correctly noted, any measure seeking to ‘ban’ non-English speaking media would be struck down as un-Constitutional – not that most on the right care anything about the Constitution, of course.
FALSE! Establishing English as the national language and banning non-English, has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment (this is a common liberal tactic)

The 1st amendment has only to do with speech CONTENT, not speech FORM. :biggrin:

No charge for the tutoring.

Once again protectionist wants to violate the rights of Americans and proposes pissing on the Constitution.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

Telling an American that they cannot speak in German or print a newspaper in Spanish would be abridging freedom of speech and the press.

To anyone but a Constitution hating xenophobe.
Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead. ..

Thanks for the right wing nut job point of view.
There is no "point of view". There is only FACT. Nations are what they are due to a distinctive single language. That's is how and why they became a nation. You either have a nation or you don't. Globalists (like Democrats) don't WANT a single nation. They want to do away with borders, and they see the world map as not having national borderlines. They are apart from reality > deranged.

LOL- once again- no. God you are ignorant.

Now it is quite common for the majority in a nation to impose a national language- after the fact- and require everyone to learn the national language.

For example- France- France originally had a myriad of languages- most of them descended from Latin- long after the country of France was established, the uniform French language was forced upon all French citizens.

China is another example- China likes to say that Cantonese is a dialect of Mandarin- but a Cantonese speaker cannot understand Mandarin. Mandarin was imposed as a national language by the Communist Chinese. There are several major language groups in China and many more smaller groups.

Meanwhile- Switzerland has had 4 official languages for several hundred years.

Ignorance- thy name is protectionist.
Straw man fallacy.

Democrats do not ‘encourage’ immigration – illegal immigration in particular.

Democrats correctly understand that immigrants are among our greatest assets, and Democrats don’t have an unwarranted fear of immigration, as is not the case with most conservatives.

That immigrants who become citizens tend to vote Democratic comes as no surprise, given the baseless fear and hostility they encounter from the GOP.
NONSENSE!!! Everybody knows the Democratic party.

The voices in your head are not 'everyone'.
Apparently you don't understand the Constitution of the United States.

You have the right to speak whatever language you desire- and publish in whatever language you desire- in the United States. Protectionist- as always- wants to piss on the Constitution- by having government prohibit free speech and free press- in any language Protectionist objects to.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
This doesn't say you have the right to publish in non-English languages or in any language. An English only law has nothing to do with the Constitution. Nice try.

I really find it strange that anyone would ever want to have multiculturalism in their country. Millions of people running around together, unable to communicate with one another. Simply RIDICULOUS..

You are of course wrong about the Constitution- as you always are.

I am all in favor of everyone in the United States learning English- everyone should learn English here. But since I believe in the Constitution, i know it would be unconstitutional to tell someone that they can't print a book in Yiddish.
Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead. ..

Thanks for the right wing nut job point of view.
There is no "point of view". There is only FACT. Nations are what they are due to a distinctive single language. That's is how and why they became a nation. You either have a nation or you don't. Globalists (like Democrats) don't WANT a single nation. They want to do away with borders, and they see the world map as not having national borderlines. They are apart from reality > deranged.

Tell ya what Geography teacher, go and tell Canada, or most countries in Europe that they aren't countries because they recognize more than one official language.

They'll laugh you out of the country.

Did they ban one in favor of the other, like we are doing?
Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead. ..

Thanks for the right wing nut job point of view.
There is no "point of view". There is only FACT. Nations are what they are due to a distinctive single language. That's is how and why they became a nation. You either have a nation or you don't. Globalists (like Democrats) don't WANT a single nation. They want to do away with borders, and they see the world map as not having national borderlines. They are apart from reality > deranged.

China rated this post "funny".
Switzerland went with "hilarious". But they did it in four different languages.

When France stops teaching French to their children and instead teaches them Arabic, get back to me.
But writing is so beautiful!
you can't compare in a million years writing in cursive and using a computer! :)
I like use pens and sheets of paper!
Some people says many young boys and girls are semiliterate nowadays because they don't write with your own hands anymore :eusa_think:

Paintings are so beautiful. Sculptures are so beautiful. Again...not things that need to be taught in schools. They still learn how to print, they simply don't learn cursive. And "some people" saying that not learning cursive is making kids illiterate, don't know what the fuck they are talking about.

Wasn't it just one poster who made that ridiculous statement?

There is some argument that cursive is helpful for children's brain development. I've also read that it might help with dyslexia. It may not be any better than printing words, though. I don't have nearly the education to say one way or the other. I tend to think that other than signing your name, teaching cursive isn't all that important. :dunno:
All media in America (radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, public songs, etc) that are not in the English language should be banned. The USA should establish it self as an English-speaking country, with English as the official national language, and all others banned from the public scene.

The rise of non-English media has been concurrent with rises in immigration from non-English speaking countries, including a large influx of illegal aliens. These illegals are counter to the interests of Americans in many ways. Yet, their presence here is being encouraged by having TV stations in Spanish and possibly other languages, numerous AM radio stations, and even PA systems in WalMart play unAmerican songs in Spanish.

All of this encourages people to come here illegally, and then not learn English once they're here.

There's no mystery to this. Democrats have been encouraging immigration (including illegal) for decades) and rely on the immigrants for votes. Instead, thus immigration should be DIScouraged, and what immigrants do come here (legally) should be encouraged to learn English and speak, as my mother's family did, when they arrived here in 1929.. They had no media for them in Danish. No voting ballots in Danish for them. My paternal grandparents likewise, learned English back in the 1890s. They had no Spanish newspapers or voting ballots in Spanish. They learned English. That is how it should be now too.

That's fucking stupid.
This country has been made of immigrants since Columbus started cutting off Indians' hands when they failed to bring him gold. Newspapers in Polish. Menus in Chinese. Road signs in French. Here in Carolina we actually have some road signs in Cherokee. Go practice your linguistic genocide somewhere else.

Can you speak Danish?
NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th edition)

No charge for the tutoring. Same goes for all the airheads mentioning facism, bigotry, or whatever other off topic, and unrelated things they're babbling about.

Do you understand that having a language in common is not the same thing as mandating only a single language be used?

The US has a language in common, English. Even if not every person speaks it, the vast majority do and it is our common language.
Aug 10, 2011 - Critics are upset that cursive writing classes are being kicked out of more schools ... Another critic fears adults in the years to come will write like children; Autograph ... Educators warn of negative effects of not teaching cursive ... including, "American Cursive Handwriting," which was released last month.

The Washington Post
Dec 18, 2015 - Calligraphy assignment or statement of Muslim faith? ... A Virginia county closed all of its schools Friday because of intense backlash over a class assignment about Islam, with some parents alleging that their children were being subjected ... the shahada, an Islamic declaration of faith, in Arabic calligraphy.

Step away from stupidity before it consumes you..

Why should children learn cursive? You might as well teach them Morse Code. It's about as useful today.

Cursive is a dying art- but it is still worth teaching and they still teach it in our school district.

Why? Why is it worth teaching? Why is cursive any more necessary than teaching Morse Code? Nobody writes anymore.
Nobody writes anymore? Are you kidding me? :)
When you were in school what did you do? ;)

I'm 51. We did not have computers or iphones when I was in school. I have two teenagers. They don't write. Everything is done on the computer. Homework exists in the cloud. It's a brave new world...that doesn't need cursive.

We have hover boards now, we don't need to teach our children how to walk. It's a brave new world......:eusa_doh:
Why should children learn cursive? You might as well teach them Morse Code. It's about as useful today.

Cursive is a dying art- but it is still worth teaching and they still teach it in our school district.

Why? Why is it worth teaching? Why is cursive any more necessary than teaching Morse Code? Nobody writes anymore.
Nobody writes anymore? Are you kidding me? :)
When you were in school what did you do? ;)

I'm 51. We did not have computers or iphones when I was in school. I have two teenagers. They don't write. Everything is done on the computer. Homework exists in the cloud. It's a brave new world...that doesn't need cursive.

We have hover boards now, we don't need to teach our children how to walk. It's a brave new world......:eusa_doh:

There is a difference between not teaching cursive and not teaching writing. One can write without using cursive.
Not only is the Obama/Clinton cartel not going to ban foreign language in media, they have taken writing away from our children and are teaching them to read and write in Arabic instead. ..

Thanks for the right wing nut job point of view.
There is no "point of view". There is only FACT. Nations are what they are due to a distinctive single language. That's is how and why they became a nation. You either have a nation or you don't. Globalists (like Democrats) don't WANT a single nation. They want to do away with borders, and they see the world map as not having national borderlines. They are apart from reality > deranged.

Tell ya what Geography teacher, go and tell Canada, or most countries in Europe that they aren't countries because they recognize more than one official language.

They'll laugh you out of the country.

Did they ban one in favor of the other, like we are doing?

Which of course we are not doing.
Cursive is a dying art- but it is still worth teaching and they still teach it in our school district.

Why? Why is it worth teaching? Why is cursive any more necessary than teaching Morse Code? Nobody writes anymore.
Nobody writes anymore? Are you kidding me? :)
When you were in school what did you do? ;)

I'm 51. We did not have computers or iphones when I was in school. I have two teenagers. They don't write. Everything is done on the computer. Homework exists in the cloud. It's a brave new world...that doesn't need cursive.

We have hover boards now, we don't need to teach our children how to walk. It's a brave new world......:eusa_doh:

There is a difference between not teaching cursive and not teaching writing. One can write without using cursive.

  1. 1.
    written with the characters joined.
    "cursive script"
noun: cursive
  1. 1.
    cursive writing.

Absolutely, Muslim "calligraphy" < is writing. Sadly, our children don't live in Saudi Arabia. They live in the land that writes in cursive. Which is why it has been taught to us all these years. Common core not only came from Saudi Arabia, it includes religion in our class rooms. Our children can now write, Allah is the one true God, in Arabic. It has more to do with agenda than education.

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